Adrenalin Is A Promoter Of Lung Inflammation And CVD


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Greetings from Europe! I will be checking on the forum sporadically in the next couple of weeks, so here is my latest interesting find.

"...Together, these results link the activation of the sympathetic nervous system by β2AR signaling with metabolism, lung inflammation, and an enhanced susceptibility to thrombotic cardiovascular events."

Interestingly, this suggests that the current "therapies" for asthma, which rely mostly on adrenalin, are detrimental in the long run for both the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system that they are actually supposed to protect. This would explain why most people (even healthy ones) cannot take adrenergic agonists such as Clenbuterol for more than several months at a time without risk of developing a condition such as COPD.
It seems that Ray Peat is on to something again.


Jan 22, 2013
interesting...I remember when I was a kid, the doctor my parents took me too for some kind of cough type congestion gave a steroid inhaler, and I guess I took too many puffs or something, maybe not, but it was pretty bad, my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my body and it was a highly anxious feeling. I wonder what the mechanism is behind this, perhaps just too much dilation due to energy demand and a physical strain over time? I wonder if its too much pressure and over stretching and relaxing, and it causes little lesions or cracks and that's why cholesterol comes in to fil


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
The Beta agonists are the typical medical first line of treatment for asthma and COPD. It's a shame. There are a couple anticholinergic inhalers used for maintenance therapy. The anticholinergic meds are often combined with the beta agonists. It's a real catch 22 because by the time many people are in a pickle with their breathing it becomes a situation bordering on an emergency. They are often referred to as 'rescue inhalers'. Desperate times call for desperate measures so to speak. Ideally we would not need them at all but I do think exploring the anticholinergic meds might be an option worth looking into if a person needs to use an inhaler. Peat does speak highly of the anticholinergics for certain situations I'm just not sure if this would be one of those scenarios. There is always the old bag breathing trick!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
From a Peat perspective the asthma type symptoms are closely related to serotonin. I had heard other forum members mention this and ran across some information from Peat when I was searching serotonin. I've never heard that mentioned once in any area of medicine including the pulmonary speciality. That shows how far behinds medicine really is. Just thought I'd make a note of that here. I do wonder how different things might be if there was a shift to correcting underlying issues rather than treating spiralling out of control issues after things have progressed to extreme circumstances. There are numerous safe and effective corrective measures that I've learned from reading Peat's work that could make the beta agonists virtually obsolete.


Mar 29, 2016
Damn! I should have done a more thorough search earlier and found this thread.

My mom has no asthma and no COPD. Her condition is that she is OLD. Doctor just kept her on a nebulizer 3x a day. I noticed her nose getting stuffy, and my mom would end up with a higher respiratory rate. And she would also end up breathing through her mouth. This was each time she was put on Duavent, which is a mixture of ipratromium bromide and salbutamol sulfate. My mom eventually developed plenty of mucus at her throat and bronchial tubes, and would cough, and she ended up with an infection.

I told the doctor that I observed the side effect of stuffy nose and coughing, and asked her to stop the nebulization treatment. She persisted, and told me my mom needed it because she has cough. Well, my siblings prevailed on me not to overrule the doctor, so we continued on. Nine days later, my mom was still having the cough, and that's when I realized no matter what we did, it could not overcome the harmful effects of doctor-induced coughing. I lashed out on my siblings, and told the doctor I have to put my foot down and whether she likes it or not, to not allow further (mis)treatment of my mom.


May 16, 2017
What is in Vicks VapoRub? This OTC remedy has been used for over 100 years with the benefit of being gentle to the system while being really effective and our family used it when we were young. It has a strong odor, and that is due to the turpentine (which Dr. Jennifer Daniels promotes) and the camphor and menthol, which are herbs and oils that have been used from ancient times as healing modalities.

Unfortunately, now the medical profession promotes heavy handed drugs with the consequences of major side effects, often trying to counter balance the side effects with steroids, which cause harm in a vicious cycle.

Wouldn't placing this vapor rub in a nebulizer, as well as placing the ointment on one's back and chest, be a much better solution for the congestion than slamming the individual with heavy handed drugs which the doctors keep on mindlessly dishing out?

These are the listed ingredients in VicksVapo Rub:

A: The active ingredients in Vicks VapoRub are camphor (a cough suppressant and topical analgesic), eucalyptus oil (a cough suppressant) and menthol (a cough suppressant and topical analgesic). The inactive ingredients in Vicks VapoRub include cedarleaf oil, nutmeg oil, petroleum, thymol and turpentine oil.

NOTE: This commercial formula has petroleum, which is not a good ingredient; however in my opinion it may be better than the pharma drugs.


If you want to make your own VapoRub here is the recipe as a general guide and you can use what you want. It omits turpentine, but you can add that also:

How to Make Natural Vapor Rub | Wellness Mama
Vapor Rub Instructions
  1. Melt beeswax with oil of choice in a double boiler until just melted.
  2. Add the essential oils (use half the amount for a baby version or dilute with coconut oil before using)
  3. Stir until well mixed and pour into some type of container with a lid to store. Small tins work well, as do little jars. I also always make a few in lip chap sticks to keep in my purse or to use on baby feet.
  4. Use as needed to help reduce coughing and congestion.


Mar 29, 2016
That's an old standby and have good memories of it in childhood. It's true that it's gone into disfavor with our doctors. It's good to know you could make your own as well have it handy for these times.

I wonder why doctors give such nebulizations that lead to heart problems with patients. I know, patient comes back, sees a cardio, cardio gives more drugs, and then, heart gets laser ablation, and then heart gets a pacemaker. The joy of having a nice electrical toy stuck inside you in your twilight years! You have your doctor to thank for a splendid nebulization job.


Jul 3, 2016
That's an old standby and have good memories of it in childhood. It's true that it's gone into disfavor with our doctors. It's good to know you could make your own as well have it handy for these times.

I wonder why doctors give such nebulizations that lead to heart problems with patients. I know, patient comes back, sees a cardio, cardio gives more drugs, and then, heart gets laser ablation, and then heart gets a pacemaker. The joy of having a nice electrical toy stuck inside you in your twilight years! You have your doctor to thank for a splendid nebulization job.
So nebulization is also bad with healthy substances like magnesium, sodium bicarbonate, gluthatione or vitamin C?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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