Am I going to die soon ?


Oct 6, 2021
I went today to take my results. On my way to hospital I had this intense feeling in my stomach. As soon as I approached the lab I saw some of the laborants noding at me respectfully .I knew it, something is no good. I took the list with the results, and just before fainting I saw the Cholesterol reaching the stratosphere. One nurse said not to worry cause her uncle were the local undertaker and he were decent man who has never nicked jewelery from the deceased. Thats for sure. Well anyway all my gold possesion is on my theeth and they wont find out.

Here is the death sentence. There is one more sheet with stuff but Its seem they have run out of printer ink and I will later have to type everything manually.


The only cope Im left with is that I ate a sausage and cheese an hour before the sample. But few years back I had sample taken on empty stomach in the morning and cholesteroll was 8ish..

Well I thought I gonna make it in life, but if thats not the plan of Jesus for me, then its alright. Hopefully I inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. If not I promise to be pulling Gates and Soros deep in the boiling pots.


Oct 6, 2021

Brother, stay calm. Take some aspirin and drink orange juice.
Ok but how this would help. I already drink 1l a day home made apple juice from organic apples. I start taking aspirine 2 months ago every day.

If the cholesteroll was 7, I wouldnt be bothered but its 10, double than the highest norm of 5. Should I decrease consuption of yogurt? I eat like 500gr a day, as well as other milk products and cheese. Average 650-700 gr. milk product a day. I eat 2 small raw organic eggs after workout which is 3-4 times a week.Other than that I eat meats whith almost every meal and a liver once a week. For carbs I eat white bread 1-2 slice with a meal, potatoes, white rice occasionaly and sometimes beans and lentils cuse I like them. 1 raw caarot a day + tea spoon raw coconut oil. Fruit I eat locally grown and seasonal + the juice.


Nov 16, 2019
Have you at least measured your temps/pulse and have an idea of your thyroid function?

I see no mention of it here


Oct 6, 2021
I measured the pulse at 58 per minute. Tonight or tomorrow Ill measure the temp. Do I need thyroid hormone checks for its function ?
Have you at least measured your temps/pulse and have an idea of your thyroid function?

I see no mention of it here


Nov 16, 2019
I measured the pulse at 58 per minute. Tonight or tomorrow Ill measure the temp. Do I need thyroid hormone checks for its function ?
Severely hypothyroid. Ray peat has mentioned that he seen people drop their cholesterol significantly using cynomel, 5mcg of T3 every hour for 2 weeks. Aspirin and niancinamide are useful along side. And haidut has posts showing 400mg magnesium and 1500mg taurine per day helped to lower cholesterol.


Feb 12, 2020
I’d be more concerned about C reactive protein being at 20. I’ve seen people at their worst barely go over 2. You must have an infection of some sort, which is why the cholesterol is raised to protect you


Sep 21, 2014
One nurse said not to worry cause her uncle were the local undertaker and he were decent man who has never nicked jewelery from the deceased.
Wait, what?


Oct 6, 2021
Severely hypothyroid. Ray peat has mentioned that he seen people drop their cholesterol significantly using cynomel, 5mcg of T3 every hour for 2 weeks. Aspirin and niancinamide are useful along side. And haidut has posts showing 400mg magnesium and 1500mg taurine per day helped to lower cholesterol.
What does it mean hypothyroid and could it really be healed by taking something for 2 weeks. Also about lowering cholesterol, Im not expert but I read that is not problem by itself, rather signaling other issues.
I’d be more concerned about C reactive protein being at 20. I’ve seen people at their worst barely go over 2. You must have an infection of some sort, which is why the cholesterol is raised to protect you
The refferal values shown are 0-10 so how people at their worst go just above 2. What could be this infection, could it be theeth related? I had bad theeth before and got 2 implants and 3-4 other theeth were threated. But that was 4 years ago and since than havent had any complains about theeth, just go once a year for cleaning.

your cholesterol is crazy. how much fat do you eat in a day?
I wrote above what Im eating. Ye I guess is high fat but dont believe is so high to cause such issues.
Seems like you have a bad liver
Damn I shouldnt have done this checks and I would be living in peace now. Is there a way to make my liver a good one.
Wait, what?
Well judging by other comments, this is where things are heading :angelic:


Jan 25, 2014
I went today to take my results. On my way to hospital I had this intense feeling in my stomach. As soon as I approached the lab I saw some of the laborants noding at me respectfully .I knew it, something is no good. I took the list with the results, and just before fainting I saw the Cholesterol reaching the stratosphere. One nurse said not to worry cause her uncle were the local undertaker and he were decent man who has never nicked jewelery from the deceased. Thats for sure. Well anyway all my gold possesion is on my theeth and they wont find out.
Do you even Peat, Bro?

First off, no one, I repeat NO ONE dies from "High Cholesterol." Cholesterol in itself is protective, so having "high levels" isn't necessarily a bad thing. There are people with familial hypercholesterolemia who live normal lives.

It's not a big deal, it's not a death sentence.

Of course, having said that, it does suggest that there are other issues at play. Like that it's not getting converted to downstream hormones. What's your pulse and basal temp? You could always do some thyroid labs, too. And things like Testosterone and DHT might be a good idea.

Peat has stated that people who have high cholesterol are "lucky," because they are prime candidates for thyroid supplementation, and it can be made into the protective downstream hormones.


Jun 10, 2020
Severely hypothyroid. Ray peat has mentioned that he seen people drop their cholesterol significantly using cynomel, 5mcg of T3 every hour for 2 weeks. Aspirin and niancinamide are useful along side. And haidut has posts showing 400mg magnesium and 1500mg taurine per day helped to lower cholesterol.
+1, and +1 to what @tankasnowgod said. Dr. Peat says that taking thyroid is the safest way to lower cholesterol. @HighT Thyroid worked for lowering my total cholesterol from 206 mg/Dl to 166 over a few months, but I didn't take T3 only (like cynomel). I took cynoplus, which has T3 and T4. T3, or quick-acting thyroid, doesn't need to be converted, so it instantly acts to help convert your cholesterol into protective hormones. This can be really helpful to get someone out of a stress state quickly.

T4 needs to be converted into T3, so it usually spreads out uptake over a few days, or up to a week. A lot of people do well on a mix of T4 and T3, but if you want to take thyroid, you should take your temp and pulse, like rr1 suggested. The temp and pulse provide a better indication of thyroid function than lab thyroid tests do, like TSH, free T4 and T3, total T4 and T3.

This article helps clarify thyroid supplementation Thyroid: Therapies, Confusion, and Fraud
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Oct 7, 2020
I’d be more concerned about C reactive protein being at 20. I’ve seen people at their worst barely go over 2. You must have an infection of some sort, which is why the cholesterol is raised to protect you
Get tested for infections and maybe try antibiotics, definitely something is off with that Crp


Oct 6, 2021
Forgot to mention I had very big stress literally minutes before check, was not related to it, but could it has made big impact on some of the values?



I will do further checks on things you suggested. Also I measured my pulse today at 58 per 60 second. Cant do temp now cause I have only room termometer and I kept it 15 minutes under my armpit and it was showing only 34 celsius. Hopefully wasnt correct :D I will check tomorrow with proper meter.



If Thyroid supplement converts cholesterol to protective hormones, that would be great. But does it mean I will need to take it forever. @rr1 said 2 weeks to flatten the curve :D I might be making noob qestion but will read the links you provide .

Thank you everybody for responding!

Here are some additional results from that day if you are curious see it . I might be mistaken some letters but the sheet was without ink barely read it.


WBC 5.60 x10^9/L 4-10

Neu% 59.4% 50-70

Lym% 32.6% 20-40

Mon% 4.8 3-12

Bos% 2.8 0.5-5

Bas% 0.4 0-1

Nen# 3.33 x10^9/L 2-7

Lym# 1.83 x10^9/L 0.8-4

Mon# 0.26 x10^9/L 0.12-1.2

Los# 0.16 x10^9/L 0.02-0.5

Bas# 0.02 x10^9/L 0-0.1

*ALY% 0.4% 0-2

*LIC% 0.1% 0-2.5

*ALY# 0.02 x10^9/L 0-0.2

*LIC# 0.00 x10^9/L 0-0.2

RBC 5.49 x10^12/1 3.5-5

HGB 155 g/L 110-160

HCT 0.523 0.370-0.540

MCV 95.2fL 80-100

MCH 28.2 pg 27-34

MCHC 297 g/L 320-360

RDW-CV 0.116 0.110-0.160

RDW-SD 45.6 fL 35-56

PLT 271 x10^12/1 100-300

MPV 9.8 fL 6.5-12

PDW 16.2 9-17

PCI 2.66 mL/L 1.08-2.82


Apr 19, 2021
well first off it would be nice to know why you went to the hospital in the first place and why you had bloods done. second i understand that cholesterol is protective, however having cholesterol 3x the upper range is a sight to behold. either your thyroid took some vacation or you have eaten a very high fat diet for very very long. do a thyroid panel


Oct 7, 2020
+1, and +1 to what @tankasnowgod said. Dr. Peat says that taking thyroid is the safest way to lower cholesterol. @HighT Thyroid worked for lowering my total cholesterol from 206 mg/Dl to 166 over a few months, but I didn't take T3 only (like cynomel). I took cynoplus, which has T3 and T4. T3, or quick-acting thyroid, doesn't need to be converted, so it instantly acts to help convert your cholesterol into protective hormones. This can be really helpful to get someone out of a stress state quickly.

T4 needs to be converted into T3, so it usually spreads out uptake over a few days, or up to a week. A lot of people do well on a mix of T4 and T3, but if you want to take thyroid, you should take your temp and pulse, like rr1 suggested. The temp and pulse provide a better indication of thyroid function than lab thyroid tests do, like TSH, free T4 and T3, total T4 and T3.

This article helps clarify thyroid supplementation Thyroid: Therapies, Confusion, and Fraud
My TSH was 3.0 (2.1-2.4 during puberty many years ago) and Free T3 above the reference range last I tested it buy my pulse has always been between 80-110 and temperature 36.9-37.1 celsius


Jun 10, 2020
My TSH was 3.0 (2.1-2.4 during puberty many years ago) and Free T3 above the reference range last I tested it buy my pulse has always been between 80-110 and temperature 36.9-37.1 celsius
Interesting. I've heard Peat say that other things can cause TSH to rise (or suppress TSH), besides low thyroid. Based on temp and pulse, you thyroid seems to be working well, but it's also possible that stress hormones increased temp and pulse. The quality of sleep and how you generally feel would also indicate if the problem is your thyroid or something else.


Oct 7, 2020
Interesting. I've heard Peat say that other things can cause TSH to rise (or suppress TSH), besides low thyroid. Based on temp and pulse, you thyroid seems to be working well, but it's also possible that stress hormones increased temp and pulse. The quality of sleep and how you generally feel would also indicate if the problem is your thyroid or something else.
I had 6 hours of sleep so it might have raised it acutely, my morning cortisol on the same 9 am test was above ref range too so it probably compensated for less sleep, gotta ensure more sleep before any future tests, ironically knowing I have to do the test next day makes me more insomniac sometimes


Oct 6, 2021
well first off it would be nice to know why you went to the hospital in the first place and why you had bloods done. second i understand that cholesterol is protective, however having cholesterol 3x the upper range is a sight to behold. either your thyroid took some vacation or you have eaten a very high fat diet for very very long. do a thyroid panel
I went just for routine check out of curiousity, and yes I have eaten high fat basically my entire live JFl. However Will check the Thyroid soon.

I’d be more concerned about C reactive protein being at 20. I’ve seen people at their worst barely go over 2. You must have an infection of some sort, which is why the cholesterol is raised to protect you
My father said that when he had heart inflamation back before years his crp was 220 - not a miss spell. It turned out his condition is not serious and he is fine now without taken anything. He got stung by many bees at once that time. LOL Also he said knowing many people having 30-40-50 chronically and they are just fine :D
So how that " people at their worst barely go over 2" could be real. Its either big over exaggeration or in different countries are using different metrics to measure crp.
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