Anyone Who Doses High K2 Mk4 Notice Any Affects On Hairloss


Deleted member 5487

Started taking 10mg a day. And I am shedding like crazy and my libido is skyyyyyyyy high. All while I am on finasteride.

Anyone anecdotes ?
Yeah that will wreck your hairline.

K2 activates the proteins of Vitamin A & D. Best to take them naturally from whole foods where their combination is more equal.

Beef liver has to much A, chicken/goose Has alot more D.
(pastured) Lard is the 2nd best source of vitamin D which is why Liver is traditionally cooked with bacon.

Deleted member 5487

its okay i dont see vitamin k2 affecting my hair and i took 40mg two times a week for like 2-3 months


These are some great reads. Really turns your head upside down. When you start looking at baldingmen the correclation is close to 100%


Aug 17, 2016
The first two native guys look super healthy. But the third has awful posture, googly eyes and a weak chin.
Bezos is uneasy on the eyes. Alfano- another hideous dude.

There are some other threads discussing how facial assymmetry and weak chins coming from inherited estrogen.


Sep 12, 2015
It seems best to learn why K2 seems to worsen hair loss, since we have to take the vitamin. People with historically high intakes, according to Price, don't all bald.

Deleted member 5487

@Amarsh213 search for Freddie Ljungberg. Tell me he has bad craniofacial development.
There of course are outliers, however in day to day life once you start looking, even on myself nw2 the correlation is almost always spot on. I've had remarkable success with falium mandible chewing, sleeping on back and tucking my chin.

Just some information to get people thinking, we all new Danny Roddy only cures Cortisol hairloss(diffuse thinning) if your hair line is intack and your diffusing out. Much better off just doing what this guy did.



Aug 27, 2018
There of course are outliers, however in day to day life once you start looking, even on myself nw2 the correlation is almost always spot on. I've had remarkable success with falium mandible chewing, sleeping on back and tucking my chin.

Just some information to get people thinking, we all new Danny Roddy only cures Cortisol hairloss(diffuse thinning) if your hair line is intack and your diffusing out. Much better off just doing what this guy did.

Then jaw surgeries should be the answer. I doubt it would change a thing.

Deleted member 5487

Then jaw surgeries should be the answer. I doubt it would change a thing.
? Did you read the research. Essentially a lack of A/D/K during prenatal/youth and over abundance of processed grains and liquids and a lack of Western A Price Foods(Traditional Diets-Whole Animals, Livers, Fats...etc.) lead to recessed Maximillia, downward growing mandible which requires you to jaw jut pulling the galea back. All this also prevent the bruxism which causes the face to melt.


Deleted member 5487

? Did you read the research. Essentially a lack of A/D/K during prenatal/youth and over abundance of processed grains and liquids and a lack of Western A Price Foods(Traditional Diets-Whole Animals, Livers, Fats...etc.) lead to recessed Maximillia, downward growing mandible which requires you to jaw jut pulling the galea back. All this also prevent the bruxism which causes the face to melt.
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Danny Roddy Never had recession. He had Cortisol Diffuse Thinning from carnivore diet. With a intack hairline. How many people has he cured with his diet on this fourm? I mean Full Regrowth of hairline. Not fixing diffuse thinning.

If you need to fix diffuse thinning I would just do what this guy did. He's right between the L-Citrulline in mellon, high alkalinity and fruit profusion of oxgen of the tissues would be easy.

"Androgenic Alopea" is Structural not hormonal. There are two different types of hairloss.


Aug 27, 2018
Danny Roddy Never had recession. He had Cortisol Diffuse Thinning from carnivore diet. With a intack hairline. How many people has he cured with his diet on this fourm? I mean Full Regrowth of hairline. Not fixing diffuse thinning.

If you need to fix diffuse thinning I would just do what this guy did. He's right between the L-Citrulline in mellon, high alkalinity and fruit profusion of oxgen of the tissues would be easy.

"Androgenic Alopea" is Structural not hormonal. There are two different types of hairloss.

According to that theory Danny should be balding. He's the perfect example of maxillary downgrowth, with visible asymmetry.
Nov 16, 2012
According to that theory Danny should be balding. He's the perfect example of maxillary downgrowth, with visible asymmetry.

It's all about the epitestosterone. Either your follicles make enough of it or they don't.

I remember reading Roddy in 2012, around the same time I found out about Peat. I was 20 years old and already NW1.5. 8 years later he still has all his hair and I lost over 2 Norwoods. At that point things were critical so I took Finasteride and the PFS aftermath slowed my hair loss down to nothing, until recently.

People still pay him for hair loss advice. With not a single regrowth picture anywhere on his website. Imagine a NW5 guy who reversed his hair back to NW1 with diet & supplements. How much money would you pay for a book like that? Shame that no one is ever going to write it cause you can't do it.

Deleted member 5487

According to that theory Danny should be balding. He's the perfect example of maxillary downgrowth, with visible asymmetry.
Im cant go back and forth. I was providing alternative ideas to androgen theory (dht), metabolism theory(danny roddy) which obviouesly havn't cured 99% of people suffering

The Structure theory explain so much mystery

@Elephanto is the only to one who regrew from nw3 and he's long gone now. His research provides great insight.

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Deleted member 5487


Magnesium citrate in high doses (1000-2000mg) for a while will remove calcium from your scalp, allowing circulation again. Do this along with putting your head in a bowl full of apple cider vinegar and sleeping with it still in your hair. Flowers of sulfur taken internally can also decalcify.

Cardio (20-25 mins every day) followed by muscle training (especially squats), this will raise your IGFBP3 (low in male pattern hairloss and prostate cancer) and testosterone. Testosterone is your friend, people with low test and/or very high estrogen lose hair. Never push yourself through cardio or training when it's suffering, progressively increase intensity and loads through time but always do your training in a manner that doesn't leave you stressed and out of energy after. Don't overlook this one, it will greatly help.

Taurine (sometimes 1000mg, generally 200mg every meal), vitamin E (without soy or flax, never take any supps containing those contrarily to what "pisser" wrote earlier, very estrogenic). Vitamin A (raises IGFBP3), very important. Vitamin K2. Magnesium, you can switch to a safer type for bones after, like Magnesium gluconate. Selenium (also raises IGFBP3) but just eat broccolis often, they also block estrogen. No need to supplement progesterone ever, it has a feminizing effect and you don't need to be a castrate to retain your hair. Chill on the caffeine, doesn't help with hair (at least taken internally) and can only hinder if it stresses you. Vitamin B6 p5p (50mg a day), also raises IGFBP3. Type "pubmed igfbp3" + all the things I mention, you'll find results on google. Saturated fats (coconut oil) + no unsaturated fats. Saturated increases tumor-suppressor p53, which activates IGFBP3, unsaturated fats do the opposite. Biotin 500mcg a day. Blood giving, iron decreases igfbp3.

Bicarbonate sodium taken 45 minutes after every meal, will kill off bacteria and raise your Co2 stores. Again CO2 increases IGFBP3 and controls mast cells, which activate calcium signaling. Excess of calcium signaling is the major player in hair loss, that is why magnesium in high doses is very efficicent but also everything that calms and keep calcium in cells. Estrogen and histamine excite cells to trigger calcium signaling. Also, I'd drop the raw carrot, was a waste of time for me and some studies even show it increasing bacterias proved by hydrogen breath test.

Citric acid leeches calcium from bones and tissues. We're talking about reversing a calcified scalp (calcified sebum and collagen), so a drastic measure is needed in this case. I can attest that it made my feet bones feel weak for a time (although I was also estrogenic at the time). Magnesium in general simply restricts excess calcium signaling, basically preventing further hairline regression. Got this from a guide (ultimate hair loss protocol on google; has a bunch of toxic supps in it though like high dose omega 3) and I think this specific form of Magnesium is needed at first, but flowers of sulphur may do the job and be safer (some testimonals from guys using high dose msm partly reversed hair loss).

Try Carlson K2 5mg, you can split it in small doses and it has no soy, so you can keep your testosterone and your hair.

BTW, ironically forgot my favorite supp : Zinc picolinate. Steers pretty much every parameters of male hair loss toward protection and growth. Just as zinc is low and copper is high in prostate cancer (estrogenic cancer by nature), they oppose each other. Anti-aromatase, restricts calcium signaling, anti-bacterial (so it lowers histamine), promotes good immunity, increases testosterone. 50mg for a while and then you'll be alright. Some people may use molybdenum to chelate excess copper, but at the same time copper is needed for good hair quality, so you'll need it down the line.

This is one of the study that links low IGFBP3 and high IGF-1 with male pattern balding, there's also one by McGill with young people but I don't find it right now. That's how I got all the supps I recommend because they are linked with higher IGFBP3 (and even cardio followed by muscle training is).
Vertex balding, plasma insulin-like growth factor 1, and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3. - PubMed - NCBI

Has stopped regressing for years (3+), my hair is also super thick. My hairline hasn't completely recovered but around NW1, the thing is I was so satisfied with my results and overall physical appearance that I didn't bother continuing with regular apple cider soaking and high dose magnesium citrate, maybe that would do it. I also ordered some polysorbate 80 from reading this recent thread on here, it could be an easy way to remove maybe the last bits of hardened sebum blocking circulation from my hairline at the temples.

The thing with Roddy, you can see by his appearance, shadows under his eyes and low energy vibe that it results from the anti-androgenic and opioid effects of very high milk intake. There's two ways of having incredible hair. You can be a nu-male looking like a castrate (I see these people eating at Mcdonalds, even omega 6s and soy won't ruin their hair), or like the super athlete jacked on steroids yet his hairline is still perfect. Well, life isn't all about hair and I'd rather have the physical and mental energy of the athlete (I don't take roids, I just use this image as something to more-or-less push toward). So everything I do, take and avoid is based on high test, low estrogen, high dopamine, low serotonin and the restriction of systemic excitement.

It goes on for 18 pages


Aug 27, 2018
@Amarsh213 don't get me wrong. I am actually a great example to confirm your theory and disprove anything that claims "DHT bad". Downgrown maxilla and nw2 and not the most masculine features. My close friend and a cousin who both had issues with severe mouthbreathing are both nw2+. At the same time I know people with much worse craniofacial development and perfect hairlines.

Also what would you say about retrograde type of hairloss (thinning sides around ears)?


Jun 24, 2019
What's the verdict? Did the shedding decrease at all as you continued with K2 or stay the same (get worse?)/

Maybe a mild worsening, but there's no way I could honestly attribute it to K2. I don't think there's much of a difference either way. I would doubt it's a huge factor one way or the other.


Aug 22, 2019
I may not know much, but I know that when libido goes up, hair usually falls (in those susceptible). Of course, I don't believe that androgens are the only factor. The calcification angle is worth further investigation. And since K2 is a decalcifier, it could serve as a hair-restoring agent.


Aug 22, 2019
I wonder if stacking K2 with Tribulus Terrestris would mitigate the hair effects via LH-progesterone agonist.

Additionally, although seemingly paradoxical, Horny Goat Weed might also mitigate DHT/androgen effects caused by K2.


Nov 16, 2019

Magnesium citrate in high doses (1000-2000mg) for a while will remove calcium from your scalp, allowing circulation again. Do this along with putting your head in a bowl full of apple cider vinegar and sleeping with it still in your hair. Flowers of sulfur taken internally can also decalcify.

Cardio (20-25 mins every day) followed by muscle training (especially squats), this will raise your IGFBP3 (low in male pattern hairloss and prostate cancer) and testosterone. Testosterone is your friend, people with low test and/or very high estrogen lose hair. Never push yourself through cardio or training when it's suffering, progressively increase intensity and loads through time but always do your training in a manner that doesn't leave you stressed and out of energy after. Don't overlook this one, it will greatly help.

Taurine (sometimes 1000mg, generally 200mg every meal), vitamin E (without soy or flax, never take any supps containing those contrarily to what "pisser" wrote earlier, very estrogenic). Vitamin A (raises IGFBP3), very important. Vitamin K2. Magnesium, you can switch to a safer type for bones after, like Magnesium gluconate. Selenium (also raises IGFBP3) but just eat broccolis often, they also block estrogen. No need to supplement progesterone ever, it has a feminizing effect and you don't need to be a castrate to retain your hair. Chill on the caffeine, doesn't help with hair (at least taken internally) and can only hinder if it stresses you. Vitamin B6 p5p (50mg a day), also raises IGFBP3. Type "pubmed igfbp3" + all the things I mention, you'll find results on google. Saturated fats (coconut oil) + no unsaturated fats. Saturated increases tumor-suppressor p53, which activates IGFBP3, unsaturated fats do the opposite. Biotin 500mcg a day. Blood giving, iron decreases igfbp3.

Bicarbonate sodium taken 45 minutes after every meal, will kill off bacteria and raise your Co2 stores. Again CO2 increases IGFBP3 and controls mast cells, which activate calcium signaling. Excess of calcium signaling is the major player in hair loss, that is why magnesium in high doses is very efficicent but also everything that calms and keep calcium in cells. Estrogen and histamine excite cells to trigger calcium signaling. Also, I'd drop the raw carrot, was a waste of time for me and some studies even show it increasing bacterias proved by hydrogen breath test.

Citric acid leeches calcium from bones and tissues. We're talking about reversing a calcified scalp (calcified sebum and collagen), so a drastic measure is needed in this case. I can attest that it made my feet bones feel weak for a time (although I was also estrogenic at the time). Magnesium in general simply restricts excess calcium signaling, basically preventing further hairline regression. Got this from a guide (ultimate hair loss protocol on google; has a bunch of toxic supps in it though like high dose omega 3) and I think this specific form of Magnesium is needed at first, but flowers of sulphur may do the job and be safer (some testimonals from guys using high dose msm partly reversed hair loss).

Try Carlson K2 5mg, you can split it in small doses and it has no soy, so you can keep your testosterone and your hair.

BTW, ironically forgot my favorite supp : Zinc picolinate. Steers pretty much every parameters of male hair loss toward protection and growth. Just as zinc is low and copper is high in prostate cancer (estrogenic cancer by nature), they oppose each other. Anti-aromatase, restricts calcium signaling, anti-bacterial (so it lowers histamine), promotes good immunity, increases testosterone. 50mg for a while and then you'll be alright. Some people may use molybdenum to chelate excess copper, but at the same time copper is needed for good hair quality, so you'll need it down the line.

This is one of the study that links low IGFBP3 and high IGF-1 with male pattern balding, there's also one by McGill with young people but I don't find it right now. That's how I got all the supps I recommend because they are linked with higher IGFBP3 (and even cardio followed by muscle training is).
Vertex balding, plasma insulin-like growth factor 1, and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3. - PubMed - NCBI

Has stopped regressing for years (3+), my hair is also super thick. My hairline hasn't completely recovered but around NW1, the thing is I was so satisfied with my results and overall physical appearance that I didn't bother continuing with regular apple cider soaking and high dose magnesium citrate, maybe that would do it. I also ordered some polysorbate 80 from reading this recent thread on here, it could be an easy way to remove maybe the last bits of hardened sebum blocking circulation from my hairline at the temples.

The thing with Roddy, you can see by his appearance, shadows under his eyes and low energy vibe that it results from the anti-androgenic and opioid effects of very high milk intake. There's two ways of having incredible hair. You can be a nu-male looking like a castrate (I see these people eating at Mcdonalds, even omega 6s and soy won't ruin their hair), or like the super athlete jacked on steroids yet his hairline is still perfect. Well, life isn't all about hair and I'd rather have the physical and mental energy of the athlete (I don't take roids, I just use this image as something to more-or-less push toward). So everything I do, take and avoid is based on high test, low estrogen, high dopamine, low serotonin and the restriction of systemic excitement.

It goes on for 18 pages
Elephanto also talked alot about face widening/skull structure and how he thought that him fixing his facial structure and widening his jaw with mewing etc. is what helped his hair the most.


Jun 25, 2017
I wonder if stacking K2 with Tribulus Terrestris would mitigate the hair effects via LH-progesterone agonist.

Additionally, although seemingly paradoxical, Horny Goat Weed might also mitigate DHT/androgen effects caused by K2.
I'm guessing vitamin D3 would be relevant. Progesterone lowers PGD2. Vitamin D (active?) also does.

I wonder about iodine protocol, as iodine is said to shift estrone (and estradiol) to estriol. Also seems associated with progesterone.


Aug 22, 2019
Caught this:

What completes the act, is that vitamin K2 activates protein S which oversees and helps the immune system clear out the stuff of arterial plaques that remains once the calcium making the plaques structurally stable has been taken out. And, amazingly, protein S does this without triggering a large inflammatory response.
So, it would seem that Vitamin K2 synthesis does produce a small inflammatory response. This could contribute to the increased shedding and MPB itch some are experiencing. However, if calcification is a major player in MPB (as many suspect), it stands to reason that after the scalp has been decalcified sufficiently, the inflammation would subside and disappear and normal hair function would continue unhindered. How long this decalcification process of the scalp takes is the question. Is it months or years? If it takes years, then hair loss should theoretically continue during this phase, albeit slowed down.
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