Anyone depressed over this crazy vaxx world?


Mar 9, 2021
I think i am starting to get really depressed because of what they are doing to good people who really need their jobs, i am trying to convice some people, they agree with me, but say, "what supossed to do? i have 3 kids to support" i know people on other countries that the situation is worse, the law is against everyone,, they was working like 20 years in a job and people want drop them like trash, i think is bad when you have a family to support, if you are single, you have more chances to resist

Sometime i start to really thinking in leaving this world, because the situation is f****
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Feb 13, 2021
I think i am starting to get really depressed because of what they are doing to good people who really need their jobs, i am trying to convice some people, they agree with me, but say, "what supossed to do? i have 3 kids to support" i know people on other countries that the situation is worse, the law is against everyone,, they was working like 20 yeras in a job and people want drop them like trash, i think is bad when you have a family to support, if you are single, you have more chances to resist

Sometime i start to really thinking in leaving this world, because the situation is f****
Oh yes. The reality we're currently in is so, so sad. Hang in there!

Praying really helps. So does getting out in nature.

If all else fails, there are worse things to do than drink a bottle of organic wine or taking 50mg of progesterone.

Such things can help you avoid having such heavy thoughts - or at least they help me in that way.


Dec 8, 2016
I think i am starting to get really depressed because of what they are doing to good people who really need their jobs, i am trying to convice some people, they agree with me, but say, "what supossed to do? i have 3 kids to support" i know people on other countries that the situation is worse, the law is against everyone,, they was working like 20 years in a job and people want drop them like trash, i think is bad when you have a family to support, if you are single, you have more chances to resist

Sometime i start to really thinking in leaving this world, because the situation is f****
Brother- you are not alone.
We stand with you in this time of war.
It may sound trite- but its true.
I will add that I actually think your response is an appropriate one.
One of grief.
Don’t get stuck there- move through it into Truth.

Thank you for reaching out.


Oct 5, 2014
I think i am starting to get really depressed because of what they are doing to good people who really need their jobs, i am trying to convice some people, they agree with me, but say, "what supossed to do? i have 3 kids to support" i know people on other countries that the situation is worse, the law is against everyone,, they was working like 20 years in a job and people want drop them like trash, i think is bad when you have a family to support, if you are single, you have more chances to resist

Sometime i start to really thinking in leaving this world, because the situation is f****
*Everybody* has had a mental toll on this. Whether it is covidiots that swallowed up the "official truth" or the ones like us who see the fraud and the fellony on it. But this has affected everybody at least on western world (dunno about remote villages in africa).

So it is completely normal. Stay strong man. It will pass. Try to spend time with the people you love (whether they believe in the plandemic or not), that's the only thing that really matters.

We will prevail.


I think i am starting to get really depressed because of what they are doing to good people who really need their jobs, i am trying to convice some people, they agree with me, but say, "what supossed to do? i have 3 kids to support" i know people on other countries that the situation is worse, the law is against everyone,, they was working like 20 years in a job and people want drop them like trash, i think is bad when you have a family to support, if you are single, you have more chances to resist

Sometime i start to really thinking in leaving this world, because the situation is f****
It sounds like you are grieving. Do what you can to support the people you can but also take care of yourselve.

I was feeling how you describe you are feeling not so long ago. I made phone calls, shared the information I had, cried, begged, and now I am more or else done. I’ve let go. I am not responsible for other people’s choices.

We are powerful if we stick together to challenge these illegal measures.

I read this article a lot lately, it helps

This too will pass


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Yes, I had several days last week where I realized I was starting to feel depressed. That old feeling had been gone for many years and it coincided with my work notification about the vax mandate. I think it’s completely understandable that all of this is starting to wear on people. Take good care of yourself- get out in nature and de-stress as much as possible. We are here and understand.


Oct 5, 2014
Yes, I had several days last week where I realized I was starting to feel depressed. That old feeling had been gone for many years and it coincided with my work notification about the vax mandate. I think it’s completely understandable that all of this is starting to wear on people. Take good care of yourself- get out in nature and de-stress as much as possible. We are here and understand.
My best wishes are with you Blossom. Stay strong.


Feb 22, 2021
Yes, I had several days last week where I realized I was starting to feel depressed. That old feeling had been gone for many years and it coincided with my work notification about the vax mandate. I think it’s completely understandable that all of this is starting to wear on people. Take good care of yourself- get out in nature and de-stress as much as possible. We are here and understand.
I have been looking for a job. I have clearly not gotten 3 solid jobs because of not being vaccinated. They will never tell me this though. Today I had an interview where the shot is mandatory but in this case the interviewer did not look at me and say "I am fully vaccinated" opening up the door for me to say that I am not vaccinated but that I do take an anti viral. But, they know I am not vaccinated because this interview was via a headhunter who knows. If they offer me the job I am considering getting the jab, but they won't offer it to me because they'll interview someone who is fully vaccinated and ask them. I feel like a whore who will take a shot - I know to be harmful to myself - for a job. Then again I really don't think I could go thru with getting this jab. When push comes to shove I don't think I can knowingly harm my body (that's a sin against God too). In order to get the jab I would have to read all kinds of crap to convince myself its not that dangerous. I certainly have family members who have tried every avenue possible to them to get me to get the jab which they fully believe in. I know I could get the virus and I accept that. But I just don't want the jab and the change to my DNA, the pericarditis, the cytokine storm, the inflammation, fibrosis, the failure to my immune system, the damage to my natural immunity, the brain fog.

The president has made it clear he does not want employers to hire or to continue to employ unvaccinated people. Yes, this situation is quite depressing. I am glad to have a place to vent. I hope I don't turn into a job whore who can't think straight.


Sep 21, 2014
Yes, I alternate between hope and hopelessness. I have never thought about suicide as often as I have in the last few months. I know I won't do it, but I wonder if there is a way out of this situation.


Apr 7, 2021
I think i am starting to get really depressed because of what they are doing to good people who really need their jobs, i am trying to convice some people, they agree with me, but say, "what supossed to do? i have 3 kids to support" i know people on other countries that the situation is worse, the law is against everyone,, they was working like 20 years in a job and people want drop them like trash, i think is bad when you have a family to support, if you are single, you have more chances to resist

Sometime i start to really thinking in leaving this world, because the situation is f****

Try to stay calm, no matter the situation. Even if it sounds difficult, it is the best option.

You should not be surprised that loyal people have lost their jobs. We have been cataloged for a long time, officially even, "human resources" . Don't get emotionally involved in this game, because that's what they want. Accompany your loved ones, help others, communicate, inform yourself, inform others in turn and so it is a mutual help, walk in nature, exercise, keep your body healthy, strengthen your spirit by prayer, free your soul and mind from impurities.

We are all in this thing, whether we want to or not. Things are obvious, the scene is set since our creation, the actors are constantly changing, but the script is the same every time, the battle between good and evil.

We know the end and the end is wonderful. Remain strong in the faith and thus you will not be affected by things over which you have no control. Think about the "clothes" you will receive!

Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: and yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

Matthew 6:27‭-‬30


Aug 17, 2018
Yes, I alternate between hope and hopelessness. I have never thought about suicide as often as I have in the last few months. I know I won't do it, but I wonder if there is a way out of this situation.
If you live in the city, I would suggest to move away (if you can).


Oct 5, 2014
Yes, I alternate between hope and hopelessness. I have never thought about suicide as often as I have in the last few months. I know I won't do it, but I wonder if there is a way out of this situation.
It will pass man, don't worry. It is normal. And that is why most people swallow up the "official truth" because they don't want to end in a position like yours. They prefer to live blinded (and vaxxed) rather than deal with the plandemic lie. It takes a huge amount of energy to swim against the stream and you can end up very depressed, discouraged, hopelessness, etc.

Gradually cut on reading media, forums, twitters, etc. EVERYTHING will help you. But it is hard because it is an addiction somehow.

FORCING, yes, forcing. This is super important. Forcing. Forcing yourself to do nice/meaningful activities during week or weekends helps a lot also. With people if possible, even if they are pro-plandemic. Just don't bring the topic. They are still the. But You have to force it. After you have done it 2 3 times you will see.

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