Aspirin and Insomnia?


Sep 20, 2023
I have read (elsewhere) that too much aspirin can cause insomnia.
Has this happened to anyone here?
I have read that most aspirin is gone from the body after 20 minutes.
I take 81 mg aspirin each morning, and would like to take more, but I don't want to make my sleep any worse than it is.

"Aspirin and indomethacin have acute negative effects on sleep in humans and animals.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs affect normal sleep patterns in humans - PubMed"
Mar 10, 2021
“Two groups of 8 females were given either 3 X 600 mg aspirin or placebo daily for 4 days, double blind. With aspirin, slow wave sleep was significantly decreased and stage 2 sleep significantly increased. Aspirin also significantly disrupted intra-subject night-to-night continuity of several sleep stages during drug and recovery nights.”

Mar 10, 2021
I have read (elsewhere) that too much aspirin can cause insomnia.
Has this happened to anyone here?
I have read that most aspirin is gone from the body after 20 minutes.
I take 81 mg aspirin each morning, and would like to take more, but I don't want to make my sleep any worse than it is.

"Aspirin and indomethacin have acute negative effects on sleep in humans and animals.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs affect normal sleep patterns in humans - PubMed"
Maybe it is more about the timing than the amount….

“Based on these results, Bonten wrote that “intake of aspirin at bedtime compared with intake on awakening does not reduce blood pressure of patients with CVD. However, bedtime aspirin reduced morning platelet reactivity, which might reduce excess cardiovascular events during high risk morning hours.””

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