A Cancer Therapy By Max Gerson - Selected Parts


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
A few selected parts, but in much more detail in the book. As always, it's highly recommended that you read directly from the source and in context.
burtlan, you can read the whole thing relaxed, you won't find any mention, except here reminding you that you are a boss. Hopefully people start to realize why you admire this guy so much.
Here they are:

In a sick body - mainly in cancer - potassium is inactive sodium and minerals of the sodium group are ionized with negative potentials. On this basis all other abnormal processes develop as consequences. For healing purposes the body must be detoxified-activated with ionized minerals, natural food so that the essential organs can function again.

It has been emphasized before that cancer develops in a body which more or less has lost the normal functions of the metabolism as a consequence of a chronic daily poisoning accumulated especially in the liver.14 It is important to realize that in our body all the innermost processes work together, depend on each other, and will be deranged with each other in diseases. That is the reason why all of them together have to be attacked for healing purposes at the base and in combination. My clinical experiences revealed that this is the surest way to the success of a therapy. Most parts of the general metabolism can be found concentrated in the liver. The biological function of the liver itself, however, depends on the proper activity and correct cooperation of many other essential organs.

We must conclude [..] that the soil and all that grows in it is not something distant from us but must be regarded as our external metabolism, which produces the basic substances for our internal metabolism. Therefore, the soil must be cared for properly and must not be depleted or poisoned; otherwise, these changes will result in serious degenerative diseases, rapidly increasing in animals and human beings.

Dr. Albert Schweitzer, who built a hospital in Lambarene, Central Afriea, 40 years ago, reported in his letters of October, 1954, the following:
"Many natives, especially those who are living in larger communities, do not live now the same way as formerly they used to live almost exclusively on fruits and vegetables, bananas, cassava, ignam, taro, sweet potatoes and other fruits. They now live on condensed milk, canned butter, meat- and fish-preserves and bread." [..] ["]It is obvious to connect the fact of increase of cancer also with increased use of salt by the natives.... Curiously enough, we did not have any cancer cases in our hospitals before."

On the key targets of a successful therapy:
The first component is the detoxication of the whole body which has to be carried out over a long period of time, until all the tumors are absorbed and the essential organs of the body are so far restored that they can take over this important "cleaning function" by themselves. If that is not effected to the necessary degree, the entire body becomes the victim of a continuously increasing poisoning with dire consequences (coma hepaticum). Secondly, the entire intestinal tract has to be restored simultaneously; with the restoration of the intestinal tract, the most important secretory functions will be repaired, as well as its circulation and motility regulated by the visceral nervous system. In that way we can activate, together with other functions, defense, immunity and healing power in the body.

We should not forget that a body detoxified constantly through the liver and the best nutrition can maintain an active metabolism with the help of the liver.

A healthy body can adapt itself to different types of nutrition. It reabsorbs the necessary minerals, vitamins and enzymes as we know from experiments to determine the time for the clinical appearance of one or another vitamin deficiency. A sick body has lost this capacity. The deficiencies cannot be restored as long as the essential organs are poisoned.

It seems that [..] valuable minerals are not so well absorbed when they are out of their colloidal state.
Might explain why we prefer thick sauces.

Cancer is not a single cellular problem; it is an accumulation of numerous damaging factors combined in deteriorating the whole metabolism, after the liver has been progressively impaired in its functions.

I think that the origin of the cancerous disease is more probable where the reactivation of the oxidizing enzymes, one of the finest developed functions in the liver, is impaired.

The restoration of the teeth is an absolute requirement for the treatment, to prevent infection and toxic disturbances from defects of the teeth and inflamed gums.

The importance of the liver will be best described by comparison with the chlorophyll contained in the cells of leaves - maintaining metabolism and the life of the plant.

The functions of the liver cells are so vitally important for the body that they could be compared with the activity of the chlorophyll of the plants. The liver is regarded so unique biologically that recently it was called the "balance wheel of life."

[..]effects of choline and methionine [in protecting the liver] can be reversed by excess fat supplements.

With the tremendous amount of experimental work done on lipotropic agents, and their effectiveness in dietary fatty liver in animals, it is only natural that clinicians should turn to these substances in the treatment of fatty liver; however, the only type of fatty liver that choline (the most important of the lipotropic substances) can cure is the one due to a choline deficiency. It is likely that at least some of the fatty livers in man are due to choline deficiency, but in fatty livers of prolonged infection or those due to toxins, no deficiency of choline in the diet can be postulated, and therefore, no beneficial effect from choline can be expected.
Mitchell A. Spellberg, Diseases of the Liver, p. 309.

The human organism is, in embryonic life and early infancy, a sodium-animal, due to the relative preponderance of Na throughout the entire organism, but in adult life, a potassium-animal. The potassium predominance must be maintained throughout life.



[Niacin] is a "potential restorer" and raises the depleted liver stores of glycogen.

W.O. Fenn [..] thinks that [niacin] can restore the depleted potassium stores in liver. Niacin is not only a vitamin, indispensable for the protein metabolism, but also is, as Elvehjem and others showed, an efficient restorer of cell energies in a great number of diseases from the common cold to cancer.

[A] characteristic feature of the treatment is the liberal use of iodine in the inorganic form of lugol-solution and the organic form of thyroid. The thyroid gland stores only 20 per cent of all the body's iodine content. The rest of the body's iodine is contained in the skeletal muscles, the liver and central nervous system, but it is also relatevely highly concentrated in the pituitary gland and in the ovaries. The thyroid gland takes up about 80 times more iodine than does any other tissue. To help the body in the oxidation power, iodine must be radioactive (I130 and I131).

From my own clinical experiments I have learned that it is not only necessary to change the metabolism in one or another substance, but it is also necessary to change the intake of proteins, enzymes, vitamins, etc., simultaneously to activate all natural healing forces which we need for our therapy.

[..]liver parenchyma is the most positively charged organ containing very often most of the intracellular [mineral] group, whereas the thyroid is the most negatively charged organ containing a marked accumulation of the extracellular group[.]

[..]thiocyanates and other compounds of similar constitution plus thiouracil (not yet examined), sulfa drugs, and salicylates have a tendency to replace iodine. Therefore, iodine appears to be a very mobile and vulnerable substance in the thyroid as demonstrated by its easy replaceability (in biology).

There is no doubt that the iodine is attracted with particular force by the normal thyroid, but less so in hypo- as well as hyperpboydism. In both, the iodine content is decreased in the thyroid, in hyperthyroidism even up to 1/10th of the normal. The difference is that blood iodine is markedly elevated in most cases of hyperthyroidism while it is decreased in hypothyroidism.

Almost all cancer cases showed an acceleration of the healing processes when thyroid and lugol solution drops were increased, while hormone therapy was generally harmful in the beginning. Where there was hardening of the arteries, thyroid and lugol were especially favorable.

[To recover, the] body needs essentially: the important minerals (K., I., P.), the oxidizing enzymes and coenzymes and the hormones.

Normal allergic or even anaphylactic reactions appear when the poisons have obtained a kind of peak and the body is able to neutralize, digest and eliminate them. [Very sick organisms no longer react in that way]

[..]our modern agriculture decreased potassium and iodine in our nutrition, precisely the minerals essential for prevention of cancer[.]

There are interesting experiments made on rats, which show the following: When rats are feeding from organically grown soil, they have perfectly healthy organs through many generations. Other groups of rats, living on ordinary food in the United States and Britain developed, within one generation, all the degenerative diseases and pathology known in human beings.

Dr. Pottenger's experiments on cats showed that cats fed common food, without raw substances and raw milk, became nervous, sick and even homosexual. Several weeks' treatment with raw milk and raw vegetables returned them to normalcy!

[..]science that is super-specialized cannot lead people to better relationships with each other and the land, nor can so-called "pure" science, which is too cold or too snobbish to face the real problems.

Whether a form of nutrition is natural or not has nothing to do with the question of whether or not it is of therapeutic value in diseases.

The elimination of salt does not serve to cure various diseases, but it is an important supporting factor of the diet. A damaging irritation is removed by the elimination of salt. Furthermore, if the elimination of salt by normally functioning kidneys is limited by fever, as Wolff-Eisner points out, and remains limited in spite of further salt intake, this should not lead to the conclusion that the body regulates salt distribution so well that physicians should leave this function to the body. This only shows that the organism cannot digest the given quantities of salt in fever states. Therefore, a temporary radical limitation of salt nutrition (fasting, refusal of nutrition) is also correct in acute diseases (infectious diseases).

According to [O.E.] Meyer, "when unbalanced, the salts become a source of trouble for cell metabolism." And that, therefore, "it thus becomes obvious that the kind of food consumed and the regular functioning and correlation of all these organs determine in part the quantity and the ratio to one another of the salts present in the serum."

Therapeutically we find the following: the saltless diet and detoxication reduce Na, Cl, H2O in the whole system. This is the removal of cell edema simultaneously with the reduction of the negative electrical potentials. Thus the way is paved for the activated negatively charged K [intracellular] group minerals and positively charged iodine components. These changes seem to force the cancer cells to a higher metabolic rate.

Cancer cells can ferment only; therefore they are unable to adapt to the new intesive changes - they break down and die. This part of the metabolism must be properly composed and constantly reactivated by the function of the liver. Thus, we may assume that almost all vital functions, functions of the restored mineral metabolism, the detoxication, etc., necessary for healing power, are anchored in the liver.

Cancer is an extraordinary symptom only. The underlying cause is to be found in the poisoning of the liver.

[..]enlarged liver [is common] in many acute and infectious diseases, as well as in degenerative diseases, including cancer.

In human beings some acute and chronic diseases are due to the following deficiencies:
Bad teeth, to K and Ca
Rickets, to Ca and P
Anemias, to copper and iron
Myedema and goitre, to iodine
Starvation edema, nephritic edema, cardiac edema, cardiorenal syndrome, old age (thyroid deficiency), etc., all more or less due to deficiency of several minerals
Skin and bone tuberculosis, to K. P. Ca, etc.​

[..]pathogenic bacteria [don't] survive long in a healthy soil which normally contains much antibiotic material.

[Earthworms'] tiny tunnels enable rain water and oxygen to penetrate the soil. The earthworm does not require much oxygen as it has a predominantly fermentative or anaerobic metabolism. After being transformed by earthworms, working around the clock, the soil has been found to be five times richer in nitrogen, seven times more plentiful in phosphate, eleven times richer in potash.

Organic gardening food seems to be the answer to the cancer problem.
Flying straight to the QuackWatch website in the future. Pretty ballsy statement for a physician.

I won't post the whole program here because it's available everywhere, and detailed in the book. However fructose is so toxic to the liver that:

Raw, grated apples should be taken in large quantities.

Patients have to know that the coffee enemas are not given for the function of the intestines but for the stimulation of the liver.

According to the experiments of Professor O. E. Meyer and Professor Heubner of the University of Goettingen, Germany, it is not certain whether the caffine stimulates the liver cells directly or indirectly through the visceral nervous system. In any case, the effect is an increased production of bile, an opening of the bile ducts and greater flow of bile.

A cup of coffee taken by mouth has an entirely different effect. [..] It heightens the reflex response (Schmiedeberg), lowers the blood pressure, increases heart rate, perspiration, causes insomnia and heart palpitations, the local irritation stimulates peristalsis (stomach motility).

The most important [observational] points are: cancer cells have more Na (ionised), live on fermentation (not on the normal oxidation), are negatively charged electrically, do not have the normal exchange with blood and serum, and grow and spread uncontrolled.

In my opinion it must be assumed, as a rule, that sodium and iodine favor undifferentiated, quicker growth, seen in embryos and cancer; while potassium and iodine [not a typo, it's their combination] assure a more differentiated slower growth with normal cell division.

As far as the regular "reaction periods" are concerned, one may observe that the patients vomit some bile with an offensive odor. I assume that this bile, flowing out of the common duct, causes some spasms in the duodenum or the upper small intestines, and flows over into the stomach, producing nausea, bad breath, coated tongue and reluctance to food, and even juices. At such times patients need large quantities of peppermint tea, served with some brown sugar and a bit of lemon.

Iodine is applied in two forms - as thyroid in organic composition, and as lugol in inorganic combination. Thyroid is administered in relatively high doses - one gr. five times daily - during the first three to four weeks, then five times one-half gr. daily, and later three times daily one-half gr. When the B.M.R. and P.B.I. remain normal for a period of three to four months, thyroid medication should be discontinued.

Lugol solution (always use half strength) - given during the first weeks in larger doses three drops six times daily - has been proved to be a favorable iodine combination for this therapeutic purpose. Lugol solution contains five per cent iodine, ten per cent potassium iodide in water. According to Holler and Singer,168 iodine invades cancer tumors when inflamed, not otherwise.

Potassium appears to play an indispensable and unique role in tissue protein synthesis, although the mechanism of its utilization is at present unknown.

The decision to apply large K-doses in a compatible composition immediately was finally made after about six years of indecisive clinical experiments, until I saw regularly better and more extensive clinical progress.

[Dr. Joseph Ross] and Dr. Belton Burrows [..] found that patients with chronic illnesses showed a marked decrease of potassium, one of the substances important in muscle contraction and strength.

According to my clinical experience, it is very difficult to bring the potassium deficiency in a body back to or near to normal. [..] In seriously ill bodies, many months, sometimes even one to two years, are needed to restore normal potassium content in the vital organs.

Niacin (or nicotinic acid, the pellagra medication) is one of the B2 vitamins and should be given from the beginning in sufficient amounts; it should be given without too much interruption and should not be diminished too fast. Niacin helps to bring back sufficient glycogen into the liver cells. It helps, furthermore, in the protein metabolism and acts to open the small arteries and capillaries; therefore, it must be discontinued in the event of bleeding. It also raises the electrical potential in the cells.
Niacin is administered for a long time: 50 mg. six times daily, rarely more; after four to six months the dosage should be reduced.

Animal experiments show that vitamin B12 is very potent in the restoration of all different tissues, be they damaged by age, chronic illness, operations, degenerative diseases, intoxications or by other means.

Liver Juice [..] is the most powerful weapon we have against cancer, bringing into the liver and body all essential minerals, enzymes and other substances to replenish after the detoxication of the sick liver, which is incapable for some time of building and activating these substances. (Cellular Therapy)
*They discontinued the use of this extract due to the risk of infections/pathogens since it was raw.

I do not want to make the mistake Winston Churchill expressed so clearly: "Men occasionally stumble over the Truth, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened."

The mental condition of the patient and psychological cooperation of the family and the environment play important roles in the restoration of the body. Every patient needs faith, love, hope and encouragement. To accomplish this difficult task, the patient has to see progress on himself and favorable results on others.

Two machines are required [for the therapy], a separate grinder and a separate press, for the correct preparation of juices, especially liver juice. Centrifugal machines, in which air has insufficient access to the grinding process, cannot be used. When the grinding wheel rotates against a resistance with insufficient access of air, positive electricity is produced and induces a negative electricity on the surrounding wall. The exchange of the positive and negative electricity kills the oxidizing enzymes and renders the juice deficient. These are findings of experiences over many years in which patients who used a one-unit machine had no success.

[..]tart apples (McIntosh, Pippin, Granny Smith, Winesap, etc.) [must be] used for juices when possible rather than "Delicious" apples[.]

I feel that the specific sex hormones, even small doses, stimulate the liver and consume the painstakingly re-accumulated reserves of the liver.

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Jan 22, 2013
thanks for posting this! Very interesting read. Did Peat comment on Gerson's view on salt?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I guess that starting to compensate for the salt restriction by retaining sodium is the concern:
Salt, energy, metabolic rate, and longevity
"It has been known for many years that decreasing sodium intake causes the body to respond adaptively, increasing the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). The activation of this system is recognized as a factor in hypertension, kidney disease, heart failure, fibrosis of the heart, and other problems. Sodium restriction also increases serotonin, activity of the sympathetic nervous system, and plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1), which contributes to the accumulation of clots and is associated with breast and prostate cancer. The sympathetic nervous system becomes hyperactive in preeclampsia (Metsaars, et al., 2006)."
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Mar 29, 2014
Go Amazoniac!


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
A few bits from the appendices:

[Allowed:] one tablet of aspirin (5 gr.), one Vitamin C (100 mg) and one Niacin (50 mg) up to four times in the course of 24 hours.

Thirty years of clinical experimentation has led to a successful therapy for advanced cancer. This therapy is based on the concepts (1) that cancer patients have low immuno-reactivity and generalized tissue damage, especially of the liver, and (2) that when the cancer is destroyed, toxic degradation products appear in the bloodstream which lead to coma and death from liver failure. The therapy consists of high potassium, low sodium diet, with no fats or oils, and minimal animal proteins. Juices of raw fruits and vegetables and of raw liver provide active oxidizing enzymes which facilitate rehabilitation of the liver. Iodine and niacin supplementation is used. Caffeine enemas cause dilation of bile ducts, which facilitates excretion of toxic cancer breakdown products by the liver and dialysis of toxic products from blood across the colonic wall. The therapy must be used as an integrated whole. Parts of the therapy used in isolation will not be successful. This therapy has cured many cases of advanced cancer.

At first, I had thought that liquefiers would be the most wonderful thing. All the material was there, nothing was lost. But it didn't work. Then I found out through a physicist that in the liquefier, in the center, there is positive electricity and in the fluid there is negative electricity. This electricity kills the oxidizing enzymes. And that is also true for the centrifugal juicer and the other apparatus. The juice must therefore be made grinder and a separate press-if possible, made of stainless steel.

It took about 300 experiments until I found the right potassium combination. It is a 10% solution of potassium gluconate, potassium phosphate (monobasic), and potassium acetate. From that solution the patient is given four teaspoons full 10 times a day in juices.

When introduced into the system, thyroid and lugol solution go immediately into the cancer mass. These ripe cells take it up fast and they perhaps grow a little faster but they soak in more with great greed-as much as they can-together with a little bit of sodium, probably. But then there isn't much sodium left. So then these cells pick up potassium and the oxidizing enzymes and die by themselves. You have to realize that cancer cells live essentially on fermentation but potassium and oxidizing enzymes introduce oxidation. And that is the point at which we can kill cancer cells because we take away the conditions which they need to continue to live.

I think I can claim that I have, even in these far advanced cases, 50% results. The real problem arises when we cannot restore the liver. Then there is no hope. The liver - the restoration of the liver, and its functions - are so important that some of the patients whose livers cannot be restored die some six months to 2 1/2 years later from cirrhosis. Autopsies show no cancer cells in the body. They did not die from cancer. They died from a shrunken liver. Since I give more liver juice and I give more for promoting the parenteral digestion, these cases of a shrunken liver are rare.

The liver cells are renewed in four to five weeks, five to six weeks in older patients. To restore such a liver, you would need 12 to 15 new generations of liver cells. That is 1 1/2 years. But the most important part of the treatment, I have learned, is to give the patients a new functioning liver.

I had the idea to make an animal experiment in which we connected two rats - one cancerous rat and one healthy one. We cut them open along the side and connected a blood vessel, then sewed them together. The blood from the healthy rat circulated in the sick one day and night and cleared up the sick body. Thus we showed that with a healthy normal metabolism you can cure cancer. You can cure the cancerous rat with the healthy body of the normal rat. But we are in early stages of this type of experiment.

Since soy beans contain fats, I had to forbid them. Cancer patients are not able for a long time to digest fats to the end products. When some intermediate substances are left in the body, they work as carcinogenic substances. Therefore we had to cut out fats, oils, and goods containing them for a long time.

To see how the liver functions, I found it best to examine the end products of the protein metabolism, urea nitrogen and uric acid.

In some of the cancer patients when they arrive as terminal cases, potassium is above normal! One of the physicians asked me once, "Are you crazy? With the potassium above normal, you give such big doses of potassium?" And I said, "Yes, sir, I am not crazy. The patient is losing the potassium.12 That is how it is increased in the serum."

I found that almost all of the arthritis cases have a weak liver or damaged liver. This is also true of coronary disease.

[Supplemental vitamins and minerals are not ok], they are wrong because calcium and many other minerals cannot be added so easily. They bring the system out of harmony. With calcium you can produce cancer. I was forced in three cases of hemophilia to give calcium to bring the blood to coagulate. I did it but the cancer regrew and I lost all three cases. No calcium, no magnesium, no other minerals. I tried it. There must be harmony in our body under the law of totality. One should not change the mineral metabolism, especially not in cancer. Only the two most important minerals potassium and sodium must be balanced. This is the need of the cancer patient.

You can't let the cancer patient fast. In the cancer patient the body is so depleted, if you let them fast they go downhill terribly.

With the vitamins we have a similar situation as we saw with the hormones. I damaged patients with vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B and B6. Patients get really damaged. Vitamin A and D are picked up by the cancer cells immediately. Niacin we can use, that is B3.

Cancer must be prevented by preventing damage to the liver. The basic measure of prevention is not to eat the damaged, dead, poisoned food which we bring into our bodies. Every day, day by day, we poison our bodies.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I think that it's worth noting that despite the fact that the addition of fat to a meal neutralizes endotoxin, in a sense that they won't be circulating freely in the blood and causing damage throughout the body, they still need to be processed and detoxified by the liver. They won't injury other organs and tissues like they otherwise would, but will burden the liver and quite possibly injury it. There are many posts on the forum about the benefits of saturated fats in neutralizing endotoxin, because it seems that the inflammation is indeed hampered when they are carried along with fats; but again, the problem is straining the liver as it arrives there because they still need to be detoxified.
The problem when people read something like, in the authors' words "4. Coconut oil completely abolished the responses to endotoxin", is that they might interpret that as if the oil neutralizes the endotoxin, but it doesn't. What neutralizes the endotoxin is the liver; what was neutralized was the inflammatory response.
Contrary to what I thought before, dietary fats, and especially free oils, do amplify the problem with starch and endotoxin. If the liver is already burdened/weak, then that combination might be dangerous.
Although not stated in the book as far as I remember, but it might be one of the main reasons why he found better outcomes when fats were eliminated altogether.
I wrote this many times and I'll write it again, we need a "@Westside PUFAs is right again!" sign.


Jan 1, 2013
I had the idea to make an animal experiment in which we connected two rats - one cancerous rat and one healthy one. We cut them open along the side and connected a blood vessel, then sewed them together. The blood from the healthy rat circulated in the sick one day and night and cleared up the sick body. Thus we showed that with a healthy normal metabolism you can cure cancer. You can cure the cancerous rat with the healthy body of the normal rat. But we are in early stages of this type of experiment.

I'm not going to touch the salt MEME, it's a huge can of worms.

But that quote above is by itself extraordinary.
How about trying this for hopeless cancer cases like brain or mesothelioma, lung, pancreatic ?

Gerson is the embryonnary state of Ray; he was a voracious reader and gave away generously his findings for the good of mankind.

But contrary to Gerson, Ray doesn't come within a ten foot pole distance of the cancer cure subject.
He's better equipped than anyone of furthering Gerson's findings, but alas, he acts as if Gerson never existed.

I blame Charlotte.


Aug 2, 2014
I think that it's worth noting that despite the fact that the addition of fat to a meal neutralizes endotoxin, in a sense that they won't be circulating freely in the blood and causing damage throughout the body, they still need to be processed and detoxified by the liver. They won't injury other organs and tissues like they otherwise would, but will burden the liver and quite possibly injury it. There are many posts on the forum about the benefits of saturated fats in neutralizing endotoxin, because it seems that the inflammation is indeed hampered when they are carried along with fats; but again, the problem is straining the liver as it arrives there because they still need to be detoxified.
The problem when people read something like, in the authors' words "4. Coconut oil completely abolished the responses to endotoxin", is that they might interpret that as if the oil neutralizes the endotoxin, but it doesn't. What neutralizes the endotoxin is the liver; what was neutralized was the inflammatory response.
Contrary to what I thought before, dietary fats, and especially free oils, do amplify the problem with starch and endotoxin. If the liver is already burdened/weak, then that combination might be dangerous.
Although not stated in the book as far as I remember, but it might be one of the main reasons why he found better outcomes when fats were eliminated altogether.
I wrote this many times and I'll write it again, we need a "@Westside PUFAs is right again!" sign.

Very interesting. I'm curious what is the exact mechanism by which saturated fats are supposedly protective to the liver (as often mentioned by Peat) and can even reverse cirrhosis. If saturated fat was only suppressing inflammation from endotoxin overload that would imply that it acts in a similar way as PUFAs, and in longer run it would be detrimental to liver's health.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Very interesting. I'm curious what is the exact mechanism by which saturated fats are supposedly protective to the liver (as often mentioned by Peat) and can even reverse cirrhosis. If saturated fat was only suppressing inflammation from endotoxin overload that would imply that it acts in a similar way as PUFAs, and in longer run it would be detrimental to liver's health.
All I know is that it's difficult to make the livers of animals fatty by feeding them saturated fats. But most animals used in tests have a high metabolic rate and are relatively young.
Gerson was not the only one that found beneficial to reduce them by trial and error; Roy Swank, the same thing, and probably many others. It has something to do with impaired metabolisms, perhaps the situation is different in other contexts. I don't know.

@burtlancast, I would be interested in knowing your opinion on the salt issue, regardless of the reception..


Sep 13, 2012
We do have among us @Jennifer who eats a raw vegan diet. She also does not agree with Peat on salt I believe?


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
What's curious is that in practically every guideline to recover from liver diseases they don't advise people to consume less than 0.8g of protein per kg of body weight; the only caveat that is often present is that in extreme injuries, you must consume lower protein, but not less than that amount. But for most liver injuries it's recommended more than 1g/kg..

From the book:

"Our experiments showed that patients who followed a dietary regime, rich in potassium, saltless, poor in protein and fat responded much more strongly and positively to different types and doses of liver medication. On that basis we reduced the protein content of the regime more and more and finally came to the conclusion that we should discontinue all animal proteins in the beginning, as far as possible. We studied the response to different doses of liver medication and found the damaging influence of animal proteins. We found that additional small protein nutrients reduced urine secretion and sodium elimination, even if the urine test showed normal kidney function. We also observed that the detoxication process was retarded and the disappearance of allergic harmful reactions delayed."

"The beneficial influence of large amounts of carbohydrates in the diet has been recognized. Besides the protective action of glycogen upon the liver cell, further benefit is derived from carbohydrate by virtue of its protein-sparing action. The protective value of carbohydrate appears to be twice that of protein when sufficient protein is already present in the diet to provide plenty and necessary amino acids for reparative purposes. An isocaloric amount of carbohydrate cannot be substituted for proteins without deterioration of the clinical and biochemical state."
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Sep 13, 2012
Peat did say that fruit probably has keto acids he wasn't sure though. So if you add up all the fruit in the Gerson therapy maybe it would add up to enough for liver function.


Jan 1, 2013
@burtlancast, I would be interested in knowing your opinion on the salt issue, regardless of the reception..

I've already disclosed it in these threads:
- Cancer And Glucose (sugar)
- Biochemical Health Reduction And Oxidation, Politics And Science, 2015

Both Gerson and Ray agree on potassium needing to be in the cells and sodium outside, and that when sodium enters the cells, it causes them to take up water, and thus needs to be evacuated.

Ray claims one can eat as much salt as he craves, provided the alkaline minerals potassium and magnesium are taken concomitantly at the same time in sufficient quantities.

Which probably means cancer patients too.

According to Charlotte, Gerson had excluded salt from the start of his tuberculosis protocol, because it caused him migraines.

And the first Gerson scientific papers on his tuberculosis diet are in German, and available only in state libraries..

On the other side, there's the "tissue damage syndrome" talked about by Freeman Cope and Ling.
Modern experimental evidence indicates that the cell should be regarded as analogous to an ion exchanger resin granule with structured water in the interstices and with potassium and sodium ions associated with fixed negative charges on the protein matrix. In tissues damaged by disease or trauma, a similar set of changes in properties of cell cations and water is to be expected, for which a similar set of therapies is appropriate. Tissue damage causes a configurational change of the protein matrix from the normal to the damaged state. This leads to loss of association preference for potassium vs. sodium ions and to loss of water structuring, resulting in replacement of cell potassium by sodium and abnormal uptake of water by the cell. Appropriate therapies for reestablishment of the normal configurational state of the proteins of the cell are reestablishment of normal cell ATP production, for which prostaglandin PGBx is the rational approach, plus diets or drugs that decrease sodium and/or increase potassium concentrations in the body. Partial normalization of cell protein configuration by digitalis compounds may also be possible.

There's Emanuel Revici' experiments showing salt enhances tumor growth and atherosclerosis (Salt Encourages Tumor Growth ( Revici Experiments))

And there's Hans Selye's own experiences showing the damaging effects of a high salt diet (Cancer And Glucose (sugar)).

I think Ray could certainly be proved right if the experiences showing sodium toxicity could be prevented by simultaneous potassium and magnesium supplementation.

But the fact remains modern diets are way too rich in sodium, while not enough raw, potasium-rich vegetables are consumed (cooking causes loss of potassium), which can potentially cause injury.

Where is the balance to prevent this?

Maybe the scientific papers show it somewhere, but i don't know.

In any case, as Giraffe wrote, high potassium intake naturally causes natriuresis; it's a simple ionic mechanism in the kidneys.
Even if one is in perfect health.

The beneficial cardiovascular effects of a high K diet may be due to its strong diuretic effect
[11,12]. High K intake decreases NaCl reabsorption in the thick ascending limb via the Na-KCl-
cotransporter (NKCC2) [13] and in the early distal tubule via NCC [14,15].
Low Na, High K Diet and the Role of Aldosterone in BK-Mediated K Excretion

So, as long as one is in good health and drinks carrot-apple juices, he can salt his meals as he pleases.

On the other hand, Gerson forbade salt and fats to his recovered cancer patients:
Q. Would it not be advantageous for the cancer patients to remain permanently on a vegetarian diet for the rest of their lives?

A. That depends on how far the liver can be restored. If it can be restored entirely, after say 1½ years, we tell the patients only to avoid fats and salt.


  • Low Na, High K Diet and the Role of Aldosterone in BK-Mediated K Excretion.pdf
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I've already disclosed it in these threads:
- Cancer And Glucose (sugar)
- Biochemical Health Reduction And Oxidation, Politics And Science, 2015

Both Gerson and Ray agree on potassium needing to be in the cells and sodium outside, and that when sodium enters the cells, it causes them to take up water, and thus needs to be evacuated.

Ray claims one can eat as much salt as he craves, provided the alkaline minerals potassium and magnesium are taken concomitantly at the same time in sufficient quantities.

Which probably means cancer patients too.

According to Charlotte, Gerson had excluded salt from the start of his tuberculosis protocol, because it caused him migraines.

And the first Gerson scientific papers on his tuberculosis diet are in German, and available only in state libraries..

On the other side, there's the "tissue damage syndrome" talked about by Freeman Cope and Ling.

And there's Hans Selye's own experiences showing the damaging effects of a high salt diet (Cancer And Glucose (sugar)).

I think Ray could certainly be proved right if the experiences showing sodium toxicity could be prevented by simultaneous potassium and magnesium supplementation.

But the fact remains modern diets are way too rich in sodium, while not enough raw, potasium-rich vegetables are consumed (cooking causes loss of potassium), which can potentially cause injury.

Where is the balance to prevent this?

Maybe the scientific papers show it somewhere, but i don't know.

In any case, as Giraffe wrote, high potassium intake naturally causes natriuresis; it's a simple ionic mechanism in the kidneys.
Even if one is in perfect health.

Low Na, High K Diet and the Role of Aldosterone in BK-Mediated K Excretion

So, as long as one is in good health and drinks carrot-apple juices, he can salt his meals as he pleases.

On the other hand, Gerson forbade salt and fats to his recovered cancer patients:
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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