Bad Reaction To Supplements, Tremors, Tingling

Jan 17, 2016
Just adding my experience with green tea ( im 52 yrs old female) I get very tired and can't focous from green tea, but for some weird reason just about anything that says it suppose to do one thing it does the opposite. Example: I made a drink with turmeric, ginger 2 teaspoons each, lime juice from 1, dash cayenne in 2 quarts wster which gave me a headache, gss, joint pain.

Thank you

Beachbum, you may be my lost twin! I am 52 y.o. female, just about anything I've taken (and that's alot of things!) does the opposite of what it is supposed to do, AND I am a Beach bum. Green tea makes me tired too, but I like it cause every other response is bad...hyperventilation, overheating, racing thoughts, deep depression, and even suicidal thoughts. But since I began Peating 2.5 months ago bad effects are beginning to lessen. I was definitely an adrenaline driven hot mess!

P.S. I even love the color of your text! :smug:
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Nov 10, 2014
Beachbum, you may be my lost twin! I am 52 y.o. female, just about anything I've taken (and that's alot of things!) does the opposite of what it is supposed to do, AND I am a Beach bum. Green tea makes me tired too, but I like it cause every other response is bad...hyperventilation, overheating, racing thoughts, deep depression, and even suicidal thoughts. But since I began Peating 2.5 months ago bad effects are beginning to lessen. I was definitely an adrenaline driven hot mess!

P.S. I even love the color of your text! :smug:
Wow. . As for the text its just the area of colors I randomly pick in the blue area, sometimes its purple. Anyway. .yeah that green tea not sure what to think, I really don't care for the taste of course I add honey but I try and drink it for health benefits but haven't touched it in months. As for RP stuff I can't handle that much but im trying to incorporate more fruit so I plan on making for part of morning breakfast and a dessert at not is a fruit c up with whipped heavy cream that I have been craving. Yes I was running on adrenal and still recuperating from it.

So lets see what else is similar. . Italian? Lol

Cute username you have. I'm not living at the beach YET :D but my younger sister does.

Jan 17, 2016
Wow. . As for the text its just the area of colors I randomly pick in the blue area, sometimes its purple. Anyway. .yeah that green tea not sure what to think, I really don't care for the taste of course I add honey but I try and drink it for health benefits but haven't touched it in months. As for RP stuff I can't handle that much but im trying to incorporate more fruit so I plan on making for part of morning breakfast and a dessert at not is a fruit c up with whipped heavy cream that I have been craving. Yes I was running on adrenal and still recuperating from it.

So lets see what else is similar. . Italian? Lol

Cute username you have. I'm not living at the beach YET :D but my younger sister does.

Thanks. I've never lived on the beach, but would if I could! I get their as often as I can though. Even just hanging out in my pool in the backyard has always helped me feel better.

Not Italian...Irish and from Wisconsin, USA. Lol! How about you?

I read on another post that you love to cook and do I. I won't even eat food if it doesn't taste absolutely amazing...which is why the Traditional Diet and Ray Peat Diet make getting healthy so easy(?). I cook alot of French and Italian...num! Fruit cup with whipped But my favorite is tropical fruit with creamy custard and chopped macadamia nuts. I also love to make Tiramisu, Biscuit Tortoni, and Afflogato (sp?).

Glad to hear you're doing better.
Jan 17, 2016
It is possible, but as far as I know theanine also lowers adrenaline. If that is the case, you may end up in a situation where stress hormones are lowered and if thyroid is not there to provide metabolic support you may end up feeling worse. How's your thyroid function in terms of temp and pulse?

Hi Haidut!
I was just going to make an 'emergency' post on the forum, as I just started experiencing something last night that Peating a few months ago took away. It's rather unpleasant...and it probably has to do with theanine.

The problem started about a year ago when I was taking potassium iodide. What you have to understand about me is I am extremely sensitive to supplements, even foods, mentally and physically. I don't really have allergic symptoms (I don't think???), but my body and (especially) mind get overstimulated, anxious, panicky, etc. (I continue to eliminate gluten and plant oils as I believe they're the root cause) So I take very minimal amounts (1/4 of a pill) of what I do take, and usually w/i days I stop because I'm bothered. I have orthostatic hypotension (told I have the system of an 86 y.o.!), adrenal fatigue, and a loooong history of adrenaline/cortisol rushes. This was all mostly under control with LCHF for 15, but of course it really wasn't and progressively got worse over the last 5 years.

I took 1 drop (not a dropper) potassium iodide a day for probably 3 weeks. Then I did an unusually long foot bath with epsom salts...and it all started. Instead of just palpitations I had...
Fidgety legs (not RLS...already have that occ)
Tremors in my chest that could last for hours
POTS symptoms in my nose, lips, face.
Tingling, headache, pressure in my head (especially when I think about it) Weird, hey?
And the beginnings of dementia.

These are the symptoms that lessened with adding sugar. :D

Yesterday afternoon I drank a strong (but small) cup of decaf green tea w raw honey. I also had some pretzels w butter, mustard, and honey. In the evening...when symptoms began...I also had Cascara Segrada w honey, cinnamon, and sugar, and some ice cream w a little ganache. I also made a crepe with a little tapioca flour.

So...maybe, like you said, the theanine lowered my adrenaline (like maybe the Mg Sulfate did the first time...I was using alot of Mg at that time too) causing my underactive thyroid not to be able to support my body, giving me Afib? The Afib lasted for about a year, until I started Peating. Did the Mg Sulfate have anything to do w it? I ask because I still bathe w them, and sometimes they bring back slight Afib symptoms. Maybe I had too much raw honey?? (less than a T.) Maybe I gave myself Hashimoto's??

I had my levels tested right after the Afib (not before) and they were...
T4 free .95
TSH 1.17
T3 free 2.6

They're WNL, but are they good?

My temp went up from 96.5 to 97.1 after PI, and even to 97.4 when I started Peating, but now it's back to 97.0. Pulse is 60 and arrhythmic. I haven't tried NDT because of my reaction to PI, plus my numbers are WNL.

I will keep striving to eat half my diet in carbs, and when I don't (heavier protein/fat) I do notice it. Time to make more marshmallows!

Thanks for all your help! :cat:
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Feb 24, 2016
Hi Haidut!
I was just going to make an 'emergency' post on the forum, as I just started experiencing something last night that Peating a few months ago took away. It's rather unpleasant...and it probably has to do with theanine.

The problem started about a year ago when I was taking potassium iodide. What you have to understand about me is I am extremely sensitive to supplements, even foods, mentally and physically. I don't really have allergic symptoms (I don't think???), but my body and (especially) mind get overstimulated, anxious, panicky, etc. (I continue to eliminate gluten and plant oils as I believe they're the root cause) So I take very minimal amounts (1/4 of a pill) of what I do take, and usually w/i days I stop because I'm bothered. I have orthostatic hypotension (told I have the system of an 86 y.o.!), adrenal fatigue, and a loooong history of adrenaline/cortisol rushes. This was all mostly under control with LCHF for 15, but of course it really wasn't and progressively got worse over the last 5 years.

I took 1 drop (not a dropper) potassium iodide a day for probably 3 weeks. Then I did an unusually long foot bath with epsom salts...and it all started. Instead of just palpitations I had...
Fidgety legs (not RLS...already have that occ)
Tremors in my chest that could last for hours
POTS symptoms in my nose, lips, face.
Tingling, headache, pressure in my head (especially when I think about it) Weird, hey?
And the beginnings of dementia.

These are the symptoms that lessened with adding sugar. :D

Yesterday afternoon I drank a strong (but small) cup of decaf green tea w raw honey. I also had some pretzels w butter, mustard, and honey. In the evening...when symptoms began...I also had Cascara Segrada w honey, cinnamon, and sugar, and some ice cream w a little ganache. I also made a crepe with a little tapioca flour.

So...maybe, like you said, the theanine lowered my adrenaline (like maybe the Mg Sulfate did the first time...I was using alot of Mg at that time too) causing my underactive thyroid not to be able to support my body, giving me Afib? The Afib lasted for about a year, until I started Peating. Did the Mg Sulfate have anything to do w it? I ask because I still bathe w them, and sometimes they bring back slight Afib symptoms. Maybe I had too much raw honey?? (less than a T.) Maybe I gave myself Hashimoto's??

I had my levels tested right after the Afib (not before) and they were...
T4 free .95
TSH 1.17
T3 free 2.6

They're WNL, but are they good?

My temp went up from 96.5 to 97.1 after PI, and even to 97.4 when I started Peating, but now it's back to 97.0. Pulse is 60 and arrhythmic. I haven't tried NDT because of my reaction to PI, plus my numbers are WNL.

I will keep striving to eat half my diet in carbs, and when I don't (heavier protein/fat) I do notice it. Time to make more marshmallows!

Thanks for all your help! :cat:

Hello Maur! It's great to hear you are keeping the fight and cooking some nice foods :)

I'm not haidut, but I'd like to comment that of course Magnesium can be bad in excess; nutrients are to be kept in nice balance. If I'm not wrong, Peat recommends occasional epsom baths, not frequent ones -I think it is due to danger of too much sulfur-, and again, Magnesium is not something you want to absorb in huge amounts at one. Too much magnesium at once can mess with Calcium metabolism, and of course the heart is an organ that depends on a delicate balance between the two. High sulfur can be bad as well.

It is entirely possible the potassium iodide stimulated thyroid autoimmune attack (Hashimo's). This has been explained by Peat numerous times; iodine is a mineral that is best kept under tight control, and to not go over the RDA.

Thyroid numbers can be "awesome" in a very hypothyroid and ill person. Quite unreliable tests. For Hashimoto's the best tests are the antibodies and ultrasounds- are more reliable. But in the end, it is cheaper, easier and even more telling to read temperatures and pules, well being, achilles reflex, etc.

The brain is the most energetic demanding organ, so it suffers A LOT when lots of stresses occur in the body, when there's energetic shortage (i.e bad thyroid function), when there's lack of protective steroids (which results from bad thyroid function, low cholesterol and oxidative stress) and excess stress hormones, when there are many inflammatory insults like the ones coming from the gut if it is compromised. When these things are prolonged nerve start to get damage, malfunction, etc. Brain health is heavily dependent on protective steroids. The key is address the different components of the problem.

Avoidance of all the maladaptive fats (Omega 6 and 3) is very important, but it does take time and patience because the brain has a rather slow change of fatty acid profile. Also the low carb damage takes a while to repair, but you're already doing very supportive things :)

It seems you're already including fruit, yay! That is extremely important, for reasons I've shared with you before.

Finally, green tea has some very estrogenic compounds, that can be perhaps problematic and noticeable for someone already in an estrogen dominant/hypothyroid state.

This is a very nice article, easy read with a nice chart that you could use: Protect the Mitochondria – Functional Performance Systems (FPS)

All the best :)


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Hi Haidut!
I was just going to make an 'emergency' post on the forum, as I just started experiencing something last night that Peating a few months ago took away. It's rather unpleasant...and it probably has to do with theanine.

The problem started about a year ago when I was taking potassium iodide. What you have to understand about me is I am extremely sensitive to supplements, even foods, mentally and physically. I don't really have allergic symptoms (I don't think???), but my body and (especially) mind get overstimulated, anxious, panicky, etc. (I continue to eliminate gluten and plant oils as I believe they're the root cause) So I take very minimal amounts (1/4 of a pill) of what I do take, and usually w/i days I stop because I'm bothered. I have orthostatic hypotension (told I have the system of an 86 y.o.!), adrenal fatigue, and a loooong history of adrenaline/cortisol rushes. This was all mostly under control with LCHF for 15, but of course it really wasn't and progressively got worse over the last 5 years.

I took 1 drop (not a dropper) potassium iodide a day for probably 3 weeks. Then I did an unusually long foot bath with epsom salts...and it all started. Instead of just palpitations I had...
Fidgety legs (not RLS...already have that occ)
Tremors in my chest that could last for hours
POTS symptoms in my nose, lips, face.
Tingling, headache, pressure in my head (especially when I think about it) Weird, hey?
And the beginnings of dementia.

These are the symptoms that lessened with adding sugar. :D

Yesterday afternoon I drank a strong (but small) cup of decaf green tea w raw honey. I also had some pretzels w butter, mustard, and honey. In the evening...when symptoms began...I also had Cascara Segrada w honey, cinnamon, and sugar, and some ice cream w a little ganache. I also made a crepe with a little tapioca flour.

So...maybe, like you said, the theanine lowered my adrenaline (like maybe the Mg Sulfate did the first time...I was using alot of Mg at that time too) causing my underactive thyroid not to be able to support my body, giving me Afib? The Afib lasted for about a year, until I started Peating. Did the Mg Sulfate have anything to do w it? I ask because I still bathe w them, and sometimes they bring back slight Afib symptoms. Maybe I had too much raw honey?? (less than a T.) Maybe I gave myself Hashimoto's??

I had my levels tested right after the Afib (not before) and they were...
T4 free .95
TSH 1.17
T3 free 2.6

They're WNL, but are they good?

My temp went up from 96.5 to 97.1 after PI, and even to 97.4 when I started Peating, but now it's back to 97.0. Pulse is 60 and arrhythmic. I haven't tried NDT because of my reaction to PI, plus my numbers are WNL.

I will keep striving to eat half my diet in carbs, and when I don't (heavier protein/fat) I do notice it. Time to make more marshmallows!

Thanks for all your help! :cat:

Taurine has been used in human studies to regulate electrolyte balance and address heart problems. RLS is usually a combination of low dopamine and/or irritated intestine. The drug pramipexole is used for RLS so you can Google it, but carrot salad and/or some charcoal may help as well. The tingling, headache, pressure, etc can all be from anxiety and taurine, glycine, niacinamide can help with that.


Nov 10, 2014
Thanks. I've never lived on the beach, but would if I could! I get their as often as I can though. Even just hanging out in my pool in the backyard has always helped me feel better.

Not Italian...Irish and from Wisconsin, USA. Lol! How about you?

I read on another post that you love to cook and do I. I won't even eat food if it doesn't taste absolutely amazing...which is why the Traditional Diet and Ray Peat Diet make getting healthy so easy(?). I cook alot of French and Italian...num! Fruit cup with whipped But my favorite is tropical fruit with creamy custard and chopped macadamia nuts. I also love to make Tiramisu, Biscuit Tortoni, and Afflogato (sp?).

Glad to hear you're doing better.
Hi Mmmaurshmallows,

Sorry I took a while to get back. I posted other threads the other day but when I have a thought pattern going I can't focus on a simple thought. I have been reading alot of different things for belly fat and I keep coming across in my head liver health. What helps the liver process nutrients better if there is a missing or deficiency of one or more as well as enzymes. So back to more reading.

You bake more elegant things, still working on that.

So Irish. .nice boyfriend is Irish... I'm from New Jersey but born in Brooklyn and lived in many different places.
Jan 17, 2016
Hi Mmmaurshmallows,

Sorry I took a while to get back. I posted other threads the other day but when I have a thought pattern going I can't focus on a simple thought. I have been reading alot of different things for belly fat and I keep coming across in my head liver health. What helps the liver process nutrients better if there is a missing or deficiency of one or more as well as enzymes. So back to more reading.

You bake more elegant things, still working on that.

So Irish. .nice boyfriend is Irish... I'm from New Jersey but born in Brooklyn and lived in many different places.

No problem mon. We are on island time, right? Lol

I completely understand cause that sounds like my mind too! I have a 20 yr history of depersonalization and my mind is 'stuck in mud', like I always say. My mind has a mind of it's own (what?!?) and works when it wants to. I don't mind saying this now though cause I feel I've finally, finally came to the right place. Ahhhhh.

The reason I bake and cook only delicious things is because part of DP is that my appetite doesn't work right. Many mornings the only thing that has gotten me out of bed was thinking of something delicious to make myself for breakfast. Sad...but yummy! ")

Nice talking with ya! Best wishes for great success on your journey. TTYL! :happy:
Jan 17, 2016
Hello Maur! It's great to hear you are keeping the fight and cooking some nice foods :)

I'm not haidut, but I'd like to comment that of course Magnesium can be bad in excess; nutrients are to be kept in nice balance. If I'm not wrong, Peat recommends occasional epsom baths, not frequent ones -I think it is due to danger of too much sulfur-, and again, Magnesium is not something you want to absorb in huge amounts at one. Too much magnesium at once can mess with Calcium metabolism, and of course the heart is an organ that depends on a delicate balance between the two. High sulfur can be bad as well.

It is entirely possible the potassium iodide stimulated thyroid autoimmune attack (Hashimo's). This has been explained by Peat numerous times; iodine is a mineral that is best kept under tight control, and to not go over the RDA.

Thyroid numbers can be "awesome" in a very hypothyroid and ill person. Quite unreliable tests. For Hashimoto's the best tests are the antibodies and ultrasounds- are more reliable. But in the end, it is cheaper, easier and even more telling to read temperatures and pules, well being, achilles reflex, etc.

The brain is the most energetic demanding organ, so it suffers A LOT when lots of stresses occur in the body, when there's energetic shortage (i.e bad thyroid function), when there's lack of protective steroids (which results from bad thyroid function, low cholesterol and oxidative stress) and excess stress hormones, when there are many inflammatory insults like the ones coming from the gut if it is compromised. When these things are prolonged nerve start to get damage, malfunction, etc. Brain health is heavily dependent on protective steroids. The key is address the different components of the problem.

Avoidance of all the maladaptive fats (Omega 6 and 3) is very important, but it does take time and patience because the brain has a rather slow change of fatty acid profile. Also the low carb damage takes a while to repair, but you're already doing very supportive things :)

It seems you're already including fruit, yay! That is extremely important, for reasons I've shared with you before.

Finally, green tea has some very estrogenic compounds, that can be perhaps problematic and noticeable for someone already in an estrogen dominant/hypothyroid state.

This is a very nice article, easy read with a nice chart that you could use: Protect the Mitochondria – Functional Performance Systems (FPS)

All the best :) angel of mercy. :angelic::nurse:

Sorry so slow to answer know, DP! Believe me Hon, I am taking lots of notes and incorporating them, little by little, into my diet/lifestyle, making changes as needed... listening to my body. So all your efforts to help are very very useful. You can deny it, but I'd say you are a nutritional therapist!

:grouphug :kisscheek
Jan 17, 2016
Taurine has been used in human studies to regulate electrolyte balance and address heart problems. RLS is usually a combination of low dopamine and/or irritated intestine. The drug pramipexole is used for RLS so you can Google it, but carrot salad and/or some charcoal may help as well. The tingling, headache, pressure, etc can all be from anxiety and taurine, glycine, niacinamide can help with that.

Thank you Haidut! I will definitely try taurine. My heart could use the support! Going start a little charcoal too. I've had it sitting in my cupboard for over a year now...I guess the time has come to take it!

I was looking at neurotransmitter test results from year ago and, interestingly enough, the highest number was serotonin, and the lowest was dopamine. Until coming here I never could make sense of that. Now it completely does. What a know the cause...and the cure. :joyful:

The tingling, headache, pressure isn't's all part of the cluster of symptoms that occur together. It all started when I took iodide potassium, then took epsom salt baths. I believe it may be Hashimoto's/calcium deficiency/ histamine related.



Feb 24, 2016
Sorry so slow to answer know, DP!
Don't you worry, Maur, I totally know what you mean :p With DP and neuroinflammation we better try and not overwhelm ourselves too much!
It's great you're taking notes:thumbsup: That let's us plan better and make connections and conclusions

Going start a little charcoal too.
May I suggest be very careful with it? charcoal is great but Peat recommends it only occasionally due to potential persorption issues. It can also disturb electrolyte balance in some people.

I've also have had BAD RLS, it started since I was a kid but it showed its very ugly face in my 20s. Unbelievable how bad it was! I think you're on the right path by understanding the (neuro)inflamamtory players here:serotonin, histamine, nitric oxide, and how it all goes crazy when thyroid function and gut function fail.

I've drawn lots of maps and charts in my notebooks, rather ugly drawings, but oh well... it really helps to get the clear picture of things!

Thank you for your kind words Maureen, I'm glad to share things with you :cat:
Jan 17, 2016
Don't you worry, Maur, I totally know what you mean :p With DP and neuroinflammation we better try and not overwhelm ourselves too much!
It's great you're taking notes:thumbsup: That let's us plan better and make connections and conclusions

May I suggest be very careful with it? charcoal is great but Peat recommends it only occasionally due to potential persorption issues. It can also disturb electrolyte balance in some people.

I've also have had BAD RLS, it started since I was a kid but it showed its very ugly face in my 20s. Unbelievable how bad it was! I think you're on the right path by understanding the (neuro)inflamamtory players here:serotonin, histamine, nitric oxide, and how it all goes crazy when thyroid function and gut function fail.

I've drawn lots of maps and charts in my notebooks, rather ugly drawings, but oh well... it really helps to get the clear picture of things!

Thank you for your kind words Maureen, I'm glad to share things with you :cat:

Oops...I didn't realize I left ya hanging. Thanks again for some great advice PakPik!

FYI I'm going to start a new thread asking about the things that make me 1. Hot, and 2. Hyperventilate. Maybe putting these all together might help make sense of them/me.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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