6 Teaspoons Salt Too Much? It Seems To Do Wonders!


Mar 7, 2017
@yoshiesque I've tried the 6 teaspoon and you are right it make me feel warm and has other benefit like more vasculari try, increase bile flow and no more constipation. However I'm starting to get a massive headache with all this salt I'm wondering what is that. My blood pressure is in check and much better I would say because before was always low now is 110/70
I'm scared of swelling in the brain or some thing like that

Have you tried adding sugar or fruit juice?

Personally, I've found that anything that increases metabolic rate also requires more food/liquid, and the balance can be tricky, especially during the experimentation phase.:D


Jul 8, 2018
Hi, I'm new, today actually, so excuse me if I state a known idea or conflict with one.

Question: Are you guys using table salt....sodium chloride?

I only use Celtic salt: gray appearance always moist. Minerals have not been stripped from it as in table salt.

Celtic salt contains 82 trace minerals needed by the body for optimal health and longevity. Since it is unrefined, it does not contain any additives.
Celtic sea salt provides minerals in the right proportion. Your body will take what it needs and get rid of the rest, provided you are drinking enough H2O.


Regulates heartbeat and blood pressure.
Eliminates mucus buildup.
Improves brain function.
Balances blood sugar.
Alkalizes the body.
Increases energy.
Provides electrolyte balance.
Builds immunity.
Promotes restful sleep.
Prevents muscle cramps.

I take 1/8 to 1/4 tsp on the tip of my tongue, allow to dissolve, somewhat, and chase with about 2 cups H2O. I do this throughout the day.

I also use this on my food. It has a nice taste and is not nearly as "salty" as common table salt.
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Mar 9, 2014
im still playing with 4-6 teaspoons of salt. but i dont do it everyday which is the issue. sticking to RP guidelines strictly has been difficult for me. I think its fine to do as long as your listening to your body and drinking fluids whenever salt starts triggering thirst signals. I also do half a teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of salt in my milk, sugar,gelatin mix before bed. I am guessing that as my health improves my salt requirements should drop.

Ive only just started consuming more calcium too (2-3g/day) and gonna start taking daily magnesium. so lets see if that does anything.

I feel that salt, coffee, sugar/carbs have been the most beneficial to body temps. Salt being number 1. even more effective than T3. Lets not forget what RP said, consuming salt means you wont need as much magnesium and magnesium is extremely important. so maybe thats why its helping us.

I dont know about brain swelling. google it. my quick google searches show that its low sodium that can cause swelling.


Mar 9, 2014
Hi, I'm new, today actually, so excuse me if I state a known idea or conflict with one.

Question: Are you guys using table salt....sodium chloride?

I only use Celtic salt: gray appearance always moist. Minerals have not been stripped from it as in table salt.

Celtic salt contains 82 trace minerals needed by the body for optimal health and longevity. Since it is unrefined, it does not contain any additives.
Celtic sea salt provides minerals in the right proportion. Your body will take what it needs and get rid of the rest, provided you are drinking enough H2O.


Regulates heartbeat and blood pressure.
Eliminates mucus buildup.
Improves brain function.
Balances blood sugar.
Alkalizes the body.
Increases energy.
Provides electrolyte balance.
Builds immunity.
Promotes restful sleep.
Prevents muscle cramps.

I take 1/8 to 1/4 tsp on the tip of my tongue, allow to dissolve, somewhat, and chase with about 2 cups H2O. I do this throughout the day.

I also use this on my food. It has a nice taste and is not nearly as "salty" as common table salt.

No i use Mortons canning salt which contains nothing else but PURE 100% salt. I suggest you do the same. I always dissolve it in hot water thats mixed with gelatin, hot milk thats mixed with gelatin or foods that have been warmed up so it dissolves there.

I do not like the idea of putting it on my tongue and letting it dissolve. I dont know how effective that is at dissolving it. RP said to me that the main issue with salt is that if its not dissolved properly it can be irritating to the stomach lining. So take that into consideration. Also thats a lot of water to consume with it, u might be negating the effects of salt. RP tends to avoid water and prefers juice, milk, coffee instead. I never touch water now either and get my fluids from juice/coke/milk/coffee.


Jul 8, 2018
Hey there, Yoshiesque.

I will continue with the Celtic salt because of the multitude of beneficial trace minerals. This is the type of salt humans used for thousands of years. It is hand dried and harvested by the sea in France.

I let the salt dissolve at the tip of my tongue so as to enter my bloodstream like taking a supplement sublingually and avoiding too much dissolving in my stomach.

The way I take Celtic salt and H2O was one of the ways that helped me recover from a condition known as central pain, which was hell on earth and left me living in an altered state of reality for too many years.

It is my understanding that many suffer from unintentional dehydration. Water works best 4 me because many fruits raise my histamine levels, citrus being a big culprit and they need to be very fresh as the bacteria inherent to their environment produces histamine when fruit, veggies and meat, degrade.

Although I do not avoid refined sugar, I have to watch it because too much sugar activates my mast cells which produce histamine among other things; all which equal inflammation.

I do take daily doses of d-ribose, a simple sugar used by the body only for ATP production.

I need to give my adrenal system mucho support and caffeine is much too stimulating for me. I do drink small amounts if I feel my body can handle it on a given day. But mostly, I avoid it.

I will explain more about my issues and how my health was blasted away when I post in the meet & greet thread....Just give me some time as writing a synopsis of this is a bit daunting.
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Aug 7, 2014
Anyone have any anecdotal doses of salt to sleep better at night?

I want to experiment with salt before before time and see if it improves my sleep and lowers my night time urination.

Thanks in advance.


Jun 10, 2020
Anyone have any anecdotal doses of salt to sleep better at night?

I want to experiment with salt before before time and see if it improves my sleep and lowers my night time urination.

Thanks in advance.

One time I woke up at 3 am, feeling high adrenaline, and could not go back to sleep. I went to the kitchen, downed probably 3/4 tsp of salt, grimaced, and laid back down. Then I immediately entered a deep sleep. In the times I’ve tried since then, the salt method has sometimes put me to sleep fast, sometimes not.


Aug 7, 2014
One time I woke up at 3 am, feeling high adrenaline, and could not go back to sleep. I went to the kitchen, downed probably 3/4 tsp of salt, grimaced, and laid back down. Then I immediately entered a deep sleep. In the times I’ve tried since then, the salt method has sometimes put me to sleep fast, sometimes not.

thanks for sharing.

I’ve never tried that high a dose of salt. Do you consistently do high dose salt throughout the days consistently? Or just save it for night time?


Jun 10, 2020
thanks for sharing.

I’ve never tried that high a dose of salt. Do you consistently do high dose salt throughout the days consistently? Or just save it for night time?

I try to take little 1/4-1/2 tsp doses throughout the day, mainly because of all the positive things Peat’s written about salt, but I can’t say I’ve noticed a massive benefit from it. Maybe a slight warming and calming effect, and certainly no negative effects.


Aug 7, 2014
I try to take little 1/4-1/2 tsp doses throughout the day, mainly because of all the positive things Peat’s written about salt, but I can’t say I’ve noticed a massive benefit from it. Maybe a slight warming and calming effect, and certainly no negative effects.

got it. Thanks for sharing.
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
1/8 teaspoon in about 50-60 ml orange juice helps, keep some at side of bed in case you wake up during night :):
Would probably be even better with some gelatin.


Jul 29, 2020
Salt to taste. It's what was intended in the first place. Sometimes that means you salt a bit more. I know my salt needs change on a bi-weekly basis.
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