2 month + malady, currently in morning spit globs of blood despite having had all the blood tests - possible 'shedding'?



Nov 13, 2021
At this point - if we don’t know what it is - we have to rule stuff out.
Deductive reasoning or assessment.

We have to rule out be it a broken rib; or sex with the vxxd: or invasive nasal swabs; or asbestos at work; etc etc etc
Still not ruling out the vxxd but haven't 'believed' it to be the case at any point, was just a suspicion due to the unnatural nature of the symptoms presented which continue to change on the daily.
FWIW If I was in your shoes I would absolutely think a 30 day girlfriendless sabbatical was needed to reassess: if indeed the mystery symptoms are continuing.
Agreed - I meant to do that already but I met with her last week because I was feeling better, then a few days later started getting weird symptoms again :-/
Edit: wait. Ivermectin helped? Well that is important data.
I'm not sure if it helped, and in addition might have actually exacerbated the onset of gerd, but I can't tell if it's the case.
Check my post history regarding long COVID. A lot of what you are experiencing sounds similar to what I had including the chest pain. Clear tests, but felt like I was having a heart attack. I've been dealing with long COVID since an acute infection in March 2021. Happy to share resources/things that helped if need be.
Thanks I will do. I don't assume I had covid at any point as I refuse to put those things in my face. I would do a saliva antigen + PCR test but they for some reason aren't 'available' for free on the NHS even though I assume they'd be cheaper to produce.

I'm not assuming I had covid at any point as I didn't present any of the symptoms and lungs have been totally fine at least respiratorally - even if I had a test I'm not confident that they are reliable. Then again according to some the side effects/shedding from the vaccine and the thing called 'covid' are in some ways the same disease. No idea if this is true, sounds a bit reductionist. They are neither as far as I can see any way 'natural' nor is there any reason for them to exist apart from the apparent inability for humans to stop meddling with things.
Simple solution: don't have s3x with anyone you couldn't see yourself starting a family with.
Well that's the best advice here, really
And, of course, don't start a family with anyone who's not likeminded.
Second best piece of advice. Indeed it's a long story as to why I did at all, there was a very strong physical attraction which isn't something that I usually experience. And I was a bit desperate from my last relationship two years ago that kind of broke my mind - the heartbreak was incidental to that.
Indeed not a person I would have a relationship with, and have thought more than once that perhaps therein lies my misfortune as a reminder.

By the way props on the profile pic - Jackie Chan's Drunken Master 2, possibly one of the greatest martial arts films of all time, certainly his best choreography-wise. And the profile name too :thumbsup:

As a weirdo spiritual type, I have heard there is a massive, never before seen in the galaxy type curse placed on the vaccine, so that people who are connected to the vaccinated would get affected.
For some reason this makes some kind of sense - yet for whatever reason I decided not to heed such intuition.
Take that with a huge grain of salt. Alas you might need to not have sex with the vaccinated.
This is what I assumed from the start but I changed my mind partly because I was so sick of the division.
Hugh... how are you going to stay away from vaxxed? They are about 90% in many countries. I honestly think being a complete outlaw will be way more detrimental for ones health. Unless you enjoy (no irony) living like amish.
Indeed this is often posited - there is no way, but there is a way to not exchange body fluids with them
For the OP. Look for the threads on the forum of combining methylene blue + red light. I saw massive improvement from my residual covid symptoms. I am not very knowledgeable of the details but people have been posting studies of it for any kind of infections/ailments.
I heard about this wait injecting a dye? Where do I get such a treatment. And then expose to a type of bulb?
I am not going to. But if, like OP, I was having sex with a vaxxed woman, I would keep it in mind in case it messes me up.
Anyway, experiment is the true method of knowledge.
Indeed it is!
The shedding problem is not about sex IMHO. Sexual intercourse opens you up to take a lot of energies (non material) from the partner.
You're right, it's an intimate process exchanging energy and body particles entering each other so it's better to be physically and spiritually healthy.
But for the vaxx shedding...? So next time you go to a restaurant and the cook coughs in your plate. Or cuts his finger and a small amount of blood gets in your food. Or goes to the toilet and doesn't wash his hands. Which is very common, believe me. You will get exposed. And I am talking about restaurants, not counting doctors, nurses, butchers, bakers, chiropractors, coworkers... it is going to be everywhere. You really cannot escape the "shedding" assuming that phenomenon is real. Worrying about it ensues a completely paranoid, miserable life. That's how I see it.
Me too - I wasn't much concerned about the shedding - except in the case of swapping body fluids which I did anyway because I wasn't convinced about the risks and still are not sure what they might be or whether physical or metaphysical, or both.
And even if you could avoid all that, it is a matter of time they start rolling out a self replicating vaxx. they have the technology and the patents. It has been posted here many times. I will resist the vaxx till the last consequences not for health reasons, but for moral ones. If they want to posion us all, they will do it sooner or later.
Is deeply concerning but not as deeply concerning as the fact that so few individuals most importantly doctors and lawyers, journalists etc have no semblance of a comprehension of how advanced technology is right now for all kinds of technocratic dystopic kleptocracies.
Because I doubt the vaxx shedding matters all that much. I have never noticed anything major when dealing with the vaxxed or even doing sports with them. You might be paranoid and miserable I am not.
Yes I do consider that kind of thinking to be paranoid and miserable, but then some people might be more sensitive than others.
I knew full well about all the nightmarish aspects of the injections, the apparently different vials with three different mixtures, the reports from doctors that the immune system (T-cells, white blood cells etc) tanks post-injection, the clotting issues, worst of all the apparent presence in the active ingredients of reportedly majoritively lipid nanopartcles of graphine oxide with the potential of self-assembly and so on and so forth... but I still was not bothered about distancing from injected people and as I'm still not sure this is what caused my weird chronic illness I'm still unsure
All the stories of vaccine shedding with mRNA vaccines make no sense to me what so ever. I am not denying peoples experiences, but the mechanism would often require a person to sweat sufficient spike/mRNA that it would then transfer from casual touch and penetrate the skin in large enough number to cause a reaction. Not to mention the reaction would be caused in absence of injection, adjuvants and other toxins from the vaccine. With a breastfeeding woman, sure, but not a casual touch from a doctor.
Shedding apparently occurs (according to the literature) mainly in what used to be called vaccines, i.e. containing actual living virus samples. It's unsure to what degree these ones might act in any way, right, as they've never been used before. There is reportedly (in fact I've seen it) a paragraph in the Pfizer literature which is interpreted as describing 'shedding' but some have also suggested it might just be legalese. It is vague.
The issue is possible transmission in saliva or other fluids as with skin cells and breath/sweat as you have suggested and pointed out it seems unlikely to reach a high enough concentration. Ingestion of saliva and as you say breastfeeding seem more plausible.
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Nov 13, 2021
I did go to the doctor today - I spoke with her on the telephone last Friday (after writing the OP) and mentioned the reflux symptoms, ongoing chest pain, some minor stomach/digestive discomfort and then she mentioned something called H. pylori which seems possible - and also is contagious ?

I did some reading over the weekend about this bacterium which is claimed to be 'the most common infection in humans' (though I'd never heard of it) along with possible other compilations and it can cause ulceration and possible bleeding as it survives the stomach acid.
It's possible that something like a bacterium or yeast (such as candida or whatever) could have caused at least some or maybe all of these weird symptoms, and that I could have ingested some bacterium from my lady friend as she did tell me she used to have Chrons and is in remission so might be something bacterial going on there though Chrons itself is not contagious as far as I know - this transmission of (pathogenic) bacterium through saliva is not something I ever heard of before or I think experienced but is at least physically possible I discovered reading about all that.

If there is 'spike toxin' or energetic exchange or whatever else involved as well as gastric issues I might be dealing with a combination of factors. Will have to have some more test to know for sure as all the tests I've had so far have been clear but I think I might have been chasing a goose up the wrong tree
It might have been a weird gastric issue from the start but I couldn't tell what was going on with the apparent immune assault and weird never before experienced symptoms and also I didn't present with stomach pain or blood or heartburn so I assumed as it was the chest that it must be respiratory or cardiac related which it is apparently neither

So yes, removing of the possible cause (contact with my new girlfriend) seems sensible and something I might have done a few weeks ago ?

In the meantime the GP wants me to take OMEPRAZOLE which I already had some of since before Christmas but didn't start taking as I was feeling generally better and felt fine meeting with my new girlfriend at a friend's place on Christmas and New Year when we didn't kiss - though we did kiss last week and over this last weekend Sat & Sun I felt a relapse, more malaise, developed a 24 hour sore throat on Saturday afternoon and woke with a pretty bad taste in my mouth last couple days and generally spent a lot of time lying down. This is unlikely to have caused the gobs of blood on Thursday and Friday morning which must be a result of something in the stomach I guess. Did spit one gob of spit with a tiny bit of red this morning but generally felt a bit better today though still sore esophagus and some minor chest pains.
Christmas not the best time to have gastric issues with all the rich and sweet food - I didn't drink much alcohol over the holiday but had a bit of a binge last week and also a few weeks ago which probably didn't help.

So I'm to take OMEPRAZOLE and submit a stool sample and have a chest x ray in a week or so (which I'm not looking forward to as I suppose I'll have to wear a mask in the hospital) and after that if necessary will go for endoscopy

I was feeling more or less fine a couple months ago and never encountered anything like this.
If it is partly or entirely gastro-intestinal I may have to dedicate to some kind of detox and repopulation of gut flora and attention to microbiome
However that might be accomplished.

Are there any protocols for total cleanse or effective healing of the stomach and gut?
Just following a decent diet of actual food I suppose with if possible intermittent fasting
with as little sugar and alcohol as possible, right?
I'm still not sure how I feel about supplements but as long as they're food source or decent and not chemical I suppose it's a good idea.

I also need to put on some weight and deal with a lead toxicity issue which I may post in another thread or see what others might be doing regarding these.


Feb 13, 2021
Well that's the best advice here, really
Glad it resonates. :): I realize it's much easier said than done...but once one views sex in this light everything else becomes so much simpler.
Second best piece of advice. Indeed it's a long story as to why I did at all, there was a very strong physical attraction which isn't something that I usually experience. And I was a bit desperate from my last relationship two years ago that kind of broke my mind - the heartbreak was incidental to that.
Indeed not a person I would have a relationship with, and have thought more than once that perhaps therein lies my misfortune as a reminder.

By the way props on the profile pic - Jackie Chan's Drunken Master 2, possibly one of the greatest martial arts films of all time, certainly his best choreography-wise. And the profile name too :thumbsup:
Yeah I hear ya! Went thru something similar with a girl this past summer. She was super cute, totally my type...and injected.

What I did was take large amounts of progesterone (100+ mg) prior to hanging out. This made me more cuddly and less sexual - more content to just interact with feminine energy, instead of wanting to take things further (that relationship ended when she wanted to take things further lol). Sexual transmutation work also helped a lot with that.

Ah, a fellow Drunken Master aficionado! Do you practice the style at all, or just enjoy the films?


Nov 13, 2021
Glad it resonates. :): I realize it's much easier said than done...but once one views sex in this light everything else becomes so much simpler.

Yeah I hear ya! Went thru something similar with a girl this past summer. She was super cute, totally my type...and injected.

What I did was take large amounts of progesterone (100+ mg) prior to hanging out. This made me more cuddly and less sexual - more content to just interact with feminine energy, instead of wanting to take things further (that relationship ended when she wanted to take things further lol). Sexual transmutation work also helped a lot with that.

Ah, a fellow Drunken Master aficionado! Do you practice the style at all, or just enjoy the films?
Indeed it does simplify.
I think I was just desperate for a long time and still recovering from a mental breakdown -
makes for awful judgement and less resistant to carnal desires when presented

I usually like to think I intend that which you articulated and as I think I mentioned I've never been promiscuous nor had a 'one night stand' or a 'booty call'

Wouldn't be surprised if the ill health is something like the last straw for a somehow slightly emotionally, physically weak defence, or some kind of karmic misfortune or toxic energy
Hard to say if illness weird as this like this is exogenous or endogenous - or to what degree both.

I never realised there was a supplement for quelling arousal, useful
That's the issue she likes to cuddle... but ends up we just have to go to it. We are both Aries so basically like throwing firecrackers into a fire

Hah no I've not practiced any martial arts how about you? Or do you mean just drunken fist :laughing:

But I loved oldskool HK martial arts flicks Like Sammo Hung's classic masterpiece 'The Prodigal Son' since I saw it on UK TV in the 90s then discovered the internet and bought a bunch on VHS and now have a pretty decent hard drive collection as many of the old masterpieces aren't available on Blu-ray in the UK. Some of my favourite titles: Pedicab Driver, Chinese ghost Story, Mr Vampire, Drunken Tai Chi (Donnie Yen directed by Yuen Woo Ping! incredible film), Burning Paradise, Heroic Trio, Shaolin Temple... man, there are so many. 80s 90s HK cinema is some of the most amazing around.


Feb 13, 2021
I never realised there was a supplement for quelling arousal, useful
That's the issue she likes to cuddle... but ends up we just have to go to it. We are both Aries so basically like throwing firecrackers into a fire
Haha yes! It might take a while to find the right dose tho.

It seems fairly common for low-dose progesterone (maybe 3-20mg) to increase sex drive - only high-dose prog (50-100mg+) reduces it.

@SonOfEurope is very knowledgeable about progesterone for guys, so feel free to check out his threads if the subject is of interest.

Hah no I've not practiced any martial arts how about you? Or do you mean just drunken fist :laughing:

But I loved oldskool HK martial arts flicks Like Sammo Hung's classic masterpiece 'The Prodigal Son' since I saw it on UK TV in the 90s then discovered the internet and bought a bunch on VHS and now have a pretty decent hard drive collection as many of the old masterpieces aren't available on Blu-ray in the UK. Some of my favourite titles: Pedicab Driver, Chinese ghost Story, Mr Vampire, Drunken Tai Chi (Donnie Yen directed by Yuen Woo Ping! incredible film), Burning Paradise, Heroic Trio, Shaolin Temple... man, there are so many. 80s 90s HK cinema is some of the most amazing around.
Eh I just dabble in martial arts. I always liked the idea of drunken fist/drunken boxing, but it seems to require almost supernatural fascia.

Ah you're a true connoisseur! Sammo Hung is awesome. I believe he choreographed the fight scenes in the Ip Man movies...another great series, if you haven't seen it.

I'm not familiar with many of these films but may have to change that soon haha


Jan 12, 2021
H . Pylori does cause acid reflux. My gastroenterologist said you can catch it only up to 4 years of age, not sure how that is true. If that's what you have I doubt the infection is recent though, it would take time to develop to the stage of having acid reflux.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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