Best topical treatment for atopic dermatitis?


May 31, 2018
For ME, I have to clear up my gut by taking things like Grapefruit Seed Extract because it absolutely comes from my gut/digestion that went bad. As far as topical, I have yet to find anything because it's not a skin thing by nature. You can try antihistamines like Zyrtec which help a bit.

If you have small areas that are really, really badly inflamed and almost infected looking, Manuka Oil always helped get me out of having to go to ER to get that fixed, but it's stinky and very potent, so I wouldn't go smearing it all over your arms. Also kind of expensive for a tiny bottle.

You can try adding to a bath things like baking soda and a tsp of Borax powder. If nothing else your skin will get nice and soft. The Borax is a disinfectant so it can help kill bacteria. I've taken a few bleach baths before and didn't find it helped, maybe a tiny bit, but not enough to do it again (look up how to do it if you decide to try).


May 2, 2021
I know you were looking for something topical, (and magnesium oil has worked for me-not at the site of dermatitis, but on my stomach or feet) but the two best things that eliminated my dermatitis were high dose B vitamins as outlined in Georgi’s glioblastoma study, and caffeine as outlined in the various posts on caffeine for fatty liver.

Another helpful “fix” but not cure, is activated charcoal. I used to take chat daily and it would keep the dermatitis in remission. B vitamins or caffeine or magnesium seem to have actually cured it for me though.


May 31, 2018
Also, taking magnesium internally. If the baseline of magnesium isn't good, no other vitamins or minerals can function. I learned this fairly recently and resented that this massive bit of info was new to me.

Also ZINC.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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