Haidut Interview Animal-based vs. Ray Peat diet - Podcast With Georgi Dinkov and Paul Saladino


May 27, 2022
Virginia, United States
I think starch is not a big deal or problem tbh. My digestion has been horrible for 7 years and starch or no starch made no much difference, even gluten. But everyone have right to eat how they want. I just think most Peaters make a too big problem out of starch.
I'm convinced not all starch is equal. I do fine with potatoes, oats, and lentils, but for whatever reason, rice destroys my gut.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
These were my thoughts as well. He doesn't look old - he just looks sun damaged. If your ancestors spent thousands of years adapting to a certain climate, then it's unrealistic to think you'll do well in an entirely different climate. In my own experience, adding carbs back into my diet after doing keto/carnivore for over a year improved my skin, so I doubt his more wrinkled appearance has anything to do with carbs.
I just thought carnivore aged him but y’all are probably right that it’s the long hours in the sun. I look younger when eating adequate carbs v too little.


Mar 21, 2021
yeah I think if you coming off keto or carnivore for extended period of time it’s better to let your body adapt to metabolizing sugar again rather then jumping right into the amount of sugar they recommend you should consume in a day to mitigate the weight gain until your body adapts
Your story sounds like mine except the first time I gained 70 pounds. That was rough to carry on a 5’1 frame so I agree completely that we need to go slow when reintroducing carbs after VLC, keto, carnivore etc. Extremes seem very destabilizing when health is poor because the body wants to maintain homeostasis. I think the big difference for me the second time around was that I had learned to listen to my body, had also eaten low pufa, used other peaty measure for many years and worked on certain toxicities unique to me that I was unaware of when I first started reading Peat’s work. We had a very helpful member when I first joined by the username Mittir who mentioned that people should only gain a small amount from adding back carbs due to refilling glycogen stores but I gained a lot because my metabolism and hormones were trashed. Now the difference in my weight eating carbs v not eating carbs is only a couple pounds.

Going high carb when coming from the standard amount a carbs in the diet and then going to a ray peat way of eating and removing the toxic food and pufa you will probably see better results without the weight gain more immediately.

But coming from a low carb diet especially for a long period of time it’s probably best introduce carbs slowly while bringing down the fat by half or so. And the problem coming from a keto/ carnivore diet your body is so used to using fat for energy, and when you cut out the fat it’s harder to feel full and will likely feel like you are not getting the energy you need.

And your hormone balance is probably set to burning fat and using body tissue for glucose , so things like adrenaline and cortisol are super high and the effects it has on other hormones.

So when things like cortisol , serotonin are high it is sending a message to the body we are in desperate times, so when you do get higher calories from carbs, your body is getting the message to store it because tough times could be around the corner.

So mentally you know you can get all the food you want , but the hormone and chemical balance in you body is sending the body another message.

Almost like a miser mentality versus an abundance mentality where things are plentiful and we can use this for immediate energy.

I would say a keto diet is like having a job living paycheck to paycheck and behind on bills and not knowing every month if you will have enough to pay the bills. And eventually when you get a new high paying job is like moving to the ray peat diet. but at first you spend like you are living paycheck to paycheck and you are watching every penny and it that case your bank account will grow , but with your body it’s fat.

But as times goes on you realize you have more then enough money cover the bills and start spending more money for things like vacations, movies etc. and with the body it is burning glucose for immediate energy.

That my theory. I wonder if we looked at the metabolism of people with an abundance mentality versus people who are are hoarders from the people whose houses are full of trash to billionaires watching every penny, to the average person maybe spending a little more then they can afford and billionaires who spend like their is no tomorrow buying jets , yachts or giving billions away.

Or the ones that get certain amount of wealth and then retire and enjoy life , versus the wealthy that in their mind there no amount of money that is enough and spend their entire life trying to acquire as much fortune as they can.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
yeah I think if you coming off keto or carnivore for extended period of time it’s better to let your body adapt to metabolizing sugar again rather then jumping right into the amount of sugar they recommend you should consume in a day to mitigate the weight gain until your body adapts

Going high carb when coming from the standard amount a carbs in the diet and then going to a ray peat way of eating and removing the toxic food and pufa you will probably see better results without the weight gain more immediately.

But coming from a low carb diet especially for a long period of time it’s probably best introduce carbs slowly while bringing down the fat by half or so. And the problem coming from a keto/ carnivore diet your body is so used to using fat for energy, and when you cut out the fat it’s harder to feel full and will likely feel like you are not getting the energy you need.

And your hormone balance is probably set to burning fat and using body tissue for glucose , so things like adrenaline and cortisol are super high and the effects it has on other hormones.

So when things like cortisol , serotonin are high it is sending a message to the body we are in desperate times, so when you do get higher calories from carbs, your body is getting the message to store it because tough times could be around the corner.

So mentally you know you can get all the food you want , but the hormone and chemical balance in you body is sending the body another message.

Almost like a miser mentality versus an abundance mentality where things are plentiful and we can use this for immediate energy.

I would say a keto diet is like having a job living paycheck to paycheck and behind on bills and not knowing every month if you will have enough to pay the bills. And eventually when you get a new high paying job is like moving to the ray peat diet. but at first you spend like you are living paycheck to paycheck and you are watching every penny and it that case your bank account will grow , but with your body it’s fat.

But as times goes on you realize you have more then enough money cover the bills and start spending more money for things like vacations, movies etc. and with the body it is burning glucose for immediate energy.

That my theory. I wonder if we looked at the metabolism of people with an abundance mentality versus people who are are hoarders from the people whose houses are full of trash to billionaires watching every penny, to the average person maybe spending a little more then they can afford and billionaires who spend like their is no tomorrow buying jets , yachts or giving billions away.

Or the ones that get certain amount of wealth and then retire and enjoy life , versus the wealthy that in their mind there no amount of money that is enough and spend their entire life trying to acquire as much fortune as they can.
Good analogy!


Mar 20, 2021
yeah I think if you coming off keto or carnivore for extended period of time it’s better to let your body adapt to metabolizing sugar again rather then jumping right into the amount of sugar they recommend you should consume in a day to mitigate the weight gain until your body adapts

Going high carb when coming from the standard amount a carbs in the diet and then going to a ray peat way of eating and removing the toxic food and pufa you will probably see better results without the weight gain more immediately.

But coming from a low carb diet especially for a long period of time it’s probably best introduce carbs slowly while bringing down the fat by half or so. And the problem coming from a keto/ carnivore diet your body is so used to using fat for energy, and when you cut out the fat it’s harder to feel full and will likely feel like you are not getting the energy you need.

And your hormone balance is probably set to burning fat and using body tissue for glucose , so things like adrenaline and cortisol are super high and the effects it has on other hormones.

So when things like cortisol , serotonin are high it is sending a message to the body we are in desperate times, so when you do get higher calories from carbs, your body is getting the message to store it because tough times could be around the corner.

So mentally you know you can get all the food you want , but the hormone and chemical balance in you body is sending the body another message.

Almost like a miser mentality versus an abundance mentality where things are plentiful and we can use this for immediate energy.

I would say a keto diet is like having a job living paycheck to paycheck and behind on bills and not knowing every month if you will have enough to pay the bills. And eventually when you get a new high paying job is like moving to the ray peat diet. but at first you spend like you are living paycheck to paycheck and you are watching every penny and it that case your bank account will grow , but with your body it’s fat.

But as times goes on you realize you have more then enough money cover the bills and start spending more money for things like vacations, movies etc. and with the body it is burning glucose for immediate energy.

That my theory. I wonder if we looked at the metabolism of people with an abundance mentality versus people who are are hoarders from the people whose houses are full of trash to billionaires watching every penny, to the average person maybe spending a little more then they can afford and billionaires who spend like their is no tomorrow buying jets , yachts or giving billions away.

Or the ones that get certain amount of wealth and then retire and enjoy life , versus the wealthy that in their mind there no amount of money that is enough and spend their entire life trying to acquire as much fortune as they can.

Took me over a year. But now I'm the same size as when I graduated high school, and eating twice as many calories as when I was keto and fasting....

DO NOT overeat though, it'll all get packed on. You'll eventually get back to wasting calories again like kids 😂


Aug 19, 2018
I've had similar thoughts but to be fair he also moved to Costa Rica and spends several hours in the sun each day. Also, iron overload from high red meat intake could potentially be another risk factor for premature aging. I wouldn't say that carbs per se is what caused his skin to look more wrinkled. Most likely its Caucasian white male + surfing hours everyday in equatorial climate = raisin effect.
Or too much glycation from high carb + high protein diet


Jul 13, 2014
holy crap, this is crazy. i cant wait to listen to this and the mercola podcast soon. way to go @haidut , thank god we've got you in the community, since rays death ive really been feeling quite sad


Aug 17, 2016
But progestene wont fix your gaitcycle, if it did we would have people taking before and after slow motion gaitcycles and seeing the dysfunctions being "fixed" but we dont
Yeah, I don't know anything about gaitcycle.
But I've had serious piriformis syndrome, sciatica, thoracic outlet syndrome (aikido fixed this one!), chronic shoulder pain and very severe wrist injury. Kuinone and progesterone fixed all besides the TOS.


Oct 4, 2019
Yeah, I don't know anything about gaitcycle.
But I've had serious piriformis syndrome, sciatica, thoracic outlet syndrome (aikido fixed this one!), chronic shoulder pain and very severe wrist injury. Kuinone and progesterone fixed all besides the TOS.
Not mechanically fixed, it will likely come back when gait becomes more adapted to modern world/bad exercise

FP just prevents all that


Jul 13, 2014
Conversation between Georgi and Paul... never thought I'd see the day!

It's good to see Paul Saladino giving some credit where credit is due as he obviously was 'Ray Pilled' at some point.

In fact, I predicted this would happen over 2 years ago, I wrote this in Aug 2020: "...Soon Paul Saladino will be sipping coffee w/ milk and sugar and painting naked women."

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZM9sCfmAGc&ab_channel=CarnivoreMD

wow 28k views already, great for peatdom, should be great for new influx of members


Mar 21, 2021

View: https://youtu.be/VZbLGaaUsG8

Good news Paul said haidut will be on next weeks show

and about the 53 minute mark Dave asprey trashes ray peat mocking ray saying cottage cheese and coke and viable breakfast option. But Paul jumps in and defend him.

But it seems Paul is becoming a sorta Peatarian

As Dave asprey is longevity expert who is 49 looks like his going on 60


Nov 6, 2020

View: https://youtu.be/VZbLGaaUsG8

Good news Paul said haidut will be on next weeks show

and about the 53 minute mark Dave asprey trashes ray peat mocking ray saying cottage cheese and coke and viable breakfast option. But Paul jumps in and defend him.

But it seems Paul is becoming a sorta Peatarian

As Dave asprey is longevity expert who is 49 looks like his going on 60

Holy s#!] ...... I had not seen a picture of asprey for years. Maybe it is just his genetics, and I don't know how old he is, but I would have guessed it in the late 50s early 60s as well.
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