Beware Haidut's products, landed someone in the hospital


Jul 2, 2013
Hi, I use 8-12 drops. No real reason for that amount. Seems to strike a good balance between economy/utility.

I’ve served it to others and my anecdotal, low N observation is that the more a person is troubled by the taste, the more unhealthy/overcolonized (cut me some slack here nerds) a persons intensities. During peak summer months of good metabolism it barely registers.

I also use it on cooked bamboo shoots.

I think it’s a really beneficial substance if you’re experiencing chronic overgrowth but camphoric acid is not a substitute for the foundational premises of healthful energy production promoted by by Dr. Peat. Namely a stimulating, productive, and meaningful life shared with others.
Tough to get that into a bottle though. ???

That’s amazing! Glad it’s working so well for you? How many drops do you use on the carrot sal


Sep 24, 2016
Facts: Haidut refuses to do any quality control on his products. No batch numbers/expiration dates, nor does he provide any certificate of analysis on the chemicals he sources. How do you know one day his source won't accidentally give him contaminated chemicals?

There is no reason NOT to at least provide batch numbers, if the vendor actually cares about his clients' health. If there was something wrong with the product, we could report the bad batch number and haidut would immediately know which specific raw's he used in said bad batch numbers, and toss out all the products with said bad batch number to protect us.

Of course, he doesn't even bother to do that because at the end of the day he doesn't give a fck about your health. Doing any of the quality control that I suggested would just cause him unnecesssary trouble. He's running an unhonest business with the sole intention of milking you all for all you're worth, and he can easily get away with it because he hides behind his disclaimer "not for human use".

Get gravely ill because you ingested his zero quality control products? No problem! He'll just make an excuse that it was the clients fault and take zero responsibility.

Haidut could invalidate everything I said about his shady operation just by implementing the quality control measures which I suggested, but you know he won't for the reasons I explained.

What's worse though is the people here incapable of using any logic and actually thinks its a good idea to use his products, telling themselves its safe because "much good reviews"! You put in all that time and effort into improving your health, only to eventually screw yourself - it'l happen eventually if you continue to take products with zero QC, as what happened to the poor fella in the OP.
I suggest not deleting this post and securing the IP number of this account.

The Account „Stan“ clearly is either a very troubled, base individual or simply an account sponsored and operated by some agency or business.


Sep 24, 2016
I suggest not deleting this post and securing the IP number of this account.

The Account „Stan“ clearly is either a very troubled, base individual or simply an account sponsored and operated by some agency or business.
Correction: just ignore the psychopathic drivel of either a diseased mind or a fascist diseased corporate minds / psychopaths. They have already lost .


Jul 2, 2013
Hi, I use 8-12 drops. No real reason for that amount. Seems to strike a good balance between economy/utility.

I’ve served it to others and my anecdotal, low N observation is that the more a person is troubled by the taste, the more unhealthy/overcolonized (cut me some slack here nerds) a persons intensities. During peak summer months of good metabolism it barely registers.

I also use it on cooked bamboo shoots.

I think it’s a really beneficial substance if you’re experiencing chronic overgrowth but camphoric acid is not a substitute for the foundational premises of healthful energy production promoted by by Dr. Peat. Namely a stimulating, productive, and meaningful life shared with others.
Tough to get that into a bottle though. ???



Mar 29, 2016
Facts: Haidut refuses to do any quality control on his products. No batch numbers/expiration dates, nor does he provide any certificate of analysis on the chemicals he sources. How do you know one day his source won't accidentally give him contaminated chemicals?

There is no reason NOT to at least provide batch numbers, if the vendor actually cares about his clients' health. If there was something wrong with the product, we could report the bad batch number and haidut would immediately know which specific raw's he used in said bad batch numbers, and toss out all the products with said bad batch number to protect us.

Of course, he doesn't even bother to do that because at the end of the day he doesn't give a fck about your health. Doing any of the quality control that I suggested would just cause him unnecesssary trouble. He's running an unhonest business with the sole intention of milking you all for all you're worth, and he can easily get away with it because he hides behind his disclaimer "not for human use".

Get gravely ill because you ingested his zero quality control products? No problem! He'll just make an excuse that it was the clients fault and take zero responsibility.

Haidut could invalidate everything I said about his shady operation just by implementing the quality control measures which I suggested, but you know he won't for the reasons I explained.

What's worse though is the people here incapable of using any logic and actually thinks its a good idea to use his products, telling themselves its safe because "much good reviews"! You put in all that time and effort into improving your health, only to eventually screw yourself - it'l happen eventually if you continue to take products with zero QC, as what happened to the poor fella in the OP.
Very well coached. I applaud you for that.

What else do you do?

You create a dubious Reddit post under a different guise. Then use that post to attack someone. What is your motive I wonder? Are you Robin Hood? No, as he hasn't been enriching himself at the expense of another.

Who do you work for then? It must be big pharma. You know the requirements it seems to run a certified quality manufacturing process.

Did you go to an Ivy League university? Is this what you have to do to quickly payoff your college debts?

Nah. You were born with a silver spoon and have nothing better to do.


Dec 28, 2021
Facts: Haidut refuses to do any quality control on his products. No batch numbers/expiration dates, nor does he provide any certificate of analysis on the chemicals he sources. How do you know one day his source won't accidentally give him contaminated chemicals?

There is no reason NOT to at least provide batch numbers, if the vendor actually cares about his clients' health. If there was something wrong with the product, we could report the bad batch number and haidut would immediately know which specific raw's he used in said bad batch numbers, and toss out all the products with said bad batch number to protect us.

Of course, he doesn't even bother to do that because at the end of the day he doesn't give a fck about your health. Doing any of the quality control that I suggested would just cause him unnecesssary trouble. He's running an unhonest business with the sole intention of milking you all for all you're worth, and he can easily get away with it because he hides behind his disclaimer "not for human use".

Get gravely ill because you ingested his zero quality control products? No problem! He'll just make an excuse that it was the clients fault and take zero responsibility.

Haidut could invalidate everything I said about his shady operation just by implementing the quality control measures which I suggested, but you know he won't for the reasons I explained.

What's worse though is the people here incapable of using any logic and actually thinks its a good idea to use his products, telling themselves its safe because "much good reviews"! You put in all that time and effort into improving your health, only to eventually screw yourself - it'l happen eventually if you continue to take products with zero QC, as what happened to the poor fella in the OP.
Facts: no one cares


Mar 17, 2017
This board...

While there is a lot to be said for personal responsibility and accountability, there's more to be said for dogpiling and nutriding. I always felt this board was a bit too biased towards pushing Idealabs' products. It's saturated with pokes and prods in that direction, and then there is just the outright shilling. I'm sure there are some usable products. I've bought and used some myself, but it often feels more like someone's Pubmed analysis experiment at someone else's financial and potentially health expense.


Nov 18, 2019
but it often feels more like someone's Pubmed analysis experiment at someone else's financial and potentially health expense.
Oh you mean like NDT, b - vitamins, Vit - E, thyroid, Solban spray, magnesium, Vit D, Vit k, new ways to test your mineral and steroid levels?

Sure he has experimental substances but they are not the entirety of IdeaLabs and you most certainly don’t need to ever purchase experimental substances ever.

There are many such small companies pushing experimental substances with the same premise. Can we say Sulforaphane anyone?

The difference is Haidut’s stuff is better researched and his starting base of understanding Peat’s work puts him light years ahead. But hey go find another board that won’t push you in a direction…well if you can find one.


Nov 6, 2020
Oh you mean like NDT, b - vitamins, Vit - E, thyroid, Solban spray, magnesium, Vit D, Vit k, new ways to test your mineral and steroid levels?

Sure he has experimental substances but they are not the entirety of IdeaLabs and you most certainly don’t need to ever purchase experimental substances ever.

There are many such small companies pushing experimental substances with the same premise. Can we say Sulforaphane anyone?

The difference is Haidut’s stuff is better researched and his starting base of understanding Peat’s work puts him light years ahead. But hey go find another board that won’t push you in a direction…well if you can find one.

To add to that - Clean products.

I am endlessly disappointed while looking for supplements at the fillers and additives.


Nov 18, 2019

To add to that - Clean products.

I am endlessly disappointed while looking for supplements at the fillers and additives.
Sooooo true. The fillers and additives have gotten to be worse and worse over the last 10 years. It is super hard to find clean supplements. Many of the big natural foods brands were sold to pharmaceutical companies and immediately the additives went in and the products cheapened.


Feb 26, 2018
Facts: Haidut refuses to do any quality control on his products. No batch numbers/expiration dates, nor does he provide any certificate of analysis on the chemicals he sources. How do you know one day his source won't accidentally give him contaminated chemicals?

There is no reason NOT to at least provide batch numbers, if the vendor actually cares about his clients' health. If there was something wrong with the product, we could report the bad batch number and haidut would immediately know which specific raw's he used in said bad batch numbers, and toss out all the products with said bad batch number to protect us.

Of course, he doesn't even bother to do that because at the end of the day he doesn't give a fck about your health. Doing any of the quality control that I suggested would just cause him unnecesssary trouble. He's running an unhonest business with the sole intention of milking you all for all you're worth, and he can easily get away with it because he hides behind his disclaimer "not for human use".

Get gravely ill because you ingested his zero quality control products? No problem! He'll just make an excuse that it was the clients fault and take zero responsibility.

Haidut could invalidate everything I said about his shady operation just by implementing the quality control measures which I suggested, but you know he won't for the reasons I explained.

What's worse though is the people here incapable of using any logic and actually thinks its a good idea to use his products, telling themselves its safe because "much good reviews"! You put in all that time and effort into improving your health, only to eventually screw yourself - it'l happen eventually if you continue to take products with zero QC, as what happened to the poor fella in the OP.
If they're so shitty, then dont take haiduts supplements . Problem solved.
And let others take them and go down the path of misery, if thats what awaits them. Or do you care so much about others that you can't stand to see them take those sups?


Jan 1, 2020
If they're so shitty, then dont take haiduts supplements . Problem solved.
And let others take them and go down the path of misery, if thats what awaits them. Or do you care so much about others that you can't stand to see them take those sups?
Isn't this entire forum built on not doing the mainstream things? Should the forum be shut down?


Oct 14, 2016
Isn't this entire forum built on not doing the mainstream things? Should the forum be shut down?
A big reason behind most of us being on this forum, is because we followed “mainstream things” for so long, until it broke us.

Ray peat forum not being ‘mainstream’ is what makes it attractive for me, and many others.

A place for us to heal and repair, and get away from all the lies and corruption.

Same for Haidut.

And I hope his business continues to flourish.


Jan 1, 2020
A big reason behind most of us being on this forum, is because we followed “mainstream things” for so long, until it broke us.

Ray peat forum not being ‘mainstream’ is what makes it attractive for me, and many others.

A place for us to heal and repair, and get away from all the lies and corruption.

Same for Haidut.

And I hope his business continues to flourish.
You don't notice the dissonance in telling posters to shut up and mind their business if they are critical of popular users? Warning someone of excipients in popular supplements is good but warning someone of lack of batch control (an objectively important practice) in haiduts products is bad?


Oct 14, 2016
You don't notice the dissonance in telling posters to shut up and mind their business if they are critical of popular users? Warning someone of excipients in popular supplements is good but warning someone of lack of batch control (an objectively important practice) in haiduts products is bad?
I’ve been on the forum for many years, so I can remember haidut posting how he sources his ingredients from high quality vendors such as Sigma.

I’m personally not interested in batch control etc because I trust Haidut, but if someone is interested, then that should be respected, and Idealabs should clarify.


Apr 5, 2016
The supplements from Idealabs have literally saved the lives of members of my family they have also greatly improved my quality of life.

Everyone has to take responsibility for their own health. Unfortunately the mainstream health industry offers very little if any guidance that is not strictly insane the dogma of mainstream medicine and big pharma.

When deciding to take any supplement or drug you should always do your own research and always exercise caution taking things slow and taking into account other factors. Just because one individual has a negative reaction to a drug or supplement does not automatically mean the supplement is bad. If that the case we would ban basically every drug and supplement ever made.

People end up in the hospital everyday from countless other drugs and supplements from aspirin and ibuprofen to basic vitamin c, people end up in hospital from drinking too much water are we going to ban water?

Painting haidut's supplements as especially dangerous because someone supposedly ended up in the hospital from it is quite frankly simple minded thinking.


Apr 19, 2020
You don't notice the dissonance in telling posters to shut up and mind their business if they are critical of popular users? Warning someone of excipients in popular supplements is good but warning someone of lack of batch control (an objectively important practice) in haiduts products is bad?
Why doesn't @haidut employ a quality control team? Sheesh... .If production is low, it hardly seems necessary if all the ingredients are pharmaceutical grade. Remember this whole thread was started by a person who "Read it on Reddit, your one source of truth". :roll:

It is not 'bad' that this person has personal issues of 'batch control', but that he has no first hand experience, and not even concerns enough to communicate WITH HAIDUT that he would like to take a product but .... concerns, etc.. And then waves the flag of Danger/Danger : Bad Products : Bad Person!! Stop! Polizei!! Halten Sie!


Nov 18, 2019
Why doesn't @haidut employ a quality control team? Sheesh... .If production is low, it hardly seems necessary if all the ingredients are pharmaceutical grade. Remember this whole thread was started by a person who "Read it on Reddit, your one source of truth". :roll:

It is not 'bad' that this person has personal issues of 'batch control', but that he has no first hand experience, and not even concerns enough to communicate WITH HAIDUT that he would like to take a product but .... concerns, etc.. And then waves the flag of Danger/Danger : Bad Products : Bad Person!! Stop! Polizei!! Halten Sie!


Jan 25, 2014
You don't notice the dissonance in telling posters to shut up and mind their business if they are critical of popular users? Warning someone of excipients in popular supplements is good but warning someone of lack of batch control (an objectively important practice) in haiduts products is bad?
I have a problem with a "user" publicly complaining about a company's products when he openly admits that he never ordered from the company or used them. See his first post.... he explicitly states such.

Especially when some of his "complaints" are provably false. There are expiration dates on my most recent idealabs purchase, and Haidut has offered COAs in the past if someone asks. I am aware of no vendor of supplements that simply includes one with every single order.

The OP isn't posting in good faith, he's slandering Idealabs with provable lies, and an unverifiable reddit rumor. If he really had "concerns," he would have emailed Idealabs privately first.
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