Anxiety and Depression are out of control. What anti-depressant Pharma drug would be safest?


May 30, 2018
While it's not a drug, colloidal gold seems to have antidepressant and antianxiety effects for some.


Feb 14, 2017
What worries me about Thiamine is that it gives energy and I already have trouble falling asleep, hence the trazodone. I had already tried taking a B complex for a while which was giving 100-200mg of Thiamine and it didn't help my mental state much. I am in a really extreme unstable state where I am very anxious, depressed, dread an panic from the moment I wake up. Its the worst at wake up, bad during the day. In the evening the anxiety is not as back but depression is still there. At night, I level out a bit. That's when I am feeling my best is after 10 or 11pm and can think a little more rational. But at all times I am incapable of taking care oof myself, from running errands, cooking, etc, Its all too overwhelming for my mental state.
I have been feeling these exact same patterns lately. It's difficult to change it permanently but what is giving me particular relief temporarily is eating organic fenugreek seeds. It rapidly and effectively resolves inescapable, locked-on anxiety, elevates and stabilizes mental outlook for several hours afterwards. I have heard it reduces cortisol, possibly from stabilizing blood sugar levels. Also, it is a great source of the amino acid phenylalanine, which acts like an antidepressant as I once took supplements of it for depression, but fenugreek seeds do this so much better.
I hope you'll try it. I take 3 tablespoons of pre-soaked seeds and the effects are simply divine.


Jul 26, 2017
I have been feeling these exact same patterns lately. It's difficult to change it permanently but what is giving me particular relief temporarily is eating organic fenugreek seeds. It rapidly and effectively resolves inescapable, locked-on anxiety, elevates and stabilizes mental outlook for several hours afterwards. I have heard it reduces cortisol, possibly from stabilizing blood sugar levels. Also, it is a great source of the amino acid phenylalanine, which acts like an antidepressant as I once took supplements of it for depression, but fenugreek seeds do this so much better.
I hope you'll try it. I take 3 tablespoons of pre-soaked seeds and the effects are simply divine.
Is there any literature on this for depression that I can check out? Will the seeds negatively affect hairloss?


Jul 26, 2017
Just to update everyone, I am still doing very bad. Extreme depression and anxiety, and bouts of panic and feeling so overwhelmed. I can barely function in life. I realized my ex is not coming back, and I am so afraid that I won't find someone else and end up alone. My hair has been shedding like crazy and my hairloss is starting to become noticeable which is making me feel so bad because I fear I won't find an attractive partner.

I have been doing therapy but it only helps to a small extent. I really need to take something to help, but all that I have read about antidepressants is scaring me with side effects. I have been taking trazodone but have been trying to ween off because its giving me sexual side effects and possibly making my hair worse.

So I need to try something that won't negatively impact my hairloss or my sex drive, because talk therapy isn't doing it. SSRI's SNRI's seem to have literature suggesting it can cause hairloss and it definitely lowers sex drive and sexual pleasure. I was doing so bad that I went to the hospital and they gave me a lorazepam which really chilled me out and I felt more calm than I have in a very very long time. But I know thats only a temporary solution.

Any suggestions? Everything natural I've tried like ashwaghanda and magnesium barely do anything because of how unstable I am and how bad things are. Really need advice.
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