At my wits end - severe lifelong ADHD turned into debilitating fatigue


May 10, 2022
If u want a random supplement to try for whatever try ordering that amber acid. Called Succinic acid. Supposed to make ATP.


Forum Supporter
Oct 2, 2023
Idk man I'm having way better results with eating wholegrain corn for whatever reason.

Apparently corn ferments into succinic acid in the gut of herbivores.

Can I try going to a slaughterhouse and making a salad from the leftovers of a cows rumen? Or is that a way to end up in a hospital?


Forum Supporter
Oct 2, 2023
What about empathy? I find eating zinc rich food gives me dreams where I'm hugging people and all sorts of stuff but is there anything else? Red meat or oysters aren't that consistent. Do I just need to wait to detox copper out the brain?


May 10, 2022
Idk man I'm having way better results with eating wholegrain corn for whatever reason.

Apparently corn ferments into succinic acid in the gut of herbivores.

Can I try going to a slaughterhouse and making a salad from the leftovers of a cows rumen? Or is that a way to end up in a hospital?
Yeah, thats how u get the free cow hormones and antibiotics so u can get jacked and start putting on serious mass


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012

Ban me I've had enough of this place.
I rarely ban by request. It just does not work that way.
nah man im not making any more posts i dont know how many years its gonna take to get all this copper out my system and stop wanting to talk 24/7
You just gotta settle in for the long haul man. At least you know what is wrong, imagine all the people out there suffering from the same thing but do not have a clue. And least you see the way out.


Forum Supporter
Oct 2, 2023
I rarely ban by request. It just does not work that way.

You just gotta settle in for the long haul man. At least you know what is wrong, imagine all the people out there suffering from the same thing but do not have a clue. And least you see the way out.
I've had huge improvements the past few days anyways. I'm in full copper dumping mode now and im really hyper feeling but it calms down in the PM.

Is this REALLY meant to take years though? I saw a study about cows about copper poisoning and they lowered the copper stores like 3/4 in idk 4 weeks? Are humans really that poisoned?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Is this REALLY meant to take years though? I saw a study about cows about copper poisoning and they lowered the copper stores like 3/4 in idk 4 weeks? Are humans really that poisoned?
Yes it takes quite a while. It looks like it is even harder to detox then "vitamin A". But at least you know whats up and you have something to works towards. That's a huge Blessing.


Forum Supporter
Oct 2, 2023
Received a download in my sleep that there’s a dead cow in a field near me. Will it be better if I let it ferment like homemade kefir?


Forum Supporter
Oct 2, 2023
Is there any difference between cow ***t and a steak? it’s all just grass at the end of the day right?


Mar 5, 2017

I’m going to shoot that seagull next time i see it stop sending your DEMONIC agents
Bro I hope your joking if not sounds like paranoid schizo.

I can actually relate to your experience so much dude. I am 25. Found this forum when I was 18. At one point I was writing paragraphs spiraling out of control like you are and I can clearly see what a stressed state that is.

One advice I can give you is stay away from thyroid and stay away from “peating”. This ***t actually made all my problems worse man. I do agree with the copper toxicity hypothesis.

3-4 years ago my mental state started deteriorating heavily as well. That’s when I found the whole Niacin thing from hoffer and methylation stuff from Walsh. 2 years ago I actually got tested because P5P used to turn me into a super confident outgoing charismatic mf (tho it came with other problems).

I did actually get diagnosed with pyroluria and copper toxicity. Tho I know your experience of zinc tiring you out all too well. On one hand, it feels like it gives me insane insomnia (copper dumping?), on the other hand low cortisol can’t get out of bed. Funnily enough, I am also experimenting with b5 To raise cortisol right now.

I am constantly conflicted on the copper thing because I have deficient copper and ceruloplasmin in blood. Still I might be copper toxic who knows. All I know is that I used to take crazy amounts of vit c and zinc when I was a teen and I felt much better, much more in control, had big dreams, aspirations, felt completely plugged out of the matrix.

Then started peating and slowly got worse and worse, both physically and mentally.

So it’s nice to get the “masculine” energy from zinc. On the sugar and milk I was constantly frantic, in your face. I thought I was cool because I was outgoing and had no social anxiety but I was just like you, too much in your face couldn’t shut up. Also my face got rounder and rounder.

After quitting all that stuff 2-3 years ago my face got a lot more masculine, defined, I actually like myself a lot more.

However I am still struggling with debilatating fatigue and insomnia so I am still not fine. However, taking t3 and stuff especially with your labs sounds insane. I did that too. I also had naturally high t3, t4 and borderline low tsh of 0.8 and still took t3 had a full blown panic attack. You sound like me from the biochemistry. We don’t need stuff to do increase thyroid further just stuff to make it be utilized properly.

The last thing I wanna mention is the spiritual aspect. I was super into spirituality, manifesting all that metaphysical stuff back then. These days I found god and Jesus and have to say I feel a lot better with that. So maybe it’s actually a sign of copper toxicity because so many high copper individuals get pulled into that. I’d say quit that stuff and just start going inwards no matter how hard it feels. Start feeling yourself and your emotions. Start reflecting a little. You said earlier people haven’t been kind to you and that’s the cause but then a few posts earlier you said you threw soup on peoples heads. So rally f*** what anyone else did to you. Yeah they might have been unkind. Forgive them, forgive yourself and move on. All that matters is what’s coming, not what happened. Don’t get pulled in to that. My girlfriend has adhd and is copper toxic. I attracte her when I was in that state myself. Sometimes it’s hard to be around her when she is going all out. So yeah, maybe sometimes people have been unkind to you because you were manic and ***t. Copper frying your brain. That’s not their fault. It’s always just a reflection of your heart. Once you start going inwards all that will change anyways.

Wish you the best of luck on your journey.


Forum Supporter
Oct 2, 2023
Bro I hope your joking if not sounds like paranoid schizo.

I can actually relate to your experience so much dude. I am 25. Found this forum when I was 18. At one point I was writing paragraphs spiraling out of control like you are and I can clearly see what a stressed state that is.

One advice I can give you is stay away from thyroid and stay away from “peating”. This ***t actually made all my problems worse man. I do agree with the copper toxicity hypothesis.

3-4 years ago my mental state started deteriorating heavily as well. That’s when I found the whole Niacin thing from hoffer and methylation stuff from Walsh. 2 years ago I actually got tested because P5P used to turn me into a super confident outgoing charismatic mf (tho it came with other problems).

I did actually get diagnosed with pyroluria and copper toxicity. Tho I know your experience of zinc tiring you out all too well. On one hand, it feels like it gives me insane insomnia (copper dumping?), on the other hand low cortisol can’t get out of bed. Funnily enough, I am also experimenting with b5 To raise cortisol right now.

I am constantly conflicted on the copper thing because I have deficient copper and ceruloplasmin in blood. Still I might be copper toxic who knows. All I know is that I used to take crazy amounts of vit c and zinc when I was a teen and I felt much better, much more in control, had big dreams, aspirations, felt completely plugged out of the matrix.

Then started peating and slowly got worse and worse, both physically and mentally.

So it’s nice to get the “masculine” energy from zinc. On the sugar and milk I was constantly frantic, in your face. I thought I was cool because I was outgoing and had no social anxiety but I was just like you, too much in your face couldn’t shut up. Also my face got rounder and rounder.

After quitting all that stuff 2-3 years ago my face got a lot more masculine, defined, I actually like myself a lot more.

However I am still struggling with debilatating fatigue and insomnia so I am still not fine. However, taking t3 and stuff especially with your labs sounds insane. I did that too. I also had naturally high t3, t4 and borderline low tsh of 0.8 and still took t3 had a full blown panic attack. You sound like me from the biochemistry. We don’t need stuff to do increase thyroid further just stuff to make it be utilized properly.

The last thing I wanna mention is the spiritual aspect. I was super into spirituality, manifesting all that metaphysical stuff back then. These days I found god and Jesus and have to say I feel a lot better with that. So maybe it’s actually a sign of copper toxicity because so many high copper individuals get pulled into that. I’d say quit that stuff and just start going inwards no matter how hard it feels. Start feeling yourself and your emotions. Start reflecting a little. You said earlier people haven’t been kind to you and that’s the cause but then a few posts earlier you said you threw soup on peoples heads. So rally f*** what anyone else did to you. Yeah they might have been unkind. Forgive them, forgive yourself and move on. All that matters is what’s coming, not what happened. Don’t get pulled in to that. My girlfriend has adhd and is copper toxic. I attracte her when I was in that state myself. Sometimes it’s hard to be around her when she is going all out. So yeah, maybe sometimes people have been unkind to you because you were manic and ***t. Copper frying your brain. That’s not their fault. It’s always just a reflection of your heart. Once you start going inwards all that will change anyways.

Wish you the best of luck on your journey.
Yeah man I’m not taking thyroid I find a clean gut and good food is enough. Some peaty recommendations are great. Corn tortillas energise me but then pork can be good too if it’s organic and lean. I think the sugar milk i drank months ago gave me my gut problems or made them worse. I just stick to small amounts of fruits and starch and meat now..

My face is always so swollen after waking up it’s awful. My sleep is very stressful. Fasting does help me a bit though. I feel lighter and more energised fasting. I’m convinced the sugar milk nuked my gut many mamy months ago. Now just some meat and starches is all I crave mostly.

I’ve honestly felt out of control for most of my life. Copper dumps bring on psychosis for me at this point but I just try laugh it off.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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