A mouse embryo has been grown in an artificial womb—humans could be next



Feb 18, 2016
But I don't think the "Nazis" are behind today's issues. Look at Dr. Ewen Cameron, and the Medical Experimentation he did on people after testifying at Nuremberg. He has all of zero connections to Germany or National Socialism-

If you watch "The Fifth Estate" video I posted above, you can hear directly from his patients and their family members.
Its difficult to know who is behind it, many competing interests, we know it’s a power grab either way, the media are also fueling crazy narratives for clicks making it worse, they know the biggest hits are the emotional triggers like anti-White propaganda, the demographic is still majority White so this is where the sales are.

I don’t think it’s helpful for folks to spend so much time trying to prove the nazis were good or bad in these times, we should be perceiving, thinking and acting, I don’t necessarily need to know the past to see history repeat itself, I just need to know why bioenergetic resources are being hoarded by a select few in contemporary times, also why its still not enough for them, they drive low skilled migration to increase consumers for big business, people are sick of it yet they double down by going into overdrive with propaganda, propaganda doesn’t always work particularly when you are taking from people.

We can’t forget Jeffrey Epstein in all this either, he clearly had kompromat on leaders in the west causing them to enact ridiculous policies, anything is better in the ruling class eyes that exposing elite level paedophiles, I mean Clinton has literally waltz into the sunshine since Epstein died, still doing talks and interviews, it’s nuts.


Jan 25, 2014
I don’t think it’s helpful for folks to spend so much time trying to prove the nazis were good or bad in these times, we should be perceiving, thinking and acting, I don’t necessarily need to know the past to see history repeat itself, I just need to know why bioenergetic resources are being hoarded by a select few in contemporary times, also why its still not enough for them, they drive low skilled migration to increase consumers for big business, people are sick of it yet they double down by going into overdrive with propaganda, propaganda doesn’t always work particularly when you are taking from people.

But the post you are responding to didn't make any claims about the Germans or Nazis being good or bad. It simply demonstrated that one of the people, Dr. Ewen Cameron, who assisted in their trial at Nuremberg, performed the EXACT type of medical experimentation the Nazis were accused of, and Cameron was doing it just five short years after the creation of the Nuremberg code.

The US has done all sorts of experiments like this, too. Here's President Clinton apologizing for radiation experiments performed from the 40s-70s, some of which may have been going on concurrent with the Nuremberg trials themselves-

And here he is also apologizing for the Tuskegee experiments, which started in 1932-

So, whatever unethical medical experiments the Nazis may have done, they certainly weren't alone, nor were they the first.

Also... you don't need to know the past to see history repeat itself?

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
Only for the Aryans, like every totalitarian government, communist or fascist, they wanted control. If you were a Slav or a Jew, abortions were just fine.

With all respect to Christians but you have to take their claims with caution. Look up Pink Swastika. It's a Christian group claiming the Nazis were a secret homosexual cult and all gays are fascists. This site makes claims about the ss that are unrealistic. The Nazi's obsession with race is a projection by jews. The SS was an army loyal to Hitler, contrary to the Wehrmacht who's generals openly despised Hitler. It also was an elite fighting force. I talked to some former ss soldiers and they said it was all about fighting tactics and patriotism, nobody was interested in some Nazi cult. The SS was an international organisation with Slavic divisions, like Ukranian & Slowakian SS divisions. Any abuse towards Poles was just pay back for 20 years of abuse under polish nationalist and not an anti slavic sentiment.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
I think to truly know what happened you would have to experience WW2 at the highest levels of society, I think there are many competing interests in it, we read books and documents that could easily be forged back then, most food in the 40’s would have been pretty good I think, I can understand now with all the GMO and having a policy of natural grown.

Its like now, who is pushing these agendas, I find it hard to believe it’s all Jews, the cultural marxism/wokism is Russian in origin, all the old Marxist propaganda has the same messages we see now like anti-racism etc, I understand the link Israel had to Russia, China here also. Many Jews and Russians are White, what are they going to do if the plan is to get rid of European whites, the same with the White ruling class, if they are a minority radical Islam will turn on them, it’s complete mental illness what’s being pushed.
Thats why it’s more likely a dialectic being played.

Jews are not whites by their own admission. They're orientals and they consider themselves as an independent race. Marxism/wokeism/Bolshevism is not of Russian origin but of Jewish origin. Karl Marx, Lenin, Trotsky were Jewish. Jews always supported Muslims against Christians. The current political trends make very much sense. The question is why "white" elites, billionaires and oligarchs support the anti western agenda.


Feb 18, 2016
Jews are not whites by their own admission. They're orientals and they consider themselves as an independent race. Marxism/wokeism/Bolshevism is not of Russian origin but of Jewish origin. Karl Marx, Lenin, Trotsky were Jewish. Jews always supported Muslims against Christians. The current political trends make very much sense. The question is why "white" elites, billionaires and oligarchs support the anti western agenda.

Ashkenazi Jews look White, it doesn’t matter what they say, people think their White, it won’t end well for anyone if they are looking to genocide Whites.
The reality is the White lower classes were looking up at what White billionaires were doing and questioning the narrative, even with their gaslighting and mass propaganda campaign people are still looking at them. It’s suicide for them to allow other ethnic groups to take over western countries even with advanced tech protecting them it won’t be enough, low skilled Muslims are rigid and won’t change anytime soon.
The mass migration campaigns are for consumers for big business to continue profits, it seems they want open boarders with tracking down the line to encourage this more, as long as they control the money supply.

I think Peat is right when he says there is genuine stupidity within some of the ruling class groups, it’s part that and playing a dialectic, they create the illusion of humanitarianism and anti-racism while colonizing Africa and the middle east, they are currently doing this.
There is also the matter of Jeffrey Epstein and many other paedo scandals surrounding them.

They seem desperate at this point, it doesn’t end well or peacefully, people are legit sick of them.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Interesting article after hearing Peat speak with Danny Roddy and Haidut about the ideal environment being the womb for the human development.

Unfortunately it looks like no more wombs going forward, instead the new ideal environment is a glass jar, it’s kind of like that world economic forum add, you won’t own anything and you will be happy, you will be born in a glass jar and be happy.

They still had to use blood serum from the umbilical cord and pump oxygen in, they use the covid ventilators as an analogy, amazing.
Peat also spoke about oxygens effect in the body in said interview so the above doesn’t sound too good at the most important development stages.

This is another reason why the ruling class don’t care about the current human population, they believe we can make new ideal humans, less troublesome, it’s all starting to get nazi like again.
They also bizarrely see a "market" for babies for gays, 2 men can create the sperm and egg via stem cells.

The gloves are off in the world of cloning, China have been doing it for a long time so the west believes it has to keep up, the discussion around ethics will be nothing more than tokenism going forward, for show.

The photographs alone tell a fantastic story—a mouse embryo, complete with beating heart cells, a head, and the beginning of limbs, alive and growing in a glass jar.

According to a scientific group in Israel, which took the picture, the researchers have grown mice in an artificial womb for as long as 11 or 12 days, about half the animal’s natural gestation period.

It’s record for development of a mammal outside the womb, and according to the research team, human embryos could be next—raising huge new ethical questions.

“This sets the stage for other species,” says Jacob Hanna, a developmental biologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science, who led the research team. “I hope that it will allow scientists to grow human embryos until week five.”

Growing human embryos in the lab for that long, deep into the first trimester, would put science on a collision course with the abortion debate. Hanna believes lab-grown embryos could be a research substitute for tissue derived from abortions, and possibly a source of tissue for medical treatments as well.

How they did it​

Hanna’s team grew the mouse embryos longer by adding blood serum from human umbilical cords, agitating them in glass jars, and pumping in a pressurized oxygen mixture. Hanna likens the process to putting a covid-19 patient on a ventilation machine.

The mouse embryos only died after they became too large for the oxygen to diffuse through them, since they lack the natural blood supply a placenta could provide.

The work creates a scientific window onto the early embryo, which is normally hidden inside the uterus. In a publication today in the journal Nature, the Israeli team describes a series of experiments in which they added toxins, dyes, viruses, and human cells to the developing embryonic mice, all to study what would occur.

“It’s a tour de force—very, very impressive,” says Alfonso Martinez Arias, a developmental biologist and stem cell researcher based at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain, who was not involved in the research.

Next: humans​

Hanna says scientists will want to develop human embryos this way too. He recognizes that images of lab-grown human embryos with a roughly recognizable shape—head, tail, and limb buds—could be shocking. The human equivalent of Hanna’s 12-day-old mice would be a first-trimester embryo.

“That forces the oxygen into the cells,” he says. “Then the patient is much happier. You can see it has a blood system and all the major organ systems are working.”

I do understand the difficulties. I understand. You are entering the domain of abortions,” says Hanna. However, he says he can rationalize such experiments because researchers already study five-day-old human embryos from IVF clinics, which are also destroyed in that process.

“So I would advocate growing it until day 40 and then disposing of it,” says Hanna. “Instead of getting tissue from abortions, let’s take a blastocyst and grow it.”

The research is part of an explosion of new techniques and ideas for studying early development. Today, in the same issue of Nature, two other research groups are reporting a leap forward in creating “artificial” human embryos.

The DailyStormer.su is running a story about this and how the news is riling feminists up, because they feel threatened by technology that would make birthing a lab activity and would render women "useless" to society. I'd say it threatens both sexes, and it is yet another example of transhumanist efforts to destroy every vestige of humanity on this planet. I always thought that moves like Gattaca, The Matrix, The Island, etc are too oddly specific in their scripts to be just a figment of somebody's imagination. I bet clone farms ala The Island already exists and supply organs for the super rich.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
The DailyStormer.su is running a story about this and how the news is riling feminists up, because they feel threatened by technology that would make birthing a lab activity and would render women "useless" to society. I'd say it threatens both sexes, and it is yet another example of transhumanist efforts to destroy every vestige of humanity on this planet. I always thought that moves like Gattaca, The Matrix, The Island, etc are too oddly specific in their scripts to be just a figment of somebody's imagination. I bet clone farms ala The Island already exists and supply organs for the super rich.

Feminist care about pregnancy beyond abortions? This is just another silly joke from Andrew Anglin.
I think procreation is too much fun to leave it to machines, people will use technology only if the natural way doesn't work anymore what the vaccines might achieve. Gen editing a la Gattaca isn't achievable yet and might never be. Why do you need clone organ farms if you can just butcher and sell your political enemy like the Chinese do with the Uigyr? Why grow clone soldiers if you can send an army of illegal immigrants from every 3. World country? The elites don't need more technology. We will see a regression in core technologies like combustion engines, coal and nuclear power plants, that will off the middle and working class.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
Ashkenazi Jews look White, it doesn’t matter what they say, people think their White, it won’t end well for anyone if they are looking to genocide Whites.
The reality is the White lower classes were looking up at what White billionaires were doing and questioning the narrative, even with their gaslighting and mass propaganda campaign people are still looking at them. It’s suicide for them to allow other ethnic groups to take over western countries even with advanced tech protecting them it won’t be enough, low skilled Muslims are rigid and won’t change anytime soon.
The mass migration campaigns are for consumers for big business to continue profits, it seems they want open boarders with tracking down the line to encourage this more, as long as they control the money supply.

I think Peat is right when he says there is genuine stupidity within some of the ruling class groups, it’s part that and playing a dialectic, they create the illusion of humanitarianism and anti-racism while colonizing Africa and the middle east, they are currently doing this.
There is also the matter of Jeffrey Epstein and many other paedo scandals surrounding them.

They seem desperate at this point, it doesn’t end well or peacefully, people are legit sick of them.
With the majority of the population living in big cities I wonder how resilient the middle and lower classes will be towards an economic and financial collapse with major food shortages because this is what the elites are aiming for. I know some rich folks and they're looking down on average people but they're also bored as hell.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Feminist care about pregnancy beyond abortions? This is just another silly joke from Andrew Anglin.
I think procreation is too much fun to leave it to machines, people will use technology only if the natural way doesn't work anymore what the vaccines might achieve. Gen editing a la Gattaca isn't achievable yet and might never be. Why do you need clone organ farms if you can just butcher and sell your political enemy like the Chinese do with the Uigyr? Why grow clone soldiers if you can send an army of illegal immigrants from every 3. World country? The elites don't need more technology. We will see a regression in core technologies like combustion engines, coal and nuclear power plants, that will off the middle and working class.

With a clone farm they can run experiments and it is much more controlled than harvesting openly from immigrants, during a war or some other calamity where this activity is much more visible. Also, with a clone you get an organ that is much less likely to be rejected so you don't have to be on immunosuppresive treatments for life. Btw, said drugs eventually all fail and the patient ends up rejecting the organ and often dying...if they don't die from cancer beforehand as a result of the chronic immunosuppression. I am not saying the movies depict technology that is already in widespread (but secret) successful use. I see them more as guidelines for the direction of transhumanist thought and the fate they plan for humanity. Considering the topic of the original post in the thread, a setup like the one depicted in the The Island becomes virtually guaranteed if the gestation can be extended to full term so that viable organisms can be "born", raised, and eventually harvested.
As far as the DailyStormer article, here it is, so you can judge for yourself.

"...To up the ante on inanity, she then starts talking about the potential effect of artificial wombs on… abortion rights?
But artificial wombs could also undermine the basis of women’s reproductive rights and freedoms. In England, Scotland and Wales, the abortion limit is pegged to the viability of foetuses outside the human body; it’s currently set at 24 weeks’ gestation because foetuses at an earlier stage of development aren’t expected to be able to survive outside the womb. What if all foetuses, and even embryos, are potentially viable because they could be gestated inside an artificial womb? Any unborn child could be considered to have a right to life.
In countries where abortion is legal, access to it derives from a woman’s right to choose what happens to her body. But if unwanted babies could be “rescued” by technology – gestated inside an artificial womb and then given up for adoption – then abortion could be simultaneously pro-choice and “pro-life”. Why should a mother be able to decide to terminate an unwanted baby if an artificial womb can save its life?

"...What...Kleeman is doing with this Guardian essay is framing the topic of artificial wombs inside of very specific parameters of discussion. In closing the argument, she just outright explains that’s what she’s doing.
The obstacles to growing humans outside the human body will be ethical and legal, not technological. We need to be discussing artificial wombs now, and the precautious, contingent basis of women’s reproductive rights, before this technology arrives in our hospitals and fertility clinics.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
I once asked a feminist if she would support a simple solution to unwanted pregnancy be it medical or by any other means that would not put any disadvantage on women. She was a high school friend and had made an PhD in philosophy and history & arts. She answered with no and that she wants abortions to happen because a right that is not exercised is not a right. This is the mentality of these freaks.

About organ transplants don't we agree a damaged organ is the result of a damaged metabolism and just exchanging organs won't solve the underlying problem? I think the average survival time for transplants is 5 years and these years are not peak performance. I think it's nice for younger people to get a few more years of life if they lost an organ due to some accident or defects but the stress of an organ transplant procedure makes it an unattractive life extentions strategy for old people.


Mar 15, 2018
It sounds like the merchants want a tax on women bearing kids based off what she's saying with phrases like 'contingent basis', all I ever get from this kind of noise.


Feb 18, 2016
With the majority of the population living in big cities I wonder how resilient the middle and lower classes will be towards an economic and financial collapse with major food shortages because this is what the elites are aiming for. I know some rich folks and they're looking down on average people but they're also bored as hell.

What do you make of this article, it’s from a Jewish magazine-https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/california-ethnic-studies-curriculum


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
About organ transplants don't we agree a damaged organ is the result of a damaged metabolism and just exchanging organs won't solve the underlying problem?

Yep, and this is why I agree with some of the analysis out there on ZeroHedge and Unz that the powers that be have lost their minds or are at least woefully misguided in their quest. Namely, even if the "Great Reset" succeeds, this whole idea of constant organ transplants and/or uploading one's consciousness into a computer in order to achieve immortality is simply idiotic. There is no evidence for consciousness/memories being digital or even individual units, so to even speak of "copying", "uploading", etc. them is absurd and an extension of the same idiotic paradigms that have ruled "science" for centuries. It would be mighty ironic if this global exercise in moving towards AI and full digitization ends up killing most of the elites or at least greatly shrinking their lifespan. Most of them are already pretty sickly, so it is hard to see how subjecting themselves to multiple stressful/traumatic transplant/implant surgeries is going to help improve their overall health...


Feb 18, 2016
The DailyStormer.su is running a story about this and how the news is riling feminists up, because they feel threatened by technology that would make birthing a lab activity and would render women "useless" to society. I'd say it threatens both sexes, and it is yet another example of transhumanist efforts to destroy every vestige of humanity on this planet. I always thought that moves like Gattaca, The Matrix, The Island, etc are too oddly specific in their scripts to be just a figment of somebody's imagination. I bet clone farms ala The Island already exists and supply organs for the super rich.

The island is very good and plausible, look at North Korea and how they control their people, clones would be easy in an environment where information and meaning is tightly controlled.

I was thinking about the ruling classes obsession with trans-humanism, I find it hard to buy their belief that we can upload or consciousness to a computer, I think they are selling us that, they couldn’t all be that stupid to believe this is possible, at the same time many of them are stupid enough to believe it, they cant come out and say clone so they computer.

I believe the real possibility is uploading your consciousness to a clone of yourself and this is what the elite believe, still delusional?
David Bohm spoke about humans being an antenna, our structure is an antenna, the memories could be storied outside in the "ether". Peat speaks about matter being the memory, did he elaborate on that I can’t recall, as in matter being the structure that acts as antenna or was he saying everything is similar, analogous?

When you die we take a sample of your DNA with all it’s experienced epigenetic marks, we clone you "the antenna" and you should tune back in?
The thing is we have seen this with identical dna in the past in lab experiments, the expectation was identical organisms because the environment was identical, differences still occurred, the act of the human clone forming in its new environment will be giving new experiences thus influencing its structure changing the antenna, the antenna would need to be an exact replica of your previous self for this to work.

Flatworms maintain memories after decapitation, I believe this research has moved on to larger organisms also, the claim is the other cells store the memories.

Transposons are also interesting to think about, is it possible some folks could be fine tuned to read another’s memories when transposons are transferred, the mediums who contact the dead for example could be fine tuned to do this, most of them are psychopaths taking advantage of the grieving in reality but some folks report unusual experiences with them.

I think this is a genuine fear women have, I do see how they feel threatened to be fair, there is even a female backlash against the more advanced sex dolls, there is a great movie in this line of thought.
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