Above All, Reduce Iron


Feb 18, 2018
For those who eat starches...add cilantro to your rice/potatoes! It adds exceptional flavor...and I guess you get that iron chelation too :)


Mar 25, 2016
So haggis, the traditional Scottish dish made from sheep organs and well cooked oats seasoned with coriander (cilantro) has built in iron protection. Another excuse to eat it!


Nov 7, 2018
just curious I didnt read the whole thread, but I understand irons importance as being not something to overdo by any means, from the looks of it its a punch to the pancreas if you get into that situation, but it might still be important to although most people probably cover it. Is it even possible to overdose on non heme iron? considering the body has to purposefully absorb it...it isn't a passive thing. In the past as a vegan and even veg I ate tremendous amounts of iron...chlorella, spirulina, whole cane sugar, molasses, amongst other things...and don't recall ever having iron related issues...though maybe I did and didn't know but I'm pretty sure the stuff I overcame was other things (perhaps people with iron excess, theres regulation problems or ratio problems rather than just an excess intake, or potentially the heme can be overdone easier). Also...sometimes I read that iron cant be regulated, and therefore the body cant get rid of extra iron...this seems silly and one of potentially those things that might be common, but not really the whole picture. Theres a lot of deficiencies in mainstream culture and ways of living that might make some things seem as 'just how they work' but could be in fact due to these imbalances/deficiencies. I know vitamin C and other nutrients are related to iron metabolism...I wouldn't be surprised if many nutrients, thyroid, and overall NO status ...kind of the 'growing' in life, or the 'hibernation learned helplessness' thing. I'm pretty sure the body can store iron in the spleen, take it out of the blood, perhaps to slow the metabolism when theres efficiency issues due to the above mentioned and others. Also Ive read that iron is in saliva, and sweat...meaning it can be lost in ways not via giving blood or shedding cells as is commonly perported...and how is it that the body can actively transport it against a gradient into the system from the intestine, but not clear it back out the other direction? Some thoughts
Are you still vegan?


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Blood donation is the quickest and most reliable way to lower iron, and if hemoglobin is about 12.5, it's very safe and presents few side effects.
I've taken a quick look at the study, and I'm not sure ferritin/AST ratio would be more reliable than other markers. I go by ferritin and TSAT, personally.
Where wojld
You like to see ferritin? At what point would you say donate? 200?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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