5 Days 5 Different Results - Why?



Jan 15, 2017
Another thing that has occured to me which makes NO fkng sense:

Its been a wonderful past 3 days - 70s, sunny. Ive been doing just fall stuff, walking apple picking, eating the same.

My temps have been actually LOWER. I havent broken 98 at all. Its warm, i feel warm, im doing simple activity and yet my temps arent even 98. What the actual hell is this?


Dec 8, 2016
Another thing that has occured to me which makes NO fkng sense:

Its been a wonderful past 3 days - 70s, sunny. Ive been doing just fall stuff, walking apple picking, eating the same.

My temps have been actually LOWER. I havent broken 98 at all. Its warm, i feel warm, im doing simple activity and yet my temps arent even 98. What the actual hell is this?
Being outside, walking, picking apples requires energy.
As @theLaw said in this thread (I think) you are not meeting your caloric needs. You must have been, and still are, in a deficit metabolically.... From chronic calorie restriction coupled with over exercise.
Eat more. Eat more frequently. Eat nutrient dense easily digestible foods for you. Keep BS balanced ( this is a big one that easily gets overlooked).


Dec 3, 2016
Just an FYI:
The chronometer metabolic listing is completely off, IMO. I had to listen hard to myself to let go and do what my gut says, and go, for me (500 over, I think). You can alter it if your athletic, etc. and I go from there and I go over). That was a little hurdle, if not for you maybe another “challenged with food” :cool: person might have a problem with that one.


Jan 15, 2017
I was honestly surprised yesterday, ate big an hour before, sun was out, it was 72, i was fully clothed, heck even a light sweat going. 97.4-.6 as i was walking.

Ill add 500 cals immediately this week, and report my crono and temps as the workdays go(they are a bit more consistent/regular).

I appreciate everyone for the insight in this so far. Thanks for taking the time to read and reply


Sep 23, 2017
Im struggling big time. Been at this for about a year, no improvement. Hair still shedding, still freezing, crappy temps and pulse. Sleeping 8-10 each day ready for bed after 6 hours.

Long story short, ive been doing the same thing literally the EXACT same things and measuring temps(my pulse is pathetically stuck at 60 no matter what).

I cannot maintain my temps. Its 65 out, i step outside(fully insulated mind you) temp drops to 96 sometimes high 95. So enragingly frustrating. A year of this for no results.

So ive been doing the same thing, same diet full of fruit sugar juice salt protein calcium rich blah blah blah. Waking temp has been different each morning 98, 97.2, 97.4, 97.6, 97.2. Temps hardly budge with a good meal. Bedtime temps all varied.

Literally the same stuff every single day. Please help me understand why. What the hell am i supposed to do?

how about heavy metals any tooth fillings with mercury


Dec 3, 2016
Also Lucky, sit in front of a 250watt infrared bulb. It has so many benefits, if you’re not familiar, you can check it out on the web. I would punch in Ray Peat before or after you check. It’s on amazon (of course :greedy:). It definitely brings my temp up to around 99. It’s a metabolic boost in a really good way. No stress, it’s wonderful for tissues and mind.


Jan 15, 2017
how about heavy metals any tooth fillings with mercury

I have one smaller amalgum filling. Do you think a hair mineral test would indicate if its leeching. I would like to get one on the recommendation of another forum member

Also Lucky, sit in front of a 250watt infrared bulb. It has so many benefits, if you’re not familiar, you can check it out on the web. I would punch in Ray Peat before or after you check. It’s on amazon (of course :greedy:). It definitely brings my temp up to around 99. It’s a metabolic boost in a really good way. No stress, it’s wonderful for tissues and mind.

This over a red light? I just purchased a red led light almost 2 weeks ago ive been using it upon waking


Sep 27, 2017
Also Lucky, sit in front of a 250watt infrared bulb. It has so many benefits, if you’re not familiar, you can check it out on the web. I would punch in Ray Peat before or after you check. It’s on amazon (of course :greedy:). It definitely brings my temp up to around 99. It’s a metabolic boost in a really good way. No stress, it’s wonderful for tissues and mind.

When people say this, do you mean your temp gets up there and stays there even after you get out of the light? Because otherwise it's just physically heating you up. You get warmer because your body is absorbing more light energy, not because your metabolism is increasing. You could get the same effect by taking a hot shower or sitting next to a heater.


Dec 3, 2016
Look up Ray Peat and 250watt infrared. He definitely explains it eloquently. For me an added boost, my temp is up, and it’s not through running 6 miles or biking like crazy. I’m here because the gym and all that rediculous exercise made me ultimately miserable. This is a healthy metabolism boosting option, no stress.
The shower is great, I’ve sat in front of my share of heaters, but the 250watt infrared is completely different. It gets into the tissues and on a rainy day, it optimally makes you feel better. It’s a shift in your hormones, and ultimately your mind. Just a primer...Guide To Red Light / Infrared Light Therapy?

Lucky, is the light infrared? Make sure you wear some cheesy googles:handok: and get plenty of skin exposure.
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Sep 27, 2017
Look up Ray Peat and 250watt infrared. He definitely explains it eloquently. For me an added boost, my temp is up, and it’s not through running 6 miles or biking like crazy. I’m here because the gym and all that rediculous exercise made me ultimately miserable. This is a healthy metabolism boosting option, no stress.
The shower is great, I’ve sat in front of my share of heaters, but the 250watt infrared is completely different. It gets into the tissues and on a rainy day, it optimally makes you feel better. It’s a shift in your hormones, and ultimately your mind. Just a primer...Guide To Red Light / Infrared Light Therapy?

I'm familiar with Peat's views on it, the main point is that we care about temps because they represent metabolism. Getting temps up is not an end in itself, it's just a sign that metabolism is up. If your temp doesn't stay up after getting up out of the light then it wasn't necessarily boosting your metabolism, it may have just been physically warming you up by transferring energy to you. Red light may have other benefits that a hot shower doesn't, but OP is mainly interested in getting metabolism up.


Dec 3, 2016
Just trying to help Lucky out. If you know about all this, why are you dissing? Just wanted to make him at least better off, and the 250watt infrared is proven to do many great things. I think if you make steps at being a happier person you might feel a little warmer and a little warmer. IMHO. I know what it’s like to feel freezing all the time, and I would take anything I could find on things that would be more than just temporary. I think in the long run it’s optimal. For whatever reason, things I’ve gleaned from Ray and this forum, my pulse has gone up a bit and my temp is a little better. And I’m eating close to 3000 cals and going to the gym half as much and my outlook on a lot of things has changed. Maybe this, maybe that. I’m glad I’ve changed, just trying to help out another and give him ideas. And I believe it does work on metabolic actions. It takes time, we are all works in progress.

Penetrating red light is possibly the fundamental anti-stress factor for all organisms. The chronic deficiency of such light is, I think, the best explanation for the deterioration which occurs with aging." - Raymond Peat
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Dec 3, 2016
Just to note that you can’t believe everything you read on the forums. I know what it’s like to be searching like crazy for someone to help. What I’ve found is that this “journey “ is tough and you have to weigh each thing you’re finding with a grain of salt. Maybe some people who are earnestly trying to help; are not really that completely well in themselves. I’ve found it much better to go to a person who has gone to persay the other side as far as health. In fact, as Dr. Raymond Peat points out, (light therapy) is one of the same mechanisms that T3 (thyroid hormone) works to help stimulate healthy metabolism. In other words, one of the reasons that light therapy has been proven as an effective treatment for hypothyroidism (and potential replacement for thyroid medication) is because it activates this important enzyme, the same way thyroid hormone does. But also as Dr. Raymond Peat points out, there are many factors today that tend to de-activate this important enzyme… such as dietary PUFAs (polyunsaturated fats), excessive stress, estrogen dominance, low thyroid function, lack of light, copper deficiency, etc.

Peace everyone, if you keep trying I hope you’ll come out the other side. It’s so tough dealing with health and feeling like ***t most of the time, but it seems that everyone has gathered here on this site. For me it seems a much better thing to go to the ones who have “seen the light”. Everyone’s grumpy, I’m pissy when I have a headache or my body’s not doing what I want. But there are people here who have gone through this and are not grasping at straws. Look them up and watch what they’re doing and eating, if that appeals to you, great. If not, find someone else.
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Jan 15, 2017
So i took a week and made it to about 2600-2800 avg kcals per day.

It was a polar response. Bearing in mind with the exception of monday and thursday(1hr 15min gym) my days are about the same.

Everyday was different. Sometimes after food my temp would move up a bit, somedays it would even fall. Some days my waking temp was low 97, some days it was almost 98+. Some days it would stay slighly elevated, somedays it wouldnt even get past 98. This is with sipping gelatin and salted oj and eating every 2 hours

97.2, 97.4, 97,7, 96.1, 98

I expected the increase in food to have an increase in temp - no pattern yet.

Could the 2 days at the gym be triggering some overreactive stress response?


Dec 3, 2016
I think your exercise could have triggered them. I just couldn’t give up the gym even temporarily. I’ve found through missing days, gives my hormones a rest-day. I know I should give myself two or three days off, like you do.

Its important to lift slowly. Before I was pumped up to get there, and I could feel my energy picking up. Pre-Peat, I looked forward to that. But now I realize those are stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol. So I have to be careful. I take it easy, lift heavy, and I am really in the zone as far as my music goes. I’m really happy. And it’s a dopamine happy, not an adrenaline happy. This isn’t all wiry and speedy. I (think) I can tell. if you go to the gym with good music and looking forward to it I think it makes it easier on the hormones. In other words, trying not to wake up the stress hormones.
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Dec 3, 2016
Also I go more than you! Oops:pompous:. Probably you have one up on me, but I know I get some positive hormones in there at the gym. I believe Ray said that you gain more testosterone when you weight train, I know he said that your testosterone goes into the muscles. I thought that was cool. That’s something I imagine when I’m lifting. Also I use BCAA’s and I take tyrosine and taurine right before. I put almost 1 tbsp of fructose and a little bit of beta alanine in the BCAA’s. I wouldn’t go without that. It rides me over when I’m at the gym, and as soon as I’m home I drink a milk drink, sometimes with whey protein, and gelatin, and real sugar and a little cinnamon. Then about 1/2 hour later I have some cheese. Not very often, if I think I haven’t had enough quick carbs, ice cream.
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Jan 15, 2017
I don't know if youve trickled through my post history @morgan#1 but i was a chronic bodybuilding addict. Getting satisfaction physique wise when all my bad stuff started. I was 5 days a week for 3-4 hours. Stupid. I was likely a cortisol and prolactin factory. I can understand the benefits of anabolics after situations like that.

The issue is I love weight training, i love that i can sculpt a change in my body. I love it. In january i took a 6month break. I saw a improvement at month 4 in the shedding which may or may be worsening again. Around month 6 my body and shoulders started aching so badly so i had to get back. Ive been back to it for 16ish weeks now of a couple times a week and my strength is almost back to where it was(which to me is astouding - likely grew faster in 16 weeks than i did over the first 2 years)

There has to be a way to figure if that is ok?

My intra workout is watered down juice, some collagen peptides and salt. I repeat when i get home, shower and eat real food.

Hitting good macros so far this week, i just hope to see some improvement


Dec 3, 2016
Hi Lucky, unfortunately I think it’s all objective, you know your body, and probably you can tell whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. I’m not advocating anything. I’m just saying if you go then go with enjoyment. I did start increasing my calories and I’ve seen big improvements, hopefully I won’t have to pile in this many calories. Someone on this thread or another was mentioning how you can utilise the calories more efficiently. But I realize that now is the time to eat, and eat more. For me it was testy waters. I increased to 3,600 calories a few weeks ago and I do that, push it up close to 3,000 every few days. Body does not know calories, it knows heat and energy. And that’s what I have to remember. I was at the gym last week and I’d lost weight. Not muscle, but anything but. I just have to remember that these things written in magazines is not right, those girly workout magazines they have others eating less than 1800 calories for someone who works out, that’s crazy. How can you feel any heat any warmth if you’re putting all of your measly calories externally, that doesn’t even cover just running errands for the day. Just look at calories as heat/energy. And if you don’t have enough that seems to be the downfall. And the foods we are eating is very metabolically stimulating. And without the PUFA it’s go time! For me I can’t look to anyone else for knowledge of my body.

I know you’re trying to find out if this is ok for you. And I absolutely love weightlifting. And it’s been so hard to give that up, having to tiptoe around and be aware of my hormones, and if they’re the right kind. It’s all subjective for me. I’m just giving you options that seem to have worked wonders for me. I can feel good things happening to me. And I believe that the gym is important, getting my hormones stirring a bit. If you don’t have that positive feeling, maybe take Monday off, that would be a good thing maybe for you. Is to realize that you’re in control of that aspect, not the gym controlling you. I’ve taken a few days off, and as hard as it was at the time, it was so beneficial. And the gym isn’t going anywhere. For me I’m sick, and I can’t get better pushing and pushing, lol that is what got me here. So it is like a double edge sword. Unfortunately it is subjective for me.

The past couple of nights I’ve been taking a jar of thick honey by my bed. Because Ray has mentioned that sleep is the hardest time for a hypothyroid person, melatonin and cortisol and are at their worst in the middle of the night. (I think melatonin he said around 3.) My thyroid is weak and dull, and if I keep putting little bits of food, it’s not gonna be like a Ferrari, I want it burning like a fire, Monday and Tuesday it felt like that, and then later in the week I was cold, it had already gone lame. The honey thing really works for me. Wake up to pee, take a few tablespoons of honey and I wake up without nightmares and feeling warm. As I write this today, my pulse is stronger, and I feel good. Not great, but good. For me, taurine, increasing my calories (always having at least 110g protein) B6 and magnesium before bed, an aspirin throughout the day, B3, with the needed safeties, those seem like the way to go. I’m going to get my thyroid burning like a fire, and I’ll know it. I take a number of others, k2, etc. I drink a little fructose/sugar/honey just to satiate my thyroid every two hours or if I’m ancy and nervous, trying to keep the negative hormones at bay. I like reading this site F***PORTIONCONTROL.com. (It does have the astrics after F.) Good luck! I’m just “knowledgeably” winging it.


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Dec 3, 2016
Some personal sage advice to Colin: stop fighting against yourself/others and you’ll be happier. I was the same as you seem to be, lashing out, and when I realized that, the realization made me a little kinder to others and myself. IMHO. I’m an imperfect human, trying like hell to make life happy for myself. There are many in this world, respect for others and compassion are keys to making me truly happy. Not trying to pick on you or anyone, but this is a strong feeling for me. I would think on this forum, we should just have no-stress hormones, and clarification when necessary, pushing the envelope of what someone is asking if it benefits them. Good solid arguments are a good thing, but mindless stuff when it just creates vitriol is not what I’m going for.
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Jan 15, 2017
Its cool to see a person whos also peeled @morgan#1. Mirin the upper pec gains.

I think what kinda ticks me off is the inconsistency.

For example im bangin down 2800-3100 so far this week and my temps are even lower. 97.1 waking and they barely budge. What could that even be. I will probably do some beta alanine pre workout or mixed in my intra, it should help whether i can sense it or not just by the way it buffers pH.
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