Advice for the long termers that actually has managed to increase their metabolic rate


Feb 25, 2015
I love RP`s writing, his articles and knowledge.
Everything just seems right.

The biggest problem tho is that i have done this now for 2 years trying to tweak things along the way. Asking RP alot and just trying different foods, supplements etc.
The results = NONE

I havent gotten any positive results, no increased metabolic rate or the assosiations that comes with that. Its so frustrating that i dont have words for it. I have been so focused and serious about this change but havent gotten anything in return and now im on the brink of just give it all up. I cant do this anymore. I workout, im active, i do weight training and i do EVERYTHING outside of the diet that i should do. I want to loose some fat and i dont loose fat unnless i really restrict calories wich would have made fat loss no matter the diet.

So know im really desperate to hear the advice from people like haidut, mittir, charlie etc the really longtermers or others that have actually managed to change things with the RP diet and what he talks about in his articles. Like he says that you can at least increase RMR with 50% with easy steps but i have never heard anyone managed to come near increased metabolic rate unnless they have used alot of thyroid supplements and again that would have happend no matter the diet. None of the RP magic foods has provided any magic what so ever.

So please the successfull people that have made this work, would mean the world if you actually could share the most important things you have learned and that made the difference and made the changes that RP talks about in his articles and interviews.


Why don't you just take the thyroid supplements? Not everyone inherits a great metabolism. Play the hand you were dealt. 200 years ago many of us would have died off because of our poor metabolic rates. Survival of the fittest. Thanks to medical intervention, we can manage a hypothyroid state. But if you really want to thrive and the food is not doing the trick, there's no shame in taking thyroid medication. Keep in mind, thyroid gland was present in our food supply until the 1960's.


Feb 25, 2015
Thanx JRMoney15. I have no problem taking thyroid, i have taken couple of bottles of cynomel and cynoplus, did not do anything for me tho :( also its expensive and kind of hard to get as well?


RPDiciple said:
Thanx JRMoney15. I have no problem taking thyroid, i have taken couple of bottles of cynomel and cynoplus, did not do anything for me tho :( also its expensive and kind of hard to get as well?

From what I understand, your cholesterol level should be over 200. Have you had that checked?

Also there are some thyroid glandulars like nutri Pak and nutri meds that work like Armour and you can get them easily over the Internet. There's a common misunderstanding around here that Cynomel and Cynoplus are the only good options but this is not the case.


Jul 22, 2012
I haven't followed your posts very carefully,
so I may've missed some stuff you've noted.

But for me to have some ideas about your difficulties,
I'd like to know more about you. old?
Stuff in your life that might be significant,
like (just making this up but, for example)
were you into super body building and hormones or whatever?
History of illnesses?
Past diet/s?
Drug use, I'm thinking pharma stuff, like anti-depressants, etc.?

I don't mean to pry, but...just sayin'...hard for me to start trying to put together the puzzle
if I don't have more pieces.

Don't give up! :)


Jan 22, 2013
increase dopamine by doing badass, courageous, and fun things, not slave things. No dopamine and nothing will ever be right, trust me on that. All these terms and science is just a way to define it but really, your way of being...everything in your life, theres so much I can and should say im realizing that, the truth of health (health is a limiting skewed word, better would be happiness, better would be feeling ******* awesome and capable and equipped and flexible) and life is actually...much bigger than things commonly talked about here, and I don't know if what I say will be received, i cant say simply how all life is, and all the things that matter and why, the picture is phenomellly huge and ive got it to a pretty good udnerstanting, and...proven actually, a certainty, but the thing is life isn't ...necessarily how you'll want it to be and the situation the society is in and people are in, make what ill say seem like a near impossibility, but its all true. You can limit dietary toxins which is essential, and make sure to have good clean food, but that's actually, where the story begins...its not the end all be all, its like step one or two, its huge because its the foundation, but theres so much to say and how everything interacts in life...every little thing about everything matters once you start, or if you do, paying is quite different than many think, because they haven't really thought deep for long enough and experienced life in such a way, paying attention to their being constantly and every subtle change in mood feeling and everything, like every second of every day being aware of your state and when it changes even slightly and as to why. Try to be in situations, and open your heart to as much dopamine as possible...just like fun expansive positive thoughts, its not even like...a bull**** thing you do to yourself, it has to be real. Like play a video game if you find it fun, play a sport, cant just be movie...that can beo k, but something you interact with...mess around with people, be courageous in how you act and talk to people, do anything that opens the heart and is fun and makes you feel alive and thrilled, that is dopamine, which is really the only state you can be in to ever heal or feel good in life. Any repressed or tweaked or faked thing or situation is always going to leave you feeling deprived and you'll come up short, no matter the diet. Dopamine state is tremendous heat producing...when you feel free and doped up, you can pretty much do anything and feel immune for a good long time, and cold is MUCH less an increases your circulation, respiration, efficiency of everything, and all the poisoning bad hormones or neurotrasnmittors are kept at bay


Jul 22, 2012
pboy said:
increase dopamine by doing badass, courageous, and fun things, not slave things. No dopamine and nothing will ever be right, trust me on that. All these terms and science is just a way to define it but really, your way of being...everything in your life, theres so much I can and should say im realizing that, the truth of health (health is a limiting skewed word, better would be happiness, better would be feeling f***ing awesome and capable and equipped and flexible) and life is actually...much bigger than things commonly talked about here, and I don't know if what I say will be received, i cant say simply how all life is, and all the things that matter and why, the picture is phenomellly huge and ive got it to a pretty good udnerstanting, and...proven actually, a certainty, but the thing is life isn't ...necessarily how you'll want it to be and the situation the society is in and people are in, make what ill say seem like a near impossibility, but its all true. You can limit dietary toxins which is essential, and make sure to have good clean food, but that's actually, where the story begins...its not the end all be all, its like step one or two, its huge because its the foundation, but theres so much to say and how everything interacts in life...every little thing about everything matters once you start, or if you do, paying is quite different than many think, because they haven't really thought deep for long enough and experienced life in such a way, paying attention to their being constantly and every subtle change in mood feeling and everything, like every second of every day being aware of your state and when it changes even slightly and as to why. Try to be in situations, and open your heart to as much dopamine as possible...just like fun expansive positive thoughts, its not even like...a bull**** thing you do to yourself, it has to be real. Like play a video game if you find it fun, play a sport, cant just be movie...that can beo k, but something you interact with...mess around with people, be courageous in how you act and talk to people, do anything that opens the heart and is fun and makes you feel alive and thrilled, that is dopamine, which is really the only state you can be in to ever heal or feel good in life. Any repressed or tweaked or faked thing or situation is always going to leave you feeling deprived and you'll come up short, no matter the diet. Dopamine state is tremendous heat producing...when you feel free and doped up, you can pretty much do anything and feel immune for a good long time, and cold is MUCH less an increases your circulation, respiration, efficiency of everything, and all the poisoning bad hormones or neurotrasnmittors are kept at bay

I've really enjoyed your dual focus on stuff, including stuff other than food, even Peat food.

I was thinking about that this morning.
The notion that
if I do a certain Action
it might have as profound a hormonal (say) effect
as taking a whole handful of hormone-related supplements.
Action is a nutrient.


Jan 22, 2013
yes, very very much so, and you translate that out as far as it will go...your internal is the guide on how to do that...what your heart begs you, is what to do...exactly as it wells up inside, it also matters what time it is...and your heart always is synched to best thing at the time...I say heart just because its the kinds of thing that gets your heart open and going...feeling electric flowing through limbs
its not a pain thing, not forced, its what would be a joy, what would be...something to break a barrier, adventure, curiosity, the dance...enliven and inspire the spirit. Once you know it its clear it starts in the heart and forebrain also, and it also ...dopamine has to do a lot with expression, when having high dopamine you cant help but express the joy however, with words and otherwise. And a great part of the riddle you'll find that its contagious, and everyone else appreciates one with that energy. Think about it, a huge tool in life for yourself to cultivate is imagining you would feel if a person said or did something, or if you said or did something...and realize, deep down id like it or think was awesome, ect...or id feel like this or that...use imagination to come to realizations and it facilitates you trusting in your inspiration and welling up inside desires, even on the spot things...everything. An example is most people speak through a mask all the many people literally say exactly how its on their it wells up to themselves, they say that out? almost no one...and its always funny and awesome if they do. Yet, the mask..which if you imagine it, someone comes to you, how would you want them to be? So why not realize..thats how they'd want you to be also...and its a win win. If anyone actually gets what im saying here...its years worth of work and its a huge thing to realize, I did all this kind of just on my own, but if I had things laid out it would've been a lot easier...well, it is laid out, already in the fabric of your being...that was my guide basically. A big piece is that you always have to be honest about everything, I know this, I don't...or whatever...with everything...honesty, because if not, its a mask thing, skewing, and in that sense...its kind of a weakening signal, and not good for dopamine


Jun 12, 2013
:2cents Below is what I said elsewhere on the forum that helped me. It goes along with what RP said about eating to increase the metabolic rate, not worrying about any particular foods really.

"The main thing that got my temps up consistently, was eating every 2 - 3 hours even if I didn't feel hungry. I made sure it was some kind of protein with a carb. Examples: lowfat string cheese and an apple or other fruit; or lowfat cottage cheese and peaches or other fruit; or a little Greek yogurt and fruit. I also had larger meals -breakfast, lunch and dinner, with more kinds of foods and more calories in them. The ones I listed above are examples of snacks. Making sure to get adequate calories consistently like that (every 2 - 3 hours) made a huge difference and it took very little time - a day or two tops, to get the temps up and stay up.

Also, eating within half hour of waking up even if I didn't want to, was useful. It got my metabolism going for the day, and also reduced stress hormones. If I couldn't eat within half hour, I ate within an hour. And tried to make it a substantial breakfast, but couldn't always do that. I am not naturally a breakfast eater, but I made myself eat something besides just having the morning coffee, and it worked out well for my metabolism.

Also, increasing sodium and reduced liquids some (I used Morton's Canning Salt, took a little shaker everywhere that I filled with the salt) I feel it had some good effects. I increased slowly. Where before I was getting under 3 g. sodium daily, I raised it to a minimum of 5 g. and often quite a bit more. After several days I lost a little bloat. I believe it helped my skin. And lessened cramps related to my cycle. I salted everything, even salted my liquids. Now I don't seem to feel the need for quite as much, but I still salt my foods pretty good and still get around 5 g.

I eat fat at pretty much all the meals. I am no longer restricting to 20g or less per day. I do eat some lowfat dairy, such as Greek yogurt, but also full fat in other things.

The main thing is CALORIES = HEAT. Eat breakfast. And the timing of every 2 - 3 hours to keep metabolism fired and the balance of having some protein and carbs at each of those meals or mini-meals seems to do the same and help keep blood sugar more steady. And the salt to help heat and the other things it helped me with as I described.

Eating that way = getting and keeping temps up was no longer any sort of struggle. It just happened naturally for me."

... I have more I'm working on, such as the weight loss part and living more in the now, but the above took out a good portion of my problems. I don't even eat as many "peaty" foods as I used to, but I seem to be doing fine. :2cents


Apr 25, 2015
amen! i spent some time today writing music which i haven't done seriously in like a year and after i finished a piece, i felt this dopamine thing come over me and felt warm and settled and open - almost started sweating....because i had been in such a dry spell for so long and felt really sad that i was no longer creatively inspired as i had been almost my whole life. i also agree with many of the other things you say pboy - and it's kind of revealing itself to me at the same time. it's strange how we can often restrict these passageways for dopamine - and there are many avenues for it....and i can see now that it's a variable i've never truly tapped into. our weakness is so drawn to the confining/prison-like areas.
oh - one thing i found absolutely exhilirating recently was walking in a thunderstorm and massive downpour of rain - kinda corny, but it made me bust out in hysterical laughter and i felt like a kid again.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
Ditto the Dopamine per pboy as a most basic key fundamental. I get the Mucuna Pruriens from Barlowe's Herbal Elixers 40% LDopa and take it daily. Without it, I go flat. Prolactin is a primary enemy and must be vanquished daily or we men are nothing but boring snoring blobs and, in my body anyway, LDopa takes the prolactin down down down.


Feb 5, 2015

can I ask you how ''increase dopamine by doing badass, courageous, and fun things, not slave things.'' sentence looks in your life? What are you doing specifically to live by it? One could be skydiving, bungee jumping and similar ''badass'' things but it's probably not what you meant. Would be really curious to see how you apply that sentence in your personal life. Maybe I will get some ideas myself :)

Thank you and great post as usually!


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
RPD, I would bet that something is missing in your diet and you don't know about it. If you can afford $400 for Spectracell's Micronutrient test it might give you the insight you need. Scroll down on that page to see what they test; they use lymphocytes so it is more the long term levels rather than transient blood levels.

There really is no other way to find out what is missing, what you see on cronometer might have nothing to do with your reality.

For me, over three years the biggest single things were, in chronological order, magnesium, adequate protein, pregnenolone, vitamin D, thyroid, and lately haidut's Oxidal. But the single things weren't the most important, it was overall getting replete in all the micronutrients that made the most difference, which actually took quite a bit of trial and error and continuous effort.

For all the angst we have about unanswered health questions, we are living in a golden age of knowledge. A simple google search will turn up diagrams of the metabolic pathways of every known biochemical reaction. There is a starting substance or substrate, an enzyme, a final product, and cofactors that make the enzyme work. The cofactors are the micronutrients. You see the B vitamins over and over and over again as cofactors.



Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
I find that the obvious things like caffeine and salt are metabolically enhancing. Glycine and Taurine are big players for me as well. In fact, even when I'm trying to gain weight I find the more glycine and taurine I have in my diet the harder it is for me to gain weight.
Feb 4, 2015
RPDiciple said:
I cant do this anymore. I workout, im active, i do weight training and i do EVERYTHING outside of the diet that i should do. I want to loose some fat and i dont loose fat unnless i really restrict calories wich would have made fat loss no matter the diet.

What's your general daily fat intake? I only started to lose visceral fat when I started to keep fat very low. I've already kept PUFA low, and I don't really eat the main source of MUFA (olive oil, avocados) so it was cream fat that I had to cut. Cream fat is any dairy product that is not fat free or skim. This includes any milk above skim (1%, 2% and whole) any yogurt above skim, all cheese (there is no such thing as a "low fat" cheese, yes, there are cheese with lower fat than others, but none are low fat for low fats sake) butter, ice cream, ghee, sour cream, half and half, and kefir. If I eat beef or bison, I try to keep it the really lean cuts, like 5% fat, not as tasty but it's working for fat loss. Fat loss happens slowly though, I've found. Similar to when someone gains fat on their body, when someone loses it, it's barely noticeable day by day. It's like a plant growing. If you sit and watch the plant, it seems like it never grows, but when you come back in a week, a month, a few months, you see a difference. No one gets fat overnight, so no one will become lean overnight either. Patience and consistency is the key. It isn't fun giving up cream at first, but after you see fat loss it motivates you to stick with it. A re-training of the palate comes into play. For me, craving ice cream became craving fat free frozen yogurt, or sugary fruit sorbet. The "fat doesn't make you fat" crowd online are stuck in 2010-11.

Coconut oil may be the only special fat because of the MCT's, though I've found that coconut oil hits a plateau for me, and it seems even too much coconut oil can have the opposite effect, a fattening one. It seems that taking it in small amounts is the key to give a metabolic boost.

"If the basic foods were chosen for minimal unsaturated fats, then coconut oil wouldn't add much of value. Coffee is a good source of magnesium and niacin, and has smaller amounts of other essential nutrients, besides the caffeine and antioxidants." - RP

In one of the audio interviews, he said he "hasn't had coconut oil in a long time" and when asked if someone should consume three tablespoons of coconut oil a day he laughed and said "no, more like three teaspoons." (one of the Herb Doctor interviews, Sarah asked him that question) So his view seems to be that it has to be used in the context of someone who should be using it.

My goal is to get rid of all that gunk inside of me, but the slow process makes it hard sometimes. But I find I get better and better at it as time goes on. Never mind fat on the outside tissue, what about the fat inside, right by the organs, visceral fat, not good stuff.


Feb 25, 2015
JRMoney15 said:
RPDiciple said:
Thanx JRMoney15. I have no problem taking thyroid, i have taken couple of bottles of cynomel and cynoplus, did not do anything for me tho :( also its expensive and kind of hard to get as well?

From what I understand, your cholesterol level should be over 200. Have you had that checked?

Also there are some thyroid glandulars like nutri Pak and nutri meds that work like Armour and you can get them easily over the Internet. There's a common misunderstanding around here that Cynomel and Cynoplus are the only good options but this is not the case.

I havent checked my cholestrol but from all the sugar i need it should be fine?

Ive also tried nutri-meds, did not feel anything from it


Feb 25, 2015
narouz said:
I haven't followed your posts very carefully,
so I may've missed some stuff you've noted.

But for me to have some ideas about your difficulties,
I'd like to know more about you. old?
Stuff in your life that might be significant,
like (just making this up but, for example)
were you into super body building and hormones or whatever?
History of illnesses?
Past diet/s?
Drug use, I'm thinking pharma stuff, like anti-depressants, etc.?

I don't mean to pry, but...just sayin'...hard for me to start trying to put together the puzzle
if I don't have more pieces.

Don't give up! :)

29 years old, male, 180 cm height, 85 kg
Im active, lift weights and are a sporty guy.
No i have not taken any hormones and ***t like that or super body building.
No illnesses exept asthma and allergy when i was younger and after vegan, fasting etc i got ridd of it.
Past diets are many and are probably 10 years of stuff. Low carb high fat animal style for 2-3 years, then low carb vegan style, then high carb vegan style aka fruit etc then rp for last 2 years.
No previous drug use


Feb 25, 2015
Westside PUFAs said:
RPDiciple said:
I cant do this anymore. I workout, im active, i do weight training and i do EVERYTHING outside of the diet that i should do. I want to loose some fat and i dont loose fat unnless i really restrict calories wich would have made fat loss no matter the diet.

What's your general daily fat intake? I only started to lose visceral fat when I started to keep fat very low. I've already kept PUFA low, and I don't really eat the main source of MUFA (olive oil, avocados) so it was cream fat that I had to cut. Cream fat is any dairy product that is not fat free or skim. This includes any milk above skim (1%, 2% and whole) any yogurt above skim, all cheese (there is no such thing as a "low fat" cheese, yes, there are cheese with lower fat than others, but none are low fat for low fats sake) butter, ice cream, ghee, sour cream, half and half, and kefir. If I eat beef or bison, I try to keep it the really lean cuts, like 5% fat, not as tasty but it's working for fat loss. Fat loss happens slowly though, I've found. Similar to when someone gains fat on their body, when someone loses it, it's barely noticeable day by day. It's like a plant growing. If you sit and watch the plant, it seems like it never grows, but when you come back in a week, a month, a few months, you see a difference. No one gets fat overnight, so no one will become lean overnight either. Patience and consistency is the key. It isn't fun giving up cream at first, but after you see fat loss it motivates you to stick with it. A re-training of the palate comes into play. For me, craving ice cream became craving fat free frozen yogurt, or sugary fruit sorbet. The "fat doesn't make you fat" crowd online are stuck in 2010-11.

Coconut oil may be the only special fat because of the MCT's, though I've found that coconut oil hits a plateau for me, and it seems even too much coconut oil can have the opposite effect, a fattening one. It seems that taking it in small amounts is the key to give a metabolic boost.

"If the basic foods were chosen for minimal unsaturated fats, then coconut oil wouldn't add much of value. Coffee is a good source of magnesium and niacin, and has smaller amounts of other essential nutrients, besides the caffeine and antioxidants." - RP

In one of the audio interviews, he said he "hasn't had coconut oil in a long time" and when asked if someone should consume three tablespoons of coconut oil a day he laughed and said "no, more like three teaspoons." (one of the Herb Doctor interviews, Sarah asked him that question) So his view seems to be that it has to be used in the context of someone who should be using it.

My goal is to get rid of all that gunk inside of me, but the slow process makes it hard sometimes. But I find I get better and better at it as time goes on. Never mind fat on the outside tissue, what about the fat inside, right by the organs, visceral fat, not good stuff.

The last 2 months i have been doing the Burr experiement so no fat exept the traces in skimmed milk, fruit, candy etc.


Feb 25, 2015
Peata: thank you, i also want to loose some fat so that can be a bit frustrating for me :p

pboy: i agree with you but its hard to rely on your mind and actions to make things happen if something in your body is missing or not operating proparly. I think if i fix that the mind and everything else will follow or make more sense or help more.

Glitche: thanx, i have been doing 25g gelatin from time to time but maybe i should be more consistent with it and up it to 50g a day.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
RPDiciple said:
Glitche: thanx, i have been doing 25g gelatin from time to time but maybe i should be more consistent with it and up it to 50g a day.
That's probably enough in general. I've done up to 40g a day in the past but I guess it depends how much protein you are getting from other sources as to how much gelatin you'd want/need.

Try Taurine if you haven't. I was using 9+ grams a day when I was unable to gain any weight. It has many added benefits besides helping with weight loss. Higher dopamine, testosterone. It also helps with carb metabolism and helps the muscles uptake more glucose.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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