Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Merch Store


Feb 18, 2016
The squads team leader who is fighting evil capitalism and supposedly promoting socialist commie policies via the new woke left now has a store, you can buy cool quotes on tshirts in the "quotable" section.
All made in the USA, sounds good, better than cheap labour in a foreign nation until you remember team America currently has open boarders for cheap labour from said countries via the asylum system.

You can buy her branded quote "eat the rich" while making aoc richer!
Welcome to the woke left where we sell you commie words and ideas as a capitalist product.
It’s only 27 dollars a Tshirt, perfectly affordable even if you lost your job during the covid bailout and living in a tent city, hell they even sell hoodies if your tent is cold at night.

The green new deal is heavily promoted here also, It’s a merch store for imperialism and a digital plantation, she’s a total psycho, her old blog highlighted she was on the far right and they have rebranded her into this, I mean the green new deal is "supposed" to be about reducing mindless consumerism, you’ll own nothing and be happy except AOC’s imperial clothing range.

By all accounts Hilary Clinton is funding the store, we should start a Jeffrey Epstein and bill Gates store, if any of you need money at the moment you should do this.



Feb 18, 2016
Check out the poster section, I notice flushing meadows corona park, they are mocking people.
Anybody know anything interesting on the other landmarks? Why George washington? A statue of Venus is across from this in the park apparently.


Aug 17, 2016
Check out the poster section, I notice flushing meadows corona park, they are mocking people.
Anybody know anything interesting on the other landmarks? Why George washington? A statue of Venus is across from this in the park apparently.
ehhh, I grew up near Pelham Bay Park.
My dad is rolling in his grave watching this area crumble.


May 30, 2018
I noticed AOC merch in a coffee shop a few years ago. It reminds me of actors in their early career. Totally owned and created by a production team to become a source of revenue and propaganda through things like commercial appearances. It seems like most US politicians are managed and used in this way. Pathetic yet the masses still respond as if it’s all real, I suppose as the donor class have calculated they would.
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Feb 18, 2016
ehhh, I grew up near Pelham Bay Park.
My dad is rolling in his grave watching this area crumble.
What’s tragic is a lot of the elderly are now saying their glad they haven’t long left in this world because of how it’s going.


Feb 18, 2016
I noticed AOC merch in a coffee shop a few years ago. It reminds me of actors in their early career. Totally owned and created by a production team to become a source of revenue and propaganda through things like commercial appearances. It seems like most US politicians are managed and used in this way. Pathetic yet the masses still respond as if it’s all real, I suppose as the donor class have calculated they would.
Everything is about the economy, they sell commie rhetoric rather than enact it, people consume the role like they would role play a computer game, grand theft auto is one of the most popular games, you kill and steal yet in the real world many don’t do this, politics is becoming the same way, activists consume an identity but don’t fully enact it in the real world, they act it out online instead.


What’s tragic is a lot of the elderly are now saying their glad they haven’t long left in this world because of how it’s going.
Surely they had some say in shaping the world they are leaving behind


Surely they had some say in shaping the world they are leaving behind
It's similar to how I'm glad I never invested anything into becoming a "respectable citizen". It sucks to be anyone who trusted the system, but I find all of this exciting like a ball game.


Feb 18, 2016
It's similar to how I'm glad I never invested anything into becoming a "respectable citizen". It sucks to be anyone who trusted the system, but I find all of this exciting like a ball game.
I think most people find it exciting because we are detached from it via screens, in the west its been like this for years, now the ruling class are turning it on us, it won’t be long before it’s starts to get in people’s faces and that’s where the enjoyment stops, let’s hope people will revolt at this point.

Never investing anything into becoming a respectable citizen? sounds like your perfect for banking and politics!:tongueclosed:


Feb 18, 2016
Surely they had some say in shaping the world they are leaving behind
They did, it’s mainly the working class elderly I mean, the majority above them sold us out, quite literally sold us out to the globalist economy, sure they could have held those in politics to account but they were lied to continually, the propaganda was more controlled, no internet, if they had the internet in the 50’s I don’t think we would be here now, in fact the older generation working class would be better to stand with back then if you had internet rather than the characters we have today.


I think most people find it exciting because we are detached from it via screens, in the west its been like this for years, now the ruling class are turning it on us, it won’t be long before it’s starts to get in people’s faces and that’s where the enjoyment stops, let’s hope people will revolt at this point.

Never investing anything into becoming a respectable citizen? sounds like your perfect for banking and politics!:tongueclosed:
Not respectable according to society's definition, that is. I'm not getting vaxxed even if they send unvaxxed people to camp.

Actually, the more tight the social pressure of not getting vaxxed gets, the better. I am the 1% and it'd be swell if vax status could represent that.

Wokists literally believe in what was used to corrupt and destroy the left. The "equality" beliefs. It'd never get this bad if they didn't have their online echo chambers, only enhanced by the censorship of right-wing views off the internet. Social media, and website services. The lockdowns only contributed to this by isolating people in person, which leaves the wokified internet.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
she’s a total psycho

Meh, I would not go that far...or if she is indeed then she is a really good actor in public. I met her a few times in DC and chatted her up once on the street. She comes across as a typical deluded Millennial, who wants to genuinely believe in the "righteousness" of her own bs, yet is deeply insecure about whether what she "sells" truly represents progress, so she gives vibes that she is afraid she will run into somebody who has experienced the things she talks about and expose her. Since she comes across as insecure about the things she sells to her voters (in this case me), I'd actually give her a bit of credit -i.e. she has the "impostor syndrome", which is a sign of a (at least somewhat) mentally healthy person. A true psycho has no doubts about her/his own greatness and is very assertive when interacting with the public. She does not display such behavior, at least not when I talked to her, and when I see her on TV she usually behaves the same way there too.
So, long story short, IMO just another (formerly) innocent soul that has been literally bought and installed as a front by the corrupt political elite who desperately need a new (and more likable) face that can sell their same old fraudulent policies to the public. Remember when she gave fiery speeches saying she would vote against giving military aid to Israel, and will support Palestinian independence? Pelosi had a one-on-one meeting with her and within a few hours AOC reneged on all of her promises and voted according to what that old demon Pelosi ordered. AOC also stopped giving those speeches and now refuses to answer public, unscripted questions on Israel and Palestine.
Now, the other "squad" member - Omar? She does exhibit quite a few psycho tendencies, corroborated by the stories about the money given to her lover's company for political campaigns, her ruined relationships due to her wanting to impose "female power" on her Somali husbands/lovers, potential tax fraud, and, of course, the story about her marrying (in all likelihood) her brother. I think this matches what you also posted about Omar, whom I have also met in person and she comes across as very cunning, ruthless, and amoral. Very much unlike AOC. In fact, the rumor is they can't stand each other, fight for power constantly, and the "squad" meme is just emotional food for the gullible plebs.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The lockdowns only contributed to this by isolating people in person, which leaves the wokified internet.

That was actually one of the main points of the lockdown and social distancing - to prevent people from associating with others, which has the ability to instill a "sense" that something is wrong. I think @Drareg posted a few hot-mic statements from UK politicians saying they want to teach people to avoid each other in stores and to avoid speaking to others. Due to the virus, of course. /s
The plan did not work and neither did the second goal of the lockdowns - avoiding inflation as much as possible. So, maybe when the wokists start having Ramen twice a day as their only food, some of them will finally start waking up. After all, the feeling of power stemming from terrorizing the unvaxxed loses its appeal over time...just like everything else based on shear thrills. Not to mention, it cannot feed a hungry, broke person, which is what most wokists are, considering they are predominantly Millennials.


Sep 21, 2014
I could not find the Let's go Brandon t-shirt. Is it out of stock?


Feb 18, 2016
Meh, I would not go that far...or if she is indeed then she is a really good actor in public. I met her a few times in DC and chatted her up once on the street. She comes across as a typical deluded Millennial, who wants to genuinely believe in the "righteousness" of her own bs, yet is deeply insecure about whether what she "sells" truly represents progress, so she gives vibes that she is afraid she will run into somebody who has experienced the things she talks about and expose her. Since she comes across as insecure about the things she sells to her voters (in this case me), I'd actually give her a bit of credit -i.e. she has the "impostor syndrome", which is a sign of a (at least somewhat) mentally healthy person. A true psycho has no doubts about her/his own greatness and is very assertive when interacting with the public. She does not display such behavior, at least not when I talked to her, and when I see her on TV she usually behaves the same way there too.
So, long story short, IMO just another (formerly) innocent soul that has been literally bought and installed as a front by the corrupt political elite who desperately need a new (and more likable) face that can sell their same old fraudulent policies to the public. Remember when she gave fiery speeches saying she would vote against giving military aid to Israel, and will support Palestinian independence? Pelosi had a one-on-one meeting with her and within a few hours AOC reneged on all of her promises and voted according to what that old demon Pelosi ordered. AOC also stopped giving those speeches and now refuses to answer public, unscripted questions on Israel and Palestine.
Now, the other "squad" member - Omar? She does exhibit quite a few psycho tendencies, corroborated by the stories about the money given to her lover's company for political campaigns, her ruined relationships due to her wanting to impose "female power" on her Somali husbands/lovers, potential tax fraud, and, of course, the story about her marrying (in all likelihood) her brother. I think this matches what you also posted about Omar, whom I have also met in person and she comes across as very cunning, ruthless, and amoral. Very much unlike AOC. In fact, the rumor is they can't stand each other, fight for power constantly, and the "squad" meme is just emotional food for the gullible plebs.
I get what your saying, surrounded by handlers, lobbying groups present the packaged legislation and all they have to do is sell it, they even present the psyop and language for the politician to use along with media hype, few of them have ideologies of their own that can break through big corporates control.

The pathology maybe in development, if she breaks away from this role she will be cancelled, the Israel vote is hilarious, didn’t Omar also vote for Israel financial package? The black community want reparations but can’t get them, instead their taxes are sent to Israel for an Israeli state, it’s estimated that 50% of plantation owners were jews, the jewish lobby in America then wants solidarity with black lives matter, do Black Lives Matter to AOC and Omar, only if they can sell some tshirts with prints on maybe.

Both of them are clearly there as faces for the Hispanic and muslim vote, I’d love to see islamic parties and Hispanic parties start up, the democrats migration for votes would backfire, of course the second that happens they would undermine said parties, still no black party for example.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
didn’t Omar also vote for Israel financial package?

Yep, Omar voted "yay" without any need for lecturing from Pelosi while AOC initially threatened to vote "nay" and after being threatened by Pelosi with an ethics violation investigation (which Pelosi can singlehandedly determine the outcome of), she voted "present". Still not a "yay" like Omar, but it tells you everything you need to know about how "muslim" Omar really is. So, yes, they represent the Millennial "values" in Congress - minority, female, muslim, atheist, and I even heard the "victim of abuse" card thrown around a few times. Apparently, Omar used her feminist powers to escape the "oppression" of, I mean husband by...cheating on him with 2 other men, and having one of them father a child she claims is from the first "husband". Remind you of anybody else...currently on trial for fraud? Yes, Ms. Elizabeth Holmes is using the same life playbook it seems.
Anyways, the "squad" is worse than controlled opposition, they are not even pretending any more. The only benefit I see from them is that they threaten to (and are capable of) "cancel" Biden's entire legislative agenda if they don't get the trillions of "social" spending they claim they were promised. So, they may turn on Biden/globalists in the most critical moment and do what Republicans/Trump could not do in the last 4+ years - derail the globalist legislative agenda, at least in the US, simply due to them not being given exactly what they wanted - i.e. a cardinal sin in the Millennial playbook:):
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