25-year-old Canadian Woman Looking for Love


Nov 6, 2021
Colorado Springs
I need to chat with the software maker and see if he can make it opt-in because as of right now it opts everyone in and I do not feel comfortable with that.
Yeah smart but a ray peat meetup would be really awesome to do. I live in Los Angeles right now so it shouldn't be too difficult to gather a handful for that.


Jun 10, 2020
Yeah smart but a ray peat meetup would be really awesome to do. I live in Los Angeles right now so it shouldn't be too difficult to gather a handful for that.
A good ol’ Peat up

We can have a PUFA burn (instead of a book burn)


Mar 21, 2021
It is rarely seen - the fact of the matter is all women know they have options - every single one knows their worth hence why rejection with them for many men is common - they don't need to or care much for being approached by average men - it's an ego boost to them

The brain of a women is focused on pleasure and fantasy - driving dopamine is far more important to them than men- this is not a small minority of women - this is a common trait they share

- Their affinity to zodiac signs and the spiritual realm compared to men
- Their tendency to be obsessive over pleasurable/dopaminergic activities - social media/validation in the form of likes/attention, food, they are also quiet fond of high-dopamine animals such as canines
- Their sexual fantasies - Rape, BDSM, Gangbangs, and Lesbian pornography are some of the most popular fantasies they indulge themselves in

"Daygame" is a joke - its a puppet show the girl accepts as a compliment and as entertainment while on her way to get absolutely demolished by a dude who doesn't text her back half the time

An attractive man lights up a woman's brain and pumps out dopamine that no amount of daygame will ever do - spending time on daygame rather than working towards becoming a man they subconsciously look for is a waste of time.

Girls have 2 sides they show to the world

1) The first is the "nice girl" side - they show this to the average guys approaching them asking out for dinner/dates

- having a boyfriend is nice to them because it's 24/7 validation - a person that constantly tells them/shows them they are important they enjoy for their mental health and plus it's free resources the man supplies.

Does a women actually care for her mate ? Nope
- If a women is dumped by her boyfriend she cries for a week then forgets he ever existed
- If the same thing happens to a men he's attached to it for months and years after

Women do not pair-bond with a male the same way males do with women - they see you as a lot more expendable than you see her.

2) The second side is her real side (behind closed doors) that she shows to other girls and the guys she genuinely likes/finds attractive

- this is the pleasure-seeking side of her that indulges in fantasies that normal men don't believe happens that often (when in reality it happens fairly often) - lesbian activity, gangbangs, etc, things of this nature

This is the truth of the world - I still like women and enjoy speaking with them, but I don't speak with them about dinner/dates because I know deep down they are looking for an attractive guy who will indulge with them in pleasure/dopamine activities

If you are a guy they actually find attractive
- they will approach you
- they will seek to spend time with you
- they will spend money on you
- they will tell you the truth about all the stuff they do and did in their glory days and in the present
I think a lot of women are becoming this way.

I think these characteristics you describe in women are instinctual and are survival mechanisms women used throughout history to protect themselves and their children in stressful situations in more primitive times.

And we had a time over the past 100 years at least in America were times have been pretty safe and stable society for most. so those negative traits were not triggered in as many women.

Now technically this is the safest time in history, but with the internet, tv social apps our minds are being bombarded with images hourly across the world. We live in big cities were you are constantly seeing strangers from all type of backgrounds locks etc vs a time you lived in a place where you new everybody.

So I think this is putting women in a survival mode mating strategy by perceived stress.

So go after the big strong warriors living in times of war.

Times of food scarcity you would go for the best hunter

Vs 1920 in a small quiet town you date the pastor nice son.

Tv and radio was regulated and images of danger sex were not shown especially to children.

Now a 11 year old girl can see porn , beheadings, crimes against women on the internet and what effect does this have on their brain. The stress it causes even though statistically this is the safest time in history and go your whole life not seeing much crime, but it will be on the news every night and when you step out that door in the back of your mind you think it’s everywhere. The perceived danger vs the actual danger which causes stress in the body.

So in times when there was famine , war or both women had to be manipulative towards men and other women to survive and pass on their genes.

But in good times you would see more of the nurturing side of women towards men, other women and children and the community as a whole.

And women today are battling this logical brain that says settle down with a nice guy vs the emotional brain that is being perceived by all this stress.


Feb 13, 2021
It's VERY high. At least 50%. I don't know any guys that approach girls during the day. It never happens, none of them are brave enough. The more attractive the girl, the less likely it is that she gets approached, because men will be more intimidated by them. OP said she's 5'9" which makes it even tougher, as guys frequently chicken out of approaching girls their own height or taller, even in booze-fueled night-time bar scenes.
I approach girls, including the girls higher, girls of other nationalities and even those who don't speak my language Lol


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I need to chat with the software maker and see if he can make it opt-in because as of right now it opts everyone in and I do not feel comfortable with that.
What do you mean? It's based on IP by default? On the contrary, it could only plot the location of those who specified it, which is publicly available anyway.

We can expect this feature to be quite helpful, the majority of members will use it for the residents' tips, not romantic purposes. As for 'conscious', if opposites attract, hopefully she finds her 'unconscious' significant other.


Sep 21, 2014
What do you mean? It's based on IP by default? On the contrary, it could only plot the location of those who specified it, which is publicly available anyway.

We can expect this feature to be quite helpful, the majority of members will use it for the residents' tips, not romantic purposes. As for 'conscious', if opposites attract, hopefully she finds her 'unconscious' significant other.
I wonder where "Not Uganda" is on this map.
Jul 17, 2021
What do you mean? It's based on IP by default? On the contrary, it could only plot the location of those who specified it, which is publicly available anyway.

We can expect this feature to be quite helpful, the majority of members will use it for the residents' tips, not romantic purposes. As for 'conscious', if opposites attract, hopefully she finds her 'unconscious' significant other.
I‘m married so not a part of this, but I can testify that opposites do attract. It’s like the person you are interested in, completes you. Where you may be introverted, they will be extroverted and vice versa. Who wants to be with someone who is exactly like themselves?


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
There's either a way to keep the location private or it wasn't a required field in registration. It seems pointless to inform and hide it, but not if it's possible to select who can view it.

I wonder where "Not Uganda" is on this map.
You can click on it.

I‘m married so not a part of this, but I can testify that opposites do attract. It’s like the person you are interested in, completes you. Where you may be introverted, they will be extroverted and vice versa. Who wants to be with someone who is exactly like themselves?
- Narcissus (mythology) - Wikipedia

- Disintermediating your friends: How Online Dating in the United States displaces other ways of meeting
Jul 17, 2021


Feb 12, 2020
I didn't know that building was the Uganda embassy. It's a minute away from one of my mold-infested homes


Jul 31, 2020
You’re calling what I wrote narcissistic ?????
you said "Who wants to be with someone who is exactly like themselves?" and he sent you the mythos about a man who never saw himself in a mirror and ended up falling in love with himself when he first saw his reflection in a river, to then end up drowning.

So i don't think he called what you said narcisist :)


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
@haidut is here!! I never miss you on the GE stream.

@ScurveDream I have Greek ancestry, and Mediterranean features have always appealed to me most. I'm 5'9"; someone my height or taller would be ideal. Although I wouldn't exclude someone on the basis of height alone. I'm not fond of any Hollywood actors.

I would hope they would be supportive of you! I say go for it! If enough people are into the idea, then maybe someone could really get an app up and running.

@shanny It's nice to see I'm not alone in my sentiments! That was really my line of thought-- that perhaps I'd meet people here who are independent thinkers, in pursuit of truth, open to experimentation, living a way of life that is inspired by similar values, etc.

Nice to meet you all! :blush:

View attachment 36057View attachment 36056
You are adorable. Best of luck and God bless.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
You look Syrian/Lebanese/Palestinian to me. Dark hair and thick eye brows without pale skin. I see your type a lot in my country where their dads either are teachers or successful business men (some daughters of ambassadors and political figures from their respective countries). They often study in private french universities or public universities where they get free scholarship from my country because they aced their high schools (their parents cut their eye brows so they stay home and get almost close to 100% in high school). They speak mixed Arabic/French/English language and if they are muslims, they don't cover their hair and their skin until they get married and have children. Before their marriage, they are encouraged by their parents to actually show their beauty so potential husbands can line up and ask for her hand. Although us muslims can marry up to four wives and we are allowed to marry christian wives, it's a big cultural difference and huge problems between the wife and the family of the man. If the woman not arabic, she sometimes flees with the children and the man doesn't feel safe when he leaves for a business trip or something. Big risk. This is why it's better if anybody marries from his tribe and his culture. You can leave the children with the family of the wife without being scared that they will be influenced by their different values, culture, and religion. So it's good you stick to your religion and culture. Mixed race marriages are weird to me but they can be ok if both are with the same culture and religion at least.


Dec 12, 2019
They do - any women who makes the claim she never gets hit on or doesn't get attention is absolutely lying and for men who would actually believe this to be the truth - all you need to do is spend a day walking around a city with them or better yet - ask to see their phone and login to their social media accounts and prepare yourself for that nightmare

Girls actually are not cowards - if they like what they see - they will give you MAJOR indicators of interest and make it REALLY OBVIOUS they want you to make a move and if you don't - many will come up to you and strike up a conversation with you anyway.
I'm agreeing on this two sentences, because of personal experience. Let me explain.

I had the honour to watch a lovoo dating account of one of my feamle friends, two years ago. I was quite shocked, because her profile was getting watched (at least) from 60-80 different men (PER DAY !!!) and getting at least 20 like's from men and around 10 ''matches'' from men (i'm not even joking right now).
So there is something to it. It depends on the attractiveness of the women tho. The more attractive, the more you can count the number upwards.

As for the second sentence. I had dated/had an affair with a girl from the gym about three years ago. We we're always chatting shortly, when we saw each other. She gave away quite a few IOI's (Indicator of Interest) everytime. Like ''exposing her neck'' (via putting her hair on one side), biting her lower lip (while talking to her) and giving me the ''bamby eyes'' look. So i boldly asked her out to go drinking at a bar or club. She agreed and even made the proposal to go to my place for drinking instead, so therefore i also agreed. At the day she was at my place (and after 1 or 2 drinks), we smashed. End of the story.

So therefore, i agree with you on these two parts. Especially the latter, because if she is really interested, she will give away IOI's.
One of the big one's is, if she is still there, talking to you. If she is NOT interested, then she would walk away or doesn't want to talk to you at all.

IOI's (Indicator of Interest) have it's place and can help both sides (Men AND Women) to find out if the opposite is interested and maybe attracted to you.
It also can help to see if you are wasting time (and should move on) or if there is more to it. So it's quite useful. At least having the basic knowledge about it and remembering some of the signs.

Most Important IOI's (For Men):
- If she is still there, talking to you.
- She looks at you for longer then three seconds.
- Exposing her neck, via putting her hair on one side, while talking to you. (approving your masculinity, trying to make her look a bit ''submissive'' ? )
- Biting or licking (sensually) her lower lip while talking to you. (she maybe thinks about ''something else'')
- Her pupils dilate (in bright light) while talking to you. (This is a dead giveaway, she can't fake this !!!)
- Is she plays with her necklace while talking to you.
- She positions herself (out of nowhere) near you (like behind you, in a club for instance).


Feb 12, 2020
Why not introduce your health ideas to a nice Christian girl?
there are various kinds of "not health conscious" christian girls. The jabbed ones who recently and irreversibly transitioned into health unconsciousness, the chubby ones who can bear some introduction to health consciousness, and the ones with busted faces who are permanently health unconscious


there are various kinds of "not health conscious" christian girls. The jabbed ones who recently and irreversibly transitioned into health unconsciousness, the chubby ones who can bear some introduction to health consciousness, and the ones with busted faces who are permanently health unconscious


Feb 13, 2021
there are various kinds of "not health conscious" christian girls. The jabbed ones who recently and irreversibly transitioned into health unconsciousness, the chubby ones who can bear some introduction to health consciousness, and the ones with busted faces who are permanently health unconscious
Ursidae, if you're willing to convert to Christianity, we should talk further
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