Androgen Treatment Highly Effective For Breast Cancer


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The first study (animal) looked at various approaches and found that removal of the pituitary caused the complete disappearance of breast cancer in ALL of the studied animals. The administration of DHT caused almost complete regression in 82% (14 out of 17) of the animals. The HED for DHT was 0.7mg/kg. The second study (human case study) used a combination of testosterone (T) and the aromatase inhibitor (AI) anastrozole. You can think of the DHT in the first study as having the same effect as the T + AI combo in the second one - i.e. androgenic and anti-estrogenic. So, in effect both studies observed the same effect, and they were done 7 decades apart. The human study observed 12-fold reduction in tumor size in period of just 3 months! If this effect was achieved by a novel pharma drug it would be on TV 24 hours a day for months. But alas, it was just a humble combination of T and an out-of-patent AI. The human study also refers to a potentially even better approach - using DHEA, with or without AI. DHEA has shown better cancer-inhibiting properties in pre-clinical studies. So, the OTC combination to implement the same approach would be a DHEA + progesterone or DHEA + pregnenolone combination.
An interesting side note is that DHT caused marked increase in normal breast size while inhibiting tumor growth. This matches well the studies I posted on DHEA being able to increase breast size when applied topically. So, androgens are not only for men :):

"...Many of the induced carcinomas, indeed the majority of them, regressed markedly in size when ovarian function was abolished by ovariectomy or by hypophysectomy; removal of the pituitary always was followed by the greatest decline in tumor size. Cancers behaving in this way are by definition hormone- dependent. This decrease in size was not due to necrosis but to atrophy of the epithelial cells, resulting in a characteristic histologic appearance. Similarly, the administration of dihydrotestosterone caused hormone- dependent cancers to decrease in size; this compound, in common with other androgenic substances, is known to induce a decline of ovarian function yet, notably, promotes growth intensely in the normal mammary epithelium of the rat (27, 28). It was of interest to observe vigorous growth of the normal mammary tree in rats injected with dihydrotestosterone whilst the mammary cancers became atrophic in the same animals."

Rapid response of breast cancer to neoadjuvant intramammary... : Menopause
"...Follow-up mammogram (Fig. 2) and US (Fig. 3) on week 13, again performed at the same radiology facility, revealed that the size of the carcinoma had continued to decrease, measuring 1.5 × 0.8 × 0.6 cm on US, with a tumor volume of 0.42 cm3. This 12-fold reduction in tumor volume from the original measurement equates to a 2.78% decrease per day (after therapy) and a half-lifeb of 23 days. The logarithmic response of the carcinoma to T + A therapy is evidenced by an R2 value greater than 0.99 (Fig. 4). In addition, many of the patient’s symptoms, including memory loss, physical fatigue, urinary incontinence, sleep disturbance, depression, and pain, improved with testosterone therapy. Adequate serum levels of testosterone, without elevation of E2, were confirmed on day 7 postinsertion (testosterone, 473 ng/dL; E2 <5 pg/mL), day 46 postinsertion (testosterone, 366 ng/dL; E2 <5 pg/mL), and again on day 7 after the second intramammary insertion procedure (testosterone, 345 ng/dL; E2 <5 pg/mL). Interestingly, the patient was able to discontinue several medications in addition to tamoxifen, including duloxetine HCl, lisinopril, and atorvastatin. There have been no adverse drug events with therapy. The patient “feels better than she has in years,” is no longer using a walker, and is driving her car again. She continues to refuse any surgical intervention."
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Jan 24, 2014
An interesting side note is that DHT caused marked increase in normal breast size while inhibiting tumor growth. This matches well the studies I posted on DHEA being able to increase breast size when applied topically. So, androgens are not only for men

I was reading about the Star Wars actress (Daisy Ridley) talking about PCOS which I assume is related to an excess of androgens ?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I was reading about the Star Wars actress (Daisy Ridley) talking about PCOS which I assume is related to an excess of androgens ?

Nope, it is actually driven by estrogen even though the superficial symptoms are related to local androgen metabolism. Search the forum and Peat's website. There is a ton of info on how estrogen irritates the adrenals
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Nov 11, 2014
I was reading about the Star Wars actress (Daisy Ridley) talking about PCOS which I assume is related to an excess of androgens ?

It's not wonder -- have a look at her meals and exercise routine on instagram.

The majority of Hollywood actresses/actors are continuously running on adrenaline and cortisol with their low-carb high-resistance training routines. I'm also noticing varicose veins in the temple area of foreheads in people in their early 20s. Estrogen is everywhere.


Jul 3, 2014
Bravo bravo! I hope you're saving all of this material to somewhere. I would not put it past the pharmas trying to come around and shut things down. THANK YOU FOR THIS!


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Bravo bravo! I hope you're saving all of this material to somewhere. I would not put it past the pharmas trying to come around and shut things down. THANK YOU FOR THIS!

Thanks Dan! Yes, saving my posts in the separate database just in case. I think @charlie is also making unscheduled forum backups and hiding them under his pillow :):


Dec 17, 2015
The first study (animal) looked at various approaches and found that removal of the pituitary caused the complete disappearance of breast cancer in ALL of the studied animals. The administration of DHT caused almost complete regression in 82% (14 out of 17) of the animals. The HED for DHT was 0.7mg/kg. The second study (human case study) used a combination of testosterone (T) and the aromatase inhibitor (AI) anastrozole. You can think of the DHT in the first study as having the same effect as the T + AI combo in the second one - i.e. androgenic and anti-estrogenic. So, in effect both studies observed the same effect, and they were done 7 decades apart. The human study observed 12-fold reduction in tumor size in period of just 3 months!!! If this effect was achieved by a novel pharma drug it would be on TV 24 hours a day for months. But alas, it was just a humble combination of T and an out-of-patent AI. The human study also refers to a potentially even better approach - using DHEA, with or without AI. DHEA has shown better cancer-inhibiting properties in pre-clinical studies. So, the OTC combination to implement the same approach would be a DHEA + progesterone or DHEA + pregnenolone combination.
An interesting side note is that DHT caused marked increase in normal breast size while inhibiting tumor growth. This matches well the studies I posted on DHEA being able to increase breast size when applied topically. So, androgens are not only for men :):

"...Many of the induced carcinomas, indeed the majority of them, regressed markedly in size when ovarian function was abolished by ovariectomy or by hypophysectomy; removal of the pituitary always was followed by the greatest decline in tumor size. Cancers behaving in this way are by definition hormone- dependent. This decrease in size was not due to necrosis but to atrophy of the epithelial cells, resulting in a characteristic histologic appearance. Similarly, the administration of dihydrotestosterone caused hormone- dependent cancers to decrease in size; this compound, in common with other androgenic substances, is known to induce a decline of ovarian function yet, notably, promotes growth intensely in the normal mammary epithelium of the rat (27, 28). It was of interest to observe vigorous growth of the normal mammary tree in rats injected with dihydrotestosterone whilst the mammary cancers became atrophic in the same animals."

Rapid response of breast cancer to neoadjuvant intramammary... : Menopause
"...Follow-up mammogram (Fig. 2) and US (Fig. 3) on week 13, again performed at the same radiology facility, revealed that the size of the carcinoma had continued to decrease, measuring 1.5 × 0.8 × 0.6 cm on US, with a tumor volume of 0.42 cm3. This 12-fold reduction in tumor volume from the original measurement equates to a 2.78% decrease per day (after therapy) and a half-lifeb of 23 days. The logarithmic response of the carcinoma to T + A therapy is evidenced by an R2 value greater than 0.99 (Fig. 4). In addition, many of the patient’s symptoms, including memory loss, physical fatigue, urinary incontinence, sleep disturbance, depression, and pain, improved with testosterone therapy. Adequate serum levels of testosterone, without elevation of E2, were confirmed on day 7 postinsertion (testosterone, 473 ng/dL; E2 <5 pg/mL), day 46 postinsertion (testosterone, 366 ng/dL; E2 <5 pg/mL), and again on day 7 after the second intramammary insertion procedure (testosterone, 345 ng/dL; E2 <5 pg/mL). Interestingly, the patient was able to discontinue several medications in addition to tamoxifen, including duloxetine HCl, lisinopril, and atorvastatin. There have been no adverse drug events with therapy. The patient “feels better than she has in years,” is no longer using a walker, and is driving her car again. She continues to refuse any surgical intervention."

Interesting in conjunction with this - Inhibiting Lipolysis May Treat / Cure Cancer ...that androgens inhibit lipolysis in women.

Screen Shot 2018-01-11 at 1.03.42 PM.png Screen Shot 2018-01-11 at 1.05.02 PM.png

Sex Differences in Androgen Regulation of Metabolism in Nonhuman Primates.

I'd always found it confusing that androgens were said to promote insulin resistance in women (as in PCOS for example) - but it seems that the androgens themselves still promote insulin sensitivity, but the increased insulin sensitivity in fat cells + reduction in lipolysis + (most importantly) a shitty diet = increased gain in fat mass ...which follows with insulin resistance once those fat cells are full due to the diet.

Another nice graphic from the same study - has been covered before - but good luck losing weight with calorie restriction when testosterone is sub-optimal in men

Screen Shot 2018-01-11 at 1.06.57 PM.png


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Would aromasin go well with 10mg dhea daily

I would not take a 10mg dose to start with. A 5mg dose a few times daily is probably much safer. Also, progesterone (and possibly androsterone/DHT) are preferable as AI than something like aromasin.
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