Bill Gates' Newest Mission: Curing Alzheimer's


Dec 10, 2016
Bill Gates' newest mission: Curing Alzheimer's - CNN

“For Gates, the fight is personal. He is investing $50 million of his own money into the Dementia Discovery Fund, a private-public research partnership focused on some of the more novel ideas about what drives the brain disease, such as looking at a brain cell's immune system.”

“It's gone slower than we all would have hoped. A lot of failed drug trials," Gates told me. And he's right. Since 2002, there have been more than 400 Alzheimer drug trials run and yet no treatments. There are some drugs prescribed to help with cognitive symptoms such as memory loss or confusion but nothing that actually targets Alzheimer's.”

“Most of the focus in Alzheimer's research has been on tau and amyloid, what Gates likes to call "the mainstream." With his donation, Gates hopes to spur research into more novel ideas about the disease, like investigating the role of the glial cells that activate the immune system of the brain or how the energy lifespan of a cell may contribute to the disease.”



Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
All he has to do is read this forum. :emoji_peach:

Anybody have his email?


Mar 7, 2017
All he has to do is read this forum. :emoji_peach:

Anybody have his email?

Have you seen him lately?......only 62.



Mar 2, 2017
He looks as if he has it. Not wearing well at all. The whole laugh at these contrived individuals and consortiums is they believe they can take it with them. Like Steve jobs didn't give a penny to alleviate suffering just like Gates. What's the point of having all that money.. It confounds me.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
It's not a mystery. They are all members of an ancient secret society with a larger sinister purpose. They are given a role to play. The money is meaningless. They play their role and roll on the floor laughing at us everyday for being so gullible. They are in the club. We are not. That is their satisfsction.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
They play their role and roll on the floor laughing....
Had a friend say that to me tonight, they are all up there laughing at us cause we fell for their bag of tricks. Good news though, the bag of tricks is running out. :ss2 They got one last hurrah but that is gonna fail too. :date:


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
The Cavalry doesn't arrive until the final ragtag handful of survivors is surrounded and is on the verge of total elimination. That's when the trumpet sounds. Sorry for the bad news.
Dec 25, 2014
Had a friend say that to me tonight, they are all up there laughing at us cause we fell for their bag of tricks. Good news though, the bag of tricks is running out. :ss2 They got one last hurrah but that is gonna fail too. :date:

Says all this.

Supports Trump.



Sep 28, 2016
I don't think the rich are as collectively bad, or organized as many here seem to think. I'm sure there are some secret organizations out there but even the Bohemian Grove is just a bunch of rich guys having fun together away from the stresses of work. My step father has actually been there before because his best friend is a member and there didn't seem to be anything suspicious going on. In fact you were not allowed to talk about business at all. There is a reason the most wealthy still experience Alzheimer's, take fin, etc. Because they are as ignorant as the rest of us. The reason they hold the policial stances they do? Because they are stupid and powerful enough to be idealistic fools. The collective rich are not an organization. Now that said there are indeed groups of people and corporations that make ill decisions for their own good while others suffer (such as big pharma) and there are groups that attempt to control government and are quite sinister at times (CIA), but the collective rich are not an organization in the same way. Again I am not saying that the rich have not been involved in many conspiracies, just that it is taken out of proportion.


Feb 18, 2017
Have you seen him lately?......only 62.

From which one may surmise that, besides happiness, money also can't buy health. Nor even a decent haircut.


Oct 20, 2016
Back in the early tech days Microshaft was considered the "evil empire" vs the wonderful Apple. In retrospect I think Bill Gates tenure at MS is looking positively benevolent compared to the current generation of tech megalomaniacs.

Here is a recent quote from Sean Parker (ex Facebook CEO):

"Because I'm a billionaire, I'm going to have access to better healthcare,"
the entrepreneur said at an Axios event at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.
Parker continued:
"So ... I'm going to be like 160 and I'm going to be part of this, like, class of immortal overlords. [Laughter] Because, you know the [Warren Buffett] expression about compound interest. ... Give us billionaires an extra hundred years and you'll know what ... wealth disparity looks like."

On a bit of a tangent, I am surprised that forums like this and even RP's website itself are allowing themselves to indexed by G:emoji_eyes:gle. They are hoovering up global data at an ever increasing rate encouraging everyone to share, only to exploit this info to infiltrate every aspect of our lives at our expense.

Note that these same companies and their leaders hide all of there suspect behaviors in a shroud of secrecy.


Jun 1, 2016
Agree with @Constatine
From my observation: the problem with money heath wise is that you outsource it to others (best of the best but still). Thats how rich end up in Peter Attia’s and alike Longivity clinics. All rich ppl i know lack time for reading about and understanding their bodies, they hire best mds best performance coaches etc their money can buy (for example when you arrive to the gym in the area, Bill Gates lives, at 6 am, top managers are already leaving, so they’ve been there since 5 am, cuase tgeir work day starts early and ends late ). And rich get promisses, big ones, about DNA, and blood transfusions and that the immortality is just around the corner.
That’s why Sean Parker is so optimistic, its laughable really.
It used to be whole grains and vegetable oils, now its trendy low carb and butter.
@Don i cant care less for the guys haircut, it’s up to him to have one or not or whatever. All i see are brown lipofuscin spots on his face.
Bill Gates has a book club and releases a list of books he enjoyed reading the most every year, i got the impression that he gone vegetarian or even vegan maybe (not because of the Beyond Meat company, but because of the books he recommends). Rich get into the same diet traps others do.


Feb 18, 2017
Agree with @Constatine
From my observation: the problem with money heath wise is that you outsource it to others (best of the best but still). Thats how rich end up in Peter Attia’s and alike Longivity clinics. All rich ppl i know lack time for reading about and understanding their bodies, they hire best mds best performance coaches etc their money can buy (for example when you arrive to the gym in the area, Bill Gates lives, at 6 am, top managers are already leaving, so they’ve been there since 5 am, cuase tgeir work day starts early and ends late ). And rich get promisses, big ones, about DNA, and blood transfusions and that the immortality is just around the corner.
That’s why Sean Parker is so optimistic, its laughable really.
It used to be whole grains and vegetable oils, now its trendy low carb and butter.
@Don i cant care less for the guys haircut, it’s up to him to have one or not or whatever. All i see are brown lipofuscin spots on his face.
Bill Gates has a book club and releases a list of books he enjoyed reading the most every year, i got the impression that he gone vegetarian or even vegan maybe (not because of the Beyond Meat company, but because of the books he recommends). Rich get into the same diet traps others do.
Yeah I don't care about the hair either but I find it curious. It's always been just a mop on his head. Most people rich or poor make a bit of effort to improve their presentation but he could never be bothered. Einstein was another famously unconcerned wizard, but when he was young he was actually quite dapper. But as you say, his choice.

But I think you make an important point with respect to outsourcing their own health care. The rich must be as besotted with credentials as most of the rest of us. And that too seems odd. Gates made his billions by dropping out of Harvard and going his own way and yet the trust in authority remains. I certainly wouldn't trade RPF for all his access to "the finest medical care in the world".


Feb 18, 2017
Back in the early tech days Microshaft was considered the "evil empire" vs the wonderful Apple. In retrospect I think Bill Gates tenure at MS is looking positively benevolent compared to the current generation of tech megalomaniacs.

Here is a recent quote from Sean Parker (ex Facebook CEO):

"Because I'm a billionaire, I'm going to have access to better healthcare,"
the entrepreneur said at an Axios event at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.
Parker continued:
"So ... I'm going to be like 160 and I'm going to be part of this, like, class of immortal overlords. [Laughter] Because, you know the [Warren Buffett] expression about compound interest. ... Give us billionaires an extra hundred years and you'll know what ... wealth disparity looks like."

On a bit of a tangent, I am surprised that forums like this and even RP's website itself are allowing themselves to indexed by G:emoji_eyes:gle. They are hoovering up global data at an ever increasing rate encouraging everyone to share, only to exploit this info to infiltrate every aspect of our lives at our expense.

Note that these same companies and their leaders hide all of there suspect behaviors in a shroud of secrecy.
Parker also said, in that same interview, that Facebook is exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology, and "God only knows what it's doing to our children's brains."


Aug 17, 2016
I don't think the rich are as collectively bad, or organized as many here seem to think. I'm sure there are some secret organizations out there but even the Bohemian Grove is just a bunch of rich guys having fun together away from the stresses of work. My step father has actually been there before because his best friend is a member and there didn't seem to be anything suspicious going on. In fact you were not allowed to talk about business at all. There is a reason the most wealthy still experience Alzheimer's, take fin, etc. Because they are as ignorant as the rest of us. The reason they hold the policial stances they do? Because they are stupid and powerful enough to be idealistic fools. The collective rich are not an organization. Now that said there are indeed groups of people and corporations that make ill decisions for their own good while others suffer (such as big pharma) and there are groups that attempt to control government and are quite sinister at times (CIA), but the collective rich are not an organization in the same way. Again I am not saying that the rich have not been involved in many conspiracies, just that it is taken out of proportion.


Jun 1, 2016
Parker also said, in that same interview, that Facebook is exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology, and "God only knows what it's doing to our children's brains."

Disagree, im more on Gabor Mate’s side in a way that “alcohol is not addictive by itself”, because if it would everybody would get addicted. What im trying to say, ppl just get their fix using facebook as a tool.
Different ppl for different reasons: some seek connection, some validation, some try to escape their real everyday life and so on. And some use it as a simple tool for communication no more. I think @haidut posted how alcohol down regulates serotonin.
And kids life lack content: it should have started with a gentle birth, delayed cord clamping, skin to skin contact with the mother, baby carring, breastfeeding on demand, co sleeping, participating in adults life fist as observer, full of events and content and as simple as nourishment (nutrients wise).
What they get: sometimes violent birth, part if their blood taken from them (its crazy to think of that really, that they clamp the cord so fast!), poked and slapped, its all stress. Good if breatfed even then mothers are malnourished themselfves, stressed themselves. Lack of stimulation, no enriched environment in sight, stressed from the beginning on.
What to expect when kids grow older: they seek “feeling good” through various methods. Drugs, alcohol, porn, should we add obusing social media?
“Its not the alcohol that is addictive”, we (humans) are stressed and malnourished ( by that i mean not the lack of calories, although its also the case simetimes, but the lack of nutrients marco and micro as well as overload on PUFA), trapped in jobs we dont like and so on, and in search for a “fix” to feel good at least for a little bit.
Food is BASIC to mitigate everyday stress, yet most lack that, even more so food has become the stressor itself (PUFA everywhere).
I pass the islands with donuts and stuff without a blink of an eye, cuz i probably had fresh squeezed OJ and cottage cheese with jam, and in this way “i full of content” and donuts dont look appealing to me, but they do look apealing if all you had is chicken breast and kale salad. Im not saying companies that produce donuts are good people, they do hit that sweet spot of fat and sweet (you or facebook can call it exploiting humans brain weakness), but i cant care less for those donuts, because i had smth better. Context and content is everything.
There is no need to outlaw facebook, their is a need for a better life conditions at least as basic as good nutrition. Because then you will have the energy for smth else. And maybe then life can become so exiting you will not have need or time to overuse social media tools.
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