A Quick Overview Of The Supposed Rape Of Nanking


Jan 1, 2013


Mar 2, 2019
Let me guess @Goobz you think the bushfires were caused by “global warming”...?

That's a contentious issue, climate change and the weather. I don't know exactly what "caused" them and anyone who does is only speculating at this point. As I said above I hate ideology on both sides, and I am no crazy left wing ideologue.

In my opinion there is more frightening left wing ideology in the media in the US, UK, Europe, etc. However, in Australia we're a different case where we have some left wing ideology, but this is drowned out by the huge amount of right wing ideology of the Murdoch press. This side of the media takes a favourable view of mining, and paints conservationists negatively. Given "where our bread is buttered" i.e. with the amount of dollars coming into our economy from mining historically, it's easy to understand why the power dynamic in the Australian media is the way it is.

Now your turn please. Do you believe those fires were caused "Greenies not allowing burning off"? Because in contrast to the complex issue of climate change mentioned above, that is a basic, verifiable claim which... has shown to be a complete lie, perpetuated by obvious self interest of the aforementioned powerful groups.

Going by your name, are you Australian? I can understand how a foreigner who isn't from here would assume that our media is also left wing biased, like overseas. Then get fed a 2 minute news bite from the "alternative facts" side of YouTube about some "Green conspiracy" and eat it up, but if you're also an Aussie... geez.


Jan 1, 2013
Nanjing Massacre denial - Wikipedia

" Some scholars, notably the revisionists in Japan, have contended that the actual death toll is far lower, or even that the event was entirely fabricated and never occurred at all.[4][5] These revisionist accounts of the killings have become a staple of Japanese nationalist discourse.[6]"

Lol no surprises that nationalistic Japanese scholars are interested in painting this as not being true.

Contrary to that Wikipedia article, it's not just "some scholars", but the whole government who denies Nanking.

Japan threatens to cap UNESCO funding because of Nanjing massacre documents

"Tokyo has warned UNESCO that it may stop providing funding for the UN body because it included Chinese documents concerning the 1937 Nanjing massacre into its Memory of the World list.
“We are considering all measures, including [the] suspension of our funding contributions to UNESCO,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said on Tuesday as cited by the Guardian, adding that “there is a big discrepancy of views between Japan and China, and the decision reflecting a unilateral view turns the issue into a political problem.”

From Suga’s point of view “the decision-making process lacked transparency”. “We were not even allowed access to the contents of the Chinese documents,” he said.

Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director-General, included Chinese documents concerning the 1937 Nanjing massacre into the Memory of the World list last on Friday – an action which provoked Japan’s backlash.

“It is extremely regrettable that a global organization that should be neutral and fair entered the documents in the Memory of the World register, despite the repeated pleas made by the Japanese government, the Japanese Foreign ministry said.

Japan has questioned the veracity of the submitted documents and believes that China has attempted to use international culture as a political tool. China dismisses Japanese charges."


Oct 11, 2015
The last two images could be considered graphic so a warning before you click the thumbnail ( I wouldnt upload them if I thought they were gruesome though ). Anyways, these are some example of re-captioned images.


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Oct 11, 2015
WARNING, unlike what I posted, some of the other pictures in this link are really gruesome.

Unit 731 pictures ( Don't know why it says account suspended but the link is fine )
Account Suspended

This article above includes some of the pictures I linked in the previous post as well as some from the Jinan Incident. This is proof of how shameless the manufacturing of certain "events" has been.
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Oct 11, 2015
Sci-Hub | The Nanking Massacre: Now You See It, . . . Monumenta Nipponica, 56(4), 521 | 10.2307/3096672

Selected quotes from Bob Wakabayashi's The Nanking Massacre Now You See It,..., commentary is mine

For specialists, as opposed to laymen, this Nanking-as-Holocaust claim is so full of holes that persons fond of conspiracy theories might suspect Tanaka, Takemoto, and Ohara of having paid (Iris) Chang and the PRC to submit it

Regarding actual violence within the Nanking Safety Zone
Some Westerners at the time laid the blame for arson, rape, and pillage on fleeing KMT troops or those masquerading as refugees. Other Westerners attributed murders to KMT Special Forces ("urge to fight corps" tu-chan-tui Tgti' ) charged with ensuring that defense units-some of which were of dubious loyalty-died in action. Hence, the three argue, Western eyewitnesses documented the Chinese side perpetrating most of the rapes, looting, and killings that did take place at Nanking; yet Chang and the PRC pin all blame on Japan.19 Worse still, Chang and the PRC repeatedly flaunt photographs-proven to have been faked, altered, or taken elsewhere-to indict Japan for bestial crimes at Nanking.20 Citing news reportstating that Westerners violated pledges of neutrality by harboring armed Chinese troops in the International Safety Zone Tanaka, Takemoto, and Ohara argue that Japanese mop-up patrols were justified in eliminating those combatants.21
Chinese "plainclothes troops" (pien-i-tui MAR) kept their weapons, the three claim, but cast off uniforms and masqueraded as refugees to ambush unsuspecting Japanese units. The killing of such guerrillas as an extension of battle differed from genocide. Indeed, it was the Chinese plainclothes troops who violated international lw. Japanese troops killed refugees or POWs only inadvertently and in exceptional cases when mistaken for guerrillas.22 In sum, these three would have us surmise, Japanese battlefield actions taken at Nanking were like those by American troops at No Gunrin the Korean War or by Israeli troops on the West Bank during the Intifada. In guerrilla warfare, when soldiers cannotell refugees from combatants, innocent people sometimes die

One good point Wakabayashi makes is that some Japanese revisionists use positive photos of Japanese troops to prove nothing bad happened in Nanking, which is almost as dubious as the faked Chinese photos. But thats a minor point I guess. Cameras were not commonplace at the time obviously so you have to be weary of any photo evidence and admit that its very possible that there were no cameras around to capture any atrocities. Still, this is a generous concession to promoters of the Nanking massacre and lack of photos is not the only problem with their claims.


Oct 11, 2015
Harold Timperley is pretty much the lone source of the Nanking Massacre until much later. This is important because Harold Timperley had strong ties to the Chinese Nationalist Government and was trying to "stir the United Kingdom to act on behalf of China". He also later took a job working for the Chinese Nationalist Government.


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