Add on to regimen from Idea Labs? to attempt to address remaining issues - temperature dips at times and allergies and severe chemical sensitivities

Mary Lyn

Dec 22, 2018
Hi @Advocate2021

I am also an MCS sufferer (though I hate that label - it indicates that the problem is the person being too sensitive and not that they have been damaged) since I was poisoned with mercury from teething powders as an infant. They called it Pink Disease and covered it up. The powders were taken off the market in the 1950's but many babies died and the survivors were sick and probably passed some of the mercury to their unborn infants which damaged them more because of the stage of development.

I think Ray Peat possibly had this also by the things he suffered in his life including losing his teeth, the allergies/sensitivities, headaches in childhood, lung problems and other things he has mentioned.

I think he made the mistake, understandably, of concentrating mainly on biohacking. Although he did mention environmental toxins, I don't think he appreciated how important it is to avoid them. But then, it looks like he was unaware of this possibility of being to blame for his health issues. However, if he had concentrated on toxins, he probably would not have been able to help people in general as he did.

I have tried so many diets and supplements with some success, then going back downhill again, until I realized that I must avoid all chemicals to improve, and I did so in a significant way, going from bedbound and even unable to turn on the tap due to the chlorine to now being able to cope reasonably well with exposures as long as I can recover in my clean space. Before, I could not cope with any exposure.

So I cut out chemicals in my food, in my personal hygiene products, clothing, bedding, furniture - everywhere in my life and went organic. I did not go far enough however and am finding areas where I can improve on this. I am about to repaint my radiators with a paint that will block nasties from previous paintings in my new flat. I had the floors painted with a special paint that is entirely non toxic (at a high cost).

Once I get my bedroom super-clean and the rest of the flat very clean, I am going to try Peating again but more in earnest this time as it will have more chance of working.

Don't despair or be tempted to give up. You can beat this but it might mean changes in your lifestyle.


May 31, 2015
@Advocate2021 taking a break can be a good idea, but just to comment in case you want to return to this idea—B vitamins can be tricky and all this stuff basically seems to involve nutrient balancing. What some people tout B1 to be, B2 is for me. I cannot tolerate B1 at all other than as part of a B complex in a low absorption form, possibly because B1 presses on my already flagging B2 levels. I really do think in my case my chemical sensitivity is a methylation issue, but nothing really helps methylation for me other than B2 (Chris Masterjohn feels this is the case for many/most people). It could be that your reaction to B2 indicates you are in need of other cofactors (b complex possibility, or even just potassium), are experiencing startup effects and need to go more slowly (true for many hypersensitive people), or your chemical sensitivity is of another origin.

I have done quite a bit of trace mineral supplementation including copper, boron, manganese, iodine (micro doses), selenium, and I took a b complex for a while as well. I think this may also have set me up to tolerate B2, however it is definitely the B2 that works for me. It can shut down a fragrance reaction in a matter of hours that would have previously laid me out for days, and is generally preventative against me reacting in the first place.

I am also quite hypermobile and have MCAS such that I am hypersensitive to foods and other triggers like heat etc. @GAF on here proposed that B2 can be a treatment for ehlers danlos (it works in his case and seems to have been a magic bullet for him as well) and I do find it makes me less hypermobile, especially now that I’ve bumped up to 100mg. Some have proposed that MCAS is actually a result of connective tissues disorders like ehlers danlos or hyper mobility in general, because the micro tissue damage triggers constant immune activation. I also associate hypermobility with high estrogen and methylation does help w estrogen detoxification, although B2 doesn’t give me the symptoms I associate w excessively low estrogen but rather a nice balance. I feel I have a genetic susceptibility to these issues (both parents and brother have similar issues including connective tissue ones and MS) exacerbated by poor nutrition and stress.

Edit: Looking up thread it seems you have found great success with PEA. If that works for you then I would definitely stick w it and get some cumulative benefits.
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Dec 11, 2020
@Advocate2021 taking a break can be a good idea, but just to comment in case you want to return to this idea—B vitamins can be tricky and all this stuff basically seems to involve nutrient balancing. What some people tout B1 to be, B2 is for me. I cannot tolerate B1 at all other than as part of a B complex in a low absorption form, possibly because B1 presses on my already flagging B2 levels. I really do think in my case my chemical sensitivity is a methylation issue, but nothing really helps methylation for me other than B2 (Chris Masterjohn feels this is the case for many/most people). It could be that your reaction to B2 indicates you are in need of other cofactors (b complex possibility, or even just potassium), are experiencing startup effects and need to go more slowly (true for many hypersensitive people), or your chemical sensitivity is of another origin.

I have done quite a bit of trace mineral supplementation including copper, boron, manganese, iodine (micro doses), selenium, and I took a b complex for a while as well. I think this may also have set me up to tolerate B2, however it is definitely the B2 that works for me. It can shut down a fragrance reaction in a matter of hours that would have previously laid me out for days, and is generally preventative against me reacting in the first place.

I am also quite hypermobile and have MCAS such that I am hypersensitive to foods and other triggers like heat etc. @GAF on here proposed that B2 can be a treatment for ehlers danlos (it works in his case and seems to have been a magic bullet for him as well) and I do find it makes me less hypermobile, especially now that I’ve bumped up to 100mg. Some have proposed that MCAS is actually a result of connective tissues disorders like ehlers danlos or hyper mobility in general, because the micro tissue damage triggers constant immune activation. I also associate hypermobility with high estrogen and methylation does help w estrogen detoxification, although B2 doesn’t give me the symptoms I associate w excessively low estrogen but rather a nice balance. I feel I have a genetic susceptibility to these issues (both parents and brother have similar issues including connective tissue ones and MS) exacerbated by poor nutrition and stress.

Edit: Looking up thread it seems you have found great success with PEA. If that works for you then I would definitely stick w it and get some cumulative benefits.
Thanks. Verdict still out on PEA as not sure how long one must take to know. so far it isnt helping with the reactions. wondering if i got a B2 blood test if that would tel me anything? im going to a D.O. today mainly to get bloodwork through my insurance and made a list of what i want. at this point i need some data; this guessing game trial and error approach is a bit stressful in of itself. too many variables. i seem to have lost some objectivity because i have been doing this for so long i dont even know how things necessarily effect me anymore. Been taking progest-e for 24 years so dont even know what its effects are on me anymore for instance because its like part of my body now- the only thing i believe i do now is that I think it is circumventing any sort of perimenopause and seems to be maintaining hormonal functioning,fertility and menstural cycles of a childbearing age worman. so at least i have that going for me; but otherwise i am truly at a bit of a loss and definitely very confused about everything i am doing because see a bit whacked out right now. Stress doesnt help and thats probably a huge player in this. Thank you so much though- thats amazing the effects of B2 for you- i wont give up on that !


Dec 11, 2020
Certainly learning through much experimentation the last couple of months since starting this thread and thought i would update. I took about a 10 day vacation from most supplementation, including topicals and made no difference in the sensitivity. And, i think i actually set me back as i never get sick and caught a bug a couple weeks ago and also nursing a sinus infection. i think my supplementation of A, D, K. A only a few drops on my wrists at night and D and K sublingually- just a couple drops each under tongue and very pure products- health natura. they are not contributing to any issues for sure and i need them. waiting on blood work that was drawn after the break from D and weaning back to my current dose of 10,000 ius sublingual per day so will see how that is. Likewise, cyproheptadine, is a keeper. felt the deficit when i did not take it and probably why i have the possible sinus infection now as it prevents me from getting too congested in my nasal passages and keeps seretonin at bay. I also learned that i do better with mg glycinate pure powder than without. i tried o mg and then i tried idealabs magnoil which really did not work for me on my skin - practically burnt a hole through it and does not help my intestine like the mg glycinate. I am still experimenting with my thyroid supplementation- never going off- but finding i may need less and much smaller doses each time- ongoing experiment. Progest -e never leaving as has allowed me to completely dodge permimenopause and i think will continue to - started at 28 so will be interesting to see how long i continue menstruating after not beginning until close to 30. added asprin back and no problems.Tried PEA for a couple weeks hoping it would solve the chemical sensitivity but no dice - maybe would take more time. Bowel better than ever at present with much that i did the last couple months and have documented elsewhere- sporebiotics, colostrum, cascara when needed and mg glycinate at night all keepers.

I am also playing around with topical application of energin, lapodin and stressnon- hard for me to tell what they are doing but not reacting to them so think they are probably giving me benefits but i dont use them all the time. Stressnon more so most days as i have been using pregnenelone off and on for 15 years and i do think its face lifting and anti aging if you cycle it. Had a terrible experience with a trial of small doses of cortinon- dhea does not seem to be needed by my body and does not agree with me. Will be interesting to see what my level is in the blood work taken last week for DHEA.

So, my conclusion is that my very high quality and i believe pure supplements from which I feel definitive benefit when using and detriment when not, are not only not causing my issues, they are beneficial for my health. thus, the chemical sensitivity, which definitely began when i was put on estrogen at almost 18, is unsolved. I do think it is directly related to the estrogen i was given for 12 years and that my body had not unlearned its program completely. Just cannot figure out what the missing key is for that lock. If i can find it , i think I will have solved this puzzle piece and will finally, after over 30 years, be completely restored as an organism. I continue to persevere as not in my DNA to give up and welcome all input. Happy holidays!


Dec 11, 2020
"If at first you don't succeed, try try again".

Sure is my life motto after 40 plus years of this hypersensitivity nemesis and trying everything under the sun, many things of which, even suggested here, are really i think bandaids for a root issue which i think i may have finally found with the help of divine intervention in the form of a practitioner I met at a networking event.

One word: BIOFILM. I am still in the first few weeks of the antidote regimen; but so far so good and am improving - although i know i have a ways to go after somehow living like this and miraculously functioning to some degree my entire life. Beginning to think I was born with these aliens setting up shop in my body, particularly in my facial canals. this is why despite incredible health and hormones and thyroid and all I learned from Dr. Peat, etc and trying everything suggested here, nothing ever worked. I really did work on my gut but nothing ever really got through apparently because of this insidious creature called BIOFILM.

Apparently the aliens imbedded in my body didn't care about any of that even though all that I have done saved my life, mitigated the harm they really wanted to cause to some degree and resulted in many signs of health and vitality. Yet despite all, my ability to co-exist on the planet became worse and worse each year of my life until this last year it became so horrifying I cried to God a few times as to why I was put in a human body which had become hell on earth for me. I I truly began to think I was an alien stranded on earth for a mission as literally have been allergic to every thing both natural and man made on this planet.

Once i make sure i have finally found my answer, i will publish the living daylights out of it here and everywhere on this Earth. If this is my missing puzzled piece, truly I will have attained perfect health and balance and anti-aging at last at 53 and will launch my health and anti-aging enterprise to the world along side my advocacy for humanity enterprise. Special surprise on the latter to be shared on Monday! Thanks to all here for support on all counts!


Nov 28, 2016
"If at first you don't succeed, try try again".

Sure is my life motto after 40 plus years of this hypersensitivity nemesis and trying everything under the sun, many things of which, even suggested here, are really i think bandaids for a root issue which i think i may have finally found with the help of divine intervention in the form of a practitioner I met at a networking event.

One word: BIOFILM. I am still in the first few weeks of the antidote regimen; but so far so good and am improving - although i know i have a ways to go after somehow living like this and miraculously functioning to some degree my entire life. Beginning to think I was born with these aliens setting up shop in my body, particularly in my facial canals. this is why despite incredible health and hormones and thyroid and all I learned from Dr. Peat, etc and trying everything suggested here, nothing ever worked. I really did work on my gut but nothing ever really got through apparently because of this insidious creature called BIOFILM.

Apparently the aliens imbedded in my body didn't care about any of that even though all that I have done saved my life, mitigated the harm they really wanted to cause to some degree and resulted in many signs of health and vitality. Yet despite all, my ability to co-exist on the planet became worse and worse each year of my life until this last year it became so horrifying I cried to God a few times as to why I was put in a human body which had become hell on earth for me. I I truly began to think I was an alien stranded on earth for a mission as literally have been allergic to every thing both natural and man made on this planet.

Once i make sure i have finally found my answer, i will publish the living daylights out of it here and everywhere on this Earth. If this is my missing puzzled piece, truly I will have attained perfect health and balance and anti-aging at last at 53 and will launch my health and anti-aging enterprise to the world along side my advocacy for humanity enterprise. Special surprise on the latter to be shared on Monday! Thanks to all here for support on all counts!
I definitely empathize with everything you've said in all your comments. Have you considered toxic mold exposure? That is supposedly the root of all my chemical and food sensitivities as well. Just tonight had a bout with a 102+ fever and intense foot pain and swelling which I think was caused by nightshades and possibly bacteria in some raw milk I bought recently. I really have no idea. Going to order some DAO tomorrow bc benadryl will deplete it. But I'm taking a couple more benadryl right now to get some sleep. This stuff is really hellish to deal with.


Dec 11, 2020
Holy Moly. This stuff is profound i have been on a biofilm eradication regimen using biocidin drops and LSF in nasal passages, a binder and an elixir from biocidin botanicals. It has been intense and had to reduce amounts due to the tornado that erupted in my intestine. working up again and added lidocaine last night and this morning and had instant effect on my intestine and bowel. Best its been in years this morning and flattened my tummy completely. took again this morning and feel like im on a bit of a trip lol but feels so relaxing. it is related to cocaine i think. wow think im finally finding the answer to my hypersensitivity and will have fully restored my body from the historical assaults. Found amazingly pristine source fully vetted: Buy Lidocaine Powder (Hydrochloride) ≥ 99%, 100g - Carolina Chemical


Nov 28, 2016
Holy Moly. This stuff is profound i have been on a biofilm eradication regimen using biocidin drops and LSF in nasal passages, a binder and an elixir from biocidin botanicals. It has been intense and had to reduce amounts due to the tornado that erupted in my intestine. working up again and added lidocaine last night and this morning and had instant effect on my intestine and bowel. Best its been in years this morning and flattened my tummy completely. took again this morning and feel like im on a bit of a trip lol but feels so relaxing. it is related to cocaine i think. wow think im finally finding the answer to my hypersensitivity and will have fully restored my body from the historical assaults. Found amazingly pristine source fully vetted: Buy Lidocaine Powder (Hydrochloride) ≥ 99%, 100g - Carolina Chemical
What are LSF and the binder please? And is biocidin a brand name? Thanks.


Dec 11, 2020


Dec 11, 2020
So do you think the lidocaine is the main or only thing neutralizing your chemical/environmental sensitivities? I just looked at the gi detox product and noticed it specifically addresses mold and mold toxins. This could be a huge find!
no the biocidin is more directly addressing the sensitivity issues and i have a long way to go. i am just beginning and have not yet resolved the sensitivities but think i am on the right path. the lidocaine is just an addition that i think is helping with the inflammation and helping mitigate the irritation from the die off. i think it is complimentary to the regimen and help ease the storm cause by attacking aliens that have entrenched themselves in my body since childhood i believe. it will take some time to truly heal this but i am just happy to have found what i think may be the cause of a condition that has been making life almost unbearable for me due to its cumulative progression to the point where i have been unable to adapt as i have been doing my whole life. time to zap this so i can enjoy my remaining century on the planet lol.


Dec 11, 2020
So do you think the lidocaine is the main or only thing neutralizing your chemical/environmental sensitivities? I just looked at the gi detox product and noticed it specifically addresses mold and mold toxins. This could be a huge find!
Just tried 1/8 tsp lidocaine powder in my saline nasal irrigation botttle 8 oz. holy crap. I was out last night and had been pummeled by dance floor smoke, air freshner, cigarette residue coming into venue from outside, perfume from people etc. face was completely fried in facial sinus passages- been doing my regimen for the biofilm and just decided to try the intranasal lidocaine as a saline cleanse and about 80 percent better in the cavities., Wow this is a must for any intestinal and sinus microbe eradication regimen- makes it so much more comfortable and tolerable!!


Nov 28, 2016
Just tried 1/8 tsp lidocaine powder in my saline nasal irrigation botttle 8 oz. holy crap. I was out last night and had been pummeled by dance floor smoke, air freshner, cigarette residue coming into venue from outside, perfume from people etc. face was completely fried in facial sinus passages- been doing my regimen for the biofilm and just decided to try the intranasal lidocaine as a saline cleanse and about 80 percent better in the cavities., Wow this is a must for any intestinal and sinus microbe eradication regimen- makes it so much more comfortable and tolerable!!
That's amazing. This kind of meshes with something I've experienced with Aspercreme (lidocaine) roll on. If I put it on certain acupuncture points especially back of neck it seems to calm everything down so I get a halfway decent nights sleep. I'm definitely going to look more into the Biocidin line though. Finding the reset button can be super difficult right?


Nov 28, 2016
Just tried 1/8 tsp lidocaine powder in my saline nasal irrigation botttle 8 oz. holy crap. I was out last night and had been pummeled by dance floor smoke, air freshner, cigarette residue coming into venue from outside, perfume from people etc. face was completely fried in facial sinus passages- been doing my regimen for the biofilm and just decided to try the intranasal lidocaine as a saline cleanse and about 80 percent better in the cavities., Wow this is a must for any intestinal and sinus microbe eradication regimen- makes it so much more comfortable and tolerable!!
And in case you might not have seen this, this is pretty amazing stuff against biofilms too I think.



Nov 28, 2016
I definitely empathize with everything you've said in all your comments. Have you considered toxic mold exposure? That is supposedly the root of all my chemical and food sensitivities as well. Just tonight had a bout with a 102+ fever and intense foot pain and swelling which I think was caused by nightshades and possibly bacteria in some raw milk I bought recently. I really have no idea. Going to order some DAO tomorrow bc benadryl will deplete it. But I'm taking a couple more benadryl right now to get some sleep. This stuff is really hellish to deal with.

Just tried 1/8 tsp lidocaine powder in my saline nasal irrigation botttle 8 oz. holy crap. I was out last night and had been pummeled by dance floor smoke, air freshner, cigarette residue coming into venue from outside, perfume from people etc. face was completely fried in facial sinus passages- been doing my regimen for the biofilm and just decided to try the intranasal lidocaine as a saline cleanse and about 80 percent better in the cavities., Wow this is a must for any intestinal and sinus microbe eradication regimen- makes it so much more comfortable and tolerable!!
Hi @Advocate2021 how are you doing these days?
BTW I just found thithis...WOW!

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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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