Add on to regimen from Idea Labs? to attempt to address remaining issues - temperature dips at times and allergies and severe chemical sensitivities



Dec 11, 2020
"Because of contaminants in supplements I seldom recommend the oral use of any of them, except aspirin, which can be dissolved in warm water to remove most of the additives. In the winter I use vitamin D, but only on my skin in an oil. Using a thyroid supplement temporarily might help to lower your estrogen." -Ray Peat
i am going to switch all vitamins to skin only although some sublngual i think counts for this. however, i think there are some people and most likely myself who are consitutionally hypothyroid and need thyroid. my situation was quite extreme with never menstruating unitl almost 30 and there is some sort of epigenetic glitch in my family in the women with all sorts of thyroid and hormone related stuff. Believe me i tried life with out it. After i had my breakthrough with dr. Peat and thyroid supplementation at 38, i worked with someone else in 2010 who put me on a completely different regime and took me off the thyroid and it was like night and day- lost half my hair., my periods, muscle mass, complete constipation, no vitality etc. when i said enough and went back to my Dr. Peat regimen and thyroid supplementation i transformed back to my vital, youthful, shapely glowing counterpart. since then i have been pure Peat for the most part. that to me was conclusive proof that taking thyroid is a staple for me. Also ive been takiing progesterone for 25 years and its miraculous and prevents menopause so im not stopping as i am happy to be menstuating and in a fertile balance. Feels great and since i did not start menstuating until almost 30, i am happy to keep going til 80 for a normal span if thats what happens. will be very interesting. So basically, even though i admit i still have a puzzle piece here to figure out, i dont want to throw away the baby with the bathwater. With what i have done, i have defied aging in many respects and my body and hormones are way behind my chronological years and Im not going to stop the things that are keeping me young and vital. My youth is crucial for my mission which is to show the world that society's concept of aging is a fallacy. this is why i post my pictures- they will be in my book. i want people to listen to me and to blow the lid off big pharma, big medical, big industry. i want to show the world how much it has been manipulated and deceived and this covid backdrop is perfect timing.


dont think that is an issue - always been ample in fact i worry about theopposite but i eat liver and oysters consistently so dont think i wouldhave become deficient since last check. But please share how you have managed to attain such balance without taking thyroid (or hormones like progesterone? and any supplements etc.?) but through diet it sounds primarily, and how you have achieved optimal body temperature, pulse rate, relief from health issues, particularly the chemical sensitivity. Thank you!
I do use supplements but I only get good temperature (37°C) when I eat more.


Dec 11, 2020
I do use supplements but I only get good temperature (37) when I eat more.
Thanks. please elaborate on your diet and supplement regimen and what problems you resolved. Also please if you would be ok with sharing , how are your hormones, menstrual status, fertility etc.


Dec 11, 2020
I do use supplements but I only get good temperature (37°C) when I eat more.
And temperature is crucial - that is Dr. peats whole point to me. first i have to resolve that and than if that does not resolve everything will have to experiment. So, either i am missing something or something is blocking my optimal temperature


Dec 8, 2016
Thx for your PM.

What is your waking temp?

Then- in a relaxed state- 20 minutes after breakfast?

Then- midday temp?

Confirming you are currently on 3 grains of thyroid?


And temperature is crucial - that is Dr. peats whole point to me. first i have to resolve that and than if that does not resolve everything will have to experiment. So, either i am missing something or something is blocking my optimal temperature
I’m afraid I’m far from achieving what you have in the 25 years you’ve been peating. My progress has been up and down. My hormones are good but I have many health complications which I have written about elsewhere. I am working on correcting anemia at the moment. My main supplements are vitamin D K E, b vit, and magnesium. I find taurine very helpful but don't tolerate it well.


Dec 11, 2020
Thx for your PM.

What is your waking temp?

Then- in a relaxed state- 20 minutes after breakfast?

Then- midday temp?

Confirming you are currently on 3 grains of thyroid?
i got another thermometer last night to make sure thats not it but the current is yet another i got a few weeks back because my other one was on the brink so doubtful its the thermometer. using standard digital 5 second read orally- i know mercury supposed to be better but not sure about having that since i tend drop things.

but generally these last weeks since increasing my t3 per day - waking can be 97.4 - 97.6. after breakfast a few times ive caught it at 98 or a little over but many times sitll in the 97's but a little higher than the rising. And then mid day- a few times ive caught it at 98.6 even, a few times its been 98 or low 98's and many times below 98 like i took it today in voting line around 3:30 and it was 97.6. The thing that is so weird is i am always warm , sweat a lot, my hands feel warm- i dont feel low temperature at all. i notice all the time when i have shaken hands with people or they have touched me how cold their hands are and everyone always comments how warm i am- so this must makes no sense to me at all. And yes i am taking the equivalent of 3 grains of thyroid- 60 mcg t4 and 65 mcg t3 using cynoplus and cynomel. another thing is that i have a tendency for yellow hands and feet and have pretty much completely eliminated beta carotene and its better. although a sporebiotic i take contains bacillus indicus which evidently produces beta carotene and was concerned about that - had meant to get the one by mito life which does not contain it but that one contains FOS which Dr. Peat does not like. hard to win.

Right now my hands are really warm probably from the honey butter candy and gelatin i ate. I eat plenty - 8 or 9 times per day - always fruit/sugar gelatin protein and fat. im on a perfect peat diet no pufa etc. Strong as an ox. the picture of health yet chemicals kill me. thought it was my intestine but just seems ive done eveything under the sun for it. i am doing a parasite cleanse presently as got that hit many times even though ive been using sulfur per dr peat instructions for many years and thats supposed to kill parasites and worms and yeast. so at a loss and Dr. peat was too last we communicated. ive been having this chemical sensitivity discussion with him for 15 years and have done everything he suggested for it and nada. even tried hypnosis and brain rewiring stuff- nada.


Dec 11, 2020
i got another thermometer last night to make sure thats not it but the current is yet another i got a few weeks back because my other one was on the brink so doubtful its the thermometer. using standard digital 5 second read orally- i know mercury supposed to be better but not sure about having that since i tend drop things.

but generally these last weeks since increasing my t3 per day - waking can be 97.4 - 97.6. after breakfast a few times ive caught it at 98 or a little over but many times sitll in the 97's but a little higher than the rising. And then mid day- a few times ive caught it at 98.6 even, a few times its been 98 or low 98's and many times below 98 like i took it today in voting line around 3:30 and it was 97.6. The thing that is so weird is i am always warm , sweat a lot, my hands feel warm- i dont feel low temperature at all. i notice all the time when i have shaken hands with people or they have touched me how cold their hands are and everyone always comments how warm i am- so this must makes no sense to me at all. And yes i am taking the equivalent of 3 grains of thyroid- 60 mcg t4 and 65 mcg t3 using cynoplus and cynomel. another thing is that i have a tendency for yellow hands and feet and have pretty much completely eliminated beta carotene and its better. although a sporebiotic i take contains bacillus indicus which evidently produces beta carotene and was concerned about that - had meant to get the one by mito life which does not contain it but that one contains FOS which Dr. Peat does not like. hard to win.

Right now my hands are really warm probably from the honey butter candy and gelatin i ate. I eat plenty - 8 or 9 times per day - always fruit/sugar gelatin protein and fat. im on a perfect peat diet no pufa etc. Strong as an ox. the picture of health yet chemicals kill me. thought it was my intestine but just seems ive done eveything under the sun for it. i am doing a parasite cleanse presently as got that hit many times even though ive been using sulfur per dr peat instructions for many years and thats supposed to kill parasites and worms and yeast. so at a loss and Dr. peat was too last we communicated. ive been having this chemical sensitivity discussion with him for 15 years and have done everything he suggested for it and nada. even tried hypnosis and brain rewiring stuff- nada.
its 5:39 CST for me and just took my temp- 98. thats not so bad for this time i believe. maybe i just need even more sugar as this was after honey candy and collagen snack,


Dec 11, 2020
its 5:39 CST for me and just took my temp- 98. thats not so bad for this time i believe. maybe i just need even more sugar as this was after honey candy and collagen snack,
and now again says 98.2


Dec 8, 2016
True or false:

If you are on 3 grains of t3/t4 you are artificially driving up your temperature yes?


Dec 11, 2020
sorry finger slipped. The semantics are unimportant. This is what Dr. Peat is all about - thyroid. it doesnt matter how the temp gets up just needs to be up. if i was born with a mutated thyroid and this makes me whole i dont care if its artificial. it keeps me young and healthy for the most part. aside from the sensitivities, i have no other health issues and never get sick. my blood work every year looks like a 30 year old woman. if taking thyroid and progesterone produces this , im good with it. i just would like to find an answer for my chemical sensitivity. im sitting in a room with a/c at 75 with my 2 250 watt red light brooders on and thermometer says 98.4 now. crazy. maybe all this talk about my temperature is the cure!


Dec 8, 2016
sorry finger slipped. The semantics are unimportant. This is what Dr. Peat is all about - thyroid. it doesnt matter how the temp gets up just needs to be up. if i was born with a mutated thyroid and this makes me whole i dont care if its artificial. it keeps me young and healthy for the most part. aside from the sensitivities, i have no other health issues and never get sick. my blood work every year looks like a 30 year old woman. if taking thyroid and progesterone produces this , im good with it. i just would like to find an answer for my chemical sensitivity. im sitting in a room with a/c at 75 with my 2 250 watt red light brooders on and thermometer says 98.4 now. crazy. maybe all this talk about my temperature is the cure!
Im glad you feel good.

I disagree.
Being dependent on thyroid vs being healed are different.
You’re on 3 grains - which is a lot.

I would consider:
- upping your daily protein intake to help your liver
- making sure your blood sugar is stable.
I found 40/30/30 c/p/f worked best for me

Basic but very therapeutic things.

Addendum: Peat says a weak or low thyroid can simply be from protein deficiency. And since you have chemical sensitivity issues- i am thinking there is liver involvement.


Dec 11, 2020
Im glad you feel good.

I disagree.
Being dependent on thyroid vs being healed are different.
You’re on 3 grains - which is a lot.

I would consider:
- upping your daily protein intake to help your liver
- making sure your blood sugar is stable.
I found 40/30/30 c/p/f worked best for me

Basic but very therapeutic things.
thanks - that sounds exactly like my diet- i eat 8 to 9 times per day that exact ratio and 2200- 2300 calories probablyon average. been doing this for 15 years. still chemically sensitive. going to try some more sugar therapy- dr. peat says that gets the liver working. my maintenance thyroid dose for years since 38 was 2.5 grains but since my temps were low recently iraised it to 3 and temps are up. i wont raise it anymore and perhaps can lower in spring and summer. but i have an extreme history, im 14years older than when i found my optimal dose at 38 of 2.5 grains so makes sense. heartrate still steady at 85 and energy is incredible so does not seem excessive. i have a cousin born without a thyroid and all sort of weird endocrine stuff in my maternal family side and i went through hell from 9 to 39 and only really started living in my 40's which were basically my teenage years and twenties so happy to have graduated to my 30's at 52. my point is that I am a bit of an aberration even here and thyroid restored me to a functioning human and in my case with the family epigenetics passed to me, i am probably a candidate for ongoing thyroid supplementation. it wasnt just a matter of eating too many raw veggies and pufa for me- i came into the world a thin skulled plaintiff and never matured like the girls around me- basically stayed like a little girl and then was pumped up on carcinogenic hormones which just stimulated my ovaries to bleed but i never really ovulated unitl i went off of them at 29. So im really ok with permanent thryoid supplementation but perhaps will be able modulate it seasonally and with life although the older we get the more we need generally. and dr peat always talks about how traditional cultures who ate the whole animal including the thyroid got the equivalent of a couple grains daily so supplementation really is not that artificial- they were much healthier and we should all be getting it that way but we dont.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
"Because of contaminants in supplements I seldom recommend the oral use of any of them, except aspirin, which can be dissolved in warm water to remove most of the additives. In the winter I use vitamin D, but only on my skin in an oil. Using a thyroid supplement temporarily might help to lower your estrogen." -Ray Peat
but previously hes said he doesnt recommdnd supplements besides salt and vitamin E. that was on his website article, your quote might be more recent.
I sent him a decent sized list of 20+ supplements, he didnt comment individually on each one. it included all the fat solubles listed separately. and some b vitamins and vitamin C, and olive leaf exrract and more. his response was something like the safest one on the list was vitamin A. i dont know if he said thats the only one he would use.
in a diferent email he specifically mentioned the internet promoting a harmful vitamin K supplement culture, and that vitamin K often has issues because of sourcing.
hes said things about vitamin E over the years, PUFA risk, impurities risk, etc. the safest fat solubles seem to be A and D.


Dec 11, 2020
but previously hes said he doesnt recommdnd supplements besides salt and vitamin E. that was on his website article, your quote might be more recent.
I sent him a decent sized list of 20+ supplements, he didnt comment individually on each one. it included all the fat solubles listed separately. and some b vitamins and vitamin C, and olive leaf exrract and more. his response was something like the safest one on the list was vitamin A. i dont know if he said thats the only one he would use.
in a diferent email he specifically mentioned the internet promoting a harmful vitamin K supplement culture, and that vitamin K often has issues because of sourcing.
hes said things about vitamin E over the years, PUFA risk, impurities risk, etc. the safest fat solubles seem to be A and D.
i think it all depends on sourcing. i can personally attest that dr peat has recommended many things to me over the years- D, cyproheptadine, sudafed, aspirin, pregnenelone, dhea, progest-e, cynoplus, cynomel, novotiral, sporebiotics bacillus subtilis and lichenformis (biosproin), niacinamide, thiamine, benadryl, sonnes 9a, colostrum, etc. yes as supplements not just food. So he is not against supplements for correcting imbalances but he has issues with contamination not the supplements themselves if they are pure. the problem is finding pure supplements and i feel that idealabs has brought us a lot of those and trust Georgi. however there are some things that must be obtained elsewhere and that can be challenging. for sure.


why is taurine needed as a supplement, doesnt it deplete beta alanine?
also it slows digestion massively for me, at just 1 gram per day and even 500mg. the digestive slowdown then causes fatigue, bloating, reduced temps and appetite, even worsened oilier skin and acne. even if I up fiber intake, it doesnt do anything to counteract the digestive slowdown. taurine is basically unusable for me, maybe if someone already has a very fast metabolism, constantly 99 degrees or higher temps, they can easily tolerate taurine?

I don't think or know if it is needed. That would be subjective to the individual. Take a look here..
The main roles of taurine in your body are:
  • maintaining proper hydration and electrolyte balance in your cells
  • forming bile salts, which play an important role in digestion
  • regulating minerals such as calcium within your cells
  • supporting the general function of your central nervous system and eyes
  • regulating immune system health and antioxidant function

And here

" Taurine deficiency is associated with anxiety, epilepsy, hyperactivity and depression; taurine supplementation can relieve these symptoms"

They do say Taurine deficiency is very rare, but it simply has so many benefits, and works so well for me that I swear by it and I suggest for people to try it. Specifically the combination of Taurine and Potassium Bicarb, K-water, not only Taurine alone.

If I put Taurine in a glass or room temp or cold liquid and drink it straight away, like creatine it can cause digestive upset and bloating/gas. When I mix it in a 1L bottle of water, shake it, wait a few mins before taking sips, and drink it with sips throughout the whole day it is perfectly fine. The taurine dissolves perfectly in the water with no residue left, unlike creatine.

Perhaps you have taken too big of doses too quickly without waiting for it to dissolve, or too little liquid for it to dissolve properly, or perhaps you used capsules with filler ingredients that cause inflammation? Even without the filler ingredients, in capsulized form the Taurine isn't dissolved into any liquids so when it hits your gut it can cause digestive upset.

Or perhaps you are one who simply cannot stomach any Taurine at all, which in my opinion would be a shame because it is great paired with potassium bi-carb.


Dec 11, 2020
i think it all depends on sourcing. i can personally attest that dr peat has recommended many things to me over the years- D, cyproheptadine, sudafed, aspirin, pregnenelone, dhea, progest-e, cynoplus, cynomel, novotiral, sporebiotics bacillus subtilis and lichenformis (biosproin), niacinamide, thiamine, benadryl, sonnes 9a, colostrum, etc. yes as supplements not just food. So he is not against supplements for correcting imbalances but he has issues with contamination not the supplements themselves if they are pure. the problem is finding pure supplements and i feel that idealabs has brought us a lot of those and trust Georgi. however there are some things that must be obtained elsewhere and that can be challenging. for sure.
also extra K to protect from vaccine shedding which i experienced when the covid shots first rolled out spring 2021(bled every 2 weeks for 5 months- horrid) so i added K. also phages in flora assist were specifically suggested to me years ago. he has affirmatively recommended supplements often but stressed contamination risks and as Rinse and Repeat interjected- they do not have to necessarily be used daily and perpetually but can be helpful,. Also for people like me who didnt come into the world with a full deck of endocrine cards. permanent thyroid supplementation might be in order.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I don't think or know if it is needed. That would be subjective to the individual. Take a look here..
The main roles of taurine in your body are (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source):
  • maintaining proper hydration and electrolyte balance in your cells
  • forming bile salts, which play an important role in digestion
  • regulating minerals such as calcium within your cells
  • supporting the general function of your central nervous system and eyes
  • regulating immune system health and antioxidant function

And here

" Taurine deficiency is associated with anxiety, epilepsy, hyperactivity and depression; taurine supplementation can relieve these symptoms"

They do say Taurine deficiency is very rare, but it simply has so many benefits, and works so well for me that I swear by it and I suggest for people to try it. Specifically the combination of Taurine and Potassium Bicarb, K-water, not only Taurine alone.

If I put Taurine in a glass or room temp or cold liquid and drink it straight away, like creatine it can cause digestive upset and bloating/gas. When I mix it in a 1L bottle of water, shake it, wait a few mins before taking sips, and drink it with sips throughout the whole day it is perfectly fine. The taurine dissolves perfectly in the water with no residue left, unlike creatine.

Perhaps you have taken too big of doses too quickly without waiting for it to dissolve, or too little liquid for it to dissolve properly, or perhaps you used capsules with filler ingredients that cause inflammation?

Or perhaps you are one who simply cannot stomach any Taurine at all, which in my opinion would be a shame because it is great paired with potassium bi-carb.

i actually dont get issues with creatine as long as its the creapure form. i think they instantize it and its just much purer maybe? made in germany? so the creapure stuff doesnt cause issues whereas non creapure can cause bloating and other problems.

taurine has a very pro constipation effect and it cant be outweighed even with taking in additional fiber or fluids. Im not sure why, maybe its because it creates too much bile? anything that has a pro constipating effect causes issues with overall metabolism imo. usually the pro constipating supps cause loss of appetite, bloating, oilier worse looking skin quality, fatigue, i think those things are due to the constipation/bloating.

i have heard taurine supplements can deplete beta alanine, and vice versa. normally both of these are made in the body from different amino acids and b vitamins or something else.

I wonder if taurines problematic effects come because it indirectly boosts cysteine? if i remember right, cysteine and one of the b vitamins, maybe b6, are used to make taurine. that means a taurine deficiency could potentially be resolved by using b6, or it could be a cysteine deficiency. or, supplementing b6 or taking in more cysteine could ramp up production of taurine even if not deficient.

cysteine is one of those amino acids that Peat doesnt like, he wants it as low as possible, not 0 but on the low side. ive wondered if cysteine and b6 are normally used to make taurine, if supplementing taurine then means youre raising levels of those two things since the body will have less need to produce taurine. the effects of taurine supplements may potentially match those of excess cysteine/b6.

supplementing b6 alone might be useful for lowering cysteine levels. maybe the cysteine becomes less toxic if its forced to go towards taurine, and maybe this explains the benefits behind b6 if it can help use up the cysteine.

btw beta alanine supplements had an opposite effect in many ways to taurine. taurine is sedating, beta alanine is stimulating. taurine pro constipatory, beta alanine has a laxative effect.


i actually dont get issues with creatine as long as its the creapure form. i think they instantize it and its just much purer maybe? made in germany? so the creapure stuff doesnt cause issues whereas non creapure can cause bloating and other problems.

taurine has a very pro constipation effect and it cant be outweighed even with taking in additional fiber or fluids. Im not sure why, maybe its because it creates too much bile? anything that has a pro constipating effect causes issues with overall metabolism imo. usually the pro constipating supps cause loss of appetite, bloating, oilier worse looking skin quality, fatigue, i think those things are due to the constipation/bloating.

i have heard taurine supplements can deplete beta alanine, and vice versa. normally both of these are made in the body from different amino acids and b vitamins or something else.

I wonder if taurines problematic effects come because it indirectly boosts cysteine? if i remember right, cysteine and one of the b vitamins, maybe b6, are used to make taurine. that means a taurine deficiency could potentially be resolved by using b6, or it could be a cysteine deficiency. or, supplementing b6 or taking in more cysteine could ramp up production of taurine even if not deficient.

cysteine is one of those amino acids that Peat doesnt like, he wants it as low as possible, not 0 but on the low side. ive wondered if cysteine and b6 are normally used to make taurine, if supplementing taurine then means youre raising levels of those two things since the body will have less need to produce taurine. the effects of taurine supplements may potentially match those of excess cysteine/b6.

supplementing b6 alone might be useful for lowering cysteine levels. maybe the cysteine becomes less toxic if its forced to go towards taurine, and maybe this explains the benefits behind b6 if it can help use up the cysteine.

btw beta alanine supplements had an opposite effect in many ways to taurine. taurine is sedating, beta alanine is stimulating. taurine pro constipatory, beta alanine has a laxative effect.

Hmm I wonder if that is why Taurine pairs so well with Potassium Bi-carb then? Bicarbonate neutralizes excess stomach acid which may offset issues with increased bile production.

This write-up suggests most excess Taurine is simply excreted via the kidneys. Taurine depleting beta alanine is news to me. I just did a quick google and all I could find was the opposite, Beta alanine depletes Taurine levels. However it seems that they have a relationship akin to Potassium and Sodium where they compete for the same receptors/channels.. So a balance of the two seems important. For myself, the primary symptoms of Beta alanine deficiency (below) go away when I consume K-water..
  • Fatigue.
  • Poor endurance and strength.
  • Weakness and muscle atrophy (shrinkage)
  • Dizziness and faintness due to fluctuating blood sugar levels.
  • Moodiness.
  • Changes in appetite.
All of those sound like your own symptoms you said you get with Taurine supplementation. Perhaps adding Beta alanine and Potassium bi-carb might eliminate your issues with Taurine.

As for B vitamins, I don't ever feel much from them. Whether its a standard B complex, or megadosing Thiamine, I felt no different other than the smelly B Vit urine. I also have no issues (or benefits) felt with NAC either. So cysteine doesn't seem to be an issue (or aid) for me.

I think I will add some beta alanine to my next bulk purchase of Taurine Potassium bicarb and do some more experimenting. Thanks for sharing your information.
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