A socio-spiritual take on caffeine


Jun 6, 2016
Thank you! Very interesting! My anecdotal experience is that my parents were extremely anti fluoride. We never had it in toothpaste, I grew up on well water, and I rarely even saw a dentist growing up. I’ve never had a cavity in my life and my teeth grew in perfectly straight with no braces. Obviously, I’m sure there is a genetic component to that, but if fluoride is at all essential for tooth health it must be in very tiny amounts.

It makes no sense that a trace-element that has no physiological role and is not essential in the strict sense would be needed for something minor as teeth. It's similar to how vitamin A has no actual obvious or proven roles beyond the eyes.

In both cases, the effect seems to be rather drug-like, and not consistent or essential.

It's absurd that this substance actually has a RDA, just because of it's effect on teeth. It is as ridiculous as the RDA for calcium, even though there are no human studies that show a requirement. All just politics.


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May 20, 2013
I periodically give up all caffeine / coffee as an exercise just to make sure I can. I once made it a whole year!

I didn't watch the video, but it sounds like his point is that we're using coffee as a crutch. I don't disagree, but I've decided that, given all the other things that I've put on the "no go" list that are available to me in this modern life, that I'll take the coffee and whatever bit of happy chemicals it stimulates and trade a little bit of longevity (if that's ultimately what people think is the downside). The life that I do have seems more interesting and richer with it.


Sep 23, 2021
I periodically give up all caffeine / coffee as an exercise just to make sure I can. I once made it a whole year!

I didn't watch the video, but it sounds like his point is that we're using coffee as a crutch. I don't disagree, but I've decided that, given all the other things that I've put on the "no go" list that are available to me in this modern life, that I'll take the coffee and whatever bit of happy chemicals it stimulates and trade a little bit of longevity (if that's ultimately what people think is the downside). The life that I do have seems more interesting and richer with it.
His main point is out there, but I do see it.

It's that coffee is heavily impacting womens' disembodiment and ignorance of symptoms. All of which are traceable to but a few things, such as nnEMFs.

I personally feel that nnEMFs are neutered by the evolution of the planet currently. But it is interesting that coffee has the ability to make on completely ignore kinks, discomforts and emotions that are in the body.

I don't mean to point fingers, but peatarians are notorious for not listening to their bodies and over-thinking things, which coffee definitely propagates.

It may not be true that caffeine "accumulates in nerve endings", but it has not been studied enough, so we just don't know.

It's easy to get caught up in name calling like "coffee is like cobra venom actually". But it is worth noting how toxins may actually appear beneficial from certain view points.

To speak against myself, a king of olden here in Sweden actually performed an experiment on coffee, where he took two twin brothers and had one drink only tea for a year and the other only coffee.

Guess what?

The coffee drinking gemini ended up healthy af after that year. On accoutn of this, coffee was not illegalized.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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