19 year old male: insomnia, water retention, depression and suicidal thoughts (blood work, labs included)

Feb 9, 2022
I used google translate, there may be errors in the text. The blood serum analysis is attached below (magnesium is high because I forgot not to take magnesium supplements before testing).

I have been following the forum for about 1 year, but have not found a solution for myself.
19 years old male, 5'6 height, 126-132 lbs (depends on glycogen and water retention). Lost weight from 163 pounds to 126 after trying to restore health with the "all in" method, but got even more problems: joint pain, a little gyno, sweating, apathy, depression, etc. No fap and no porn because I have no libido 90 percent of the day. The erection is worse than before, but with 5-10 mg of Cialis in the morning on the day of sex (it's not regular and I'm talking about sex), everything is fine.

The main problem
Now I have been suffering from insomnia since April of this year. I don't sleep at all at night. It turns out to sleep during the day for 3-4 hours, but the sleep is unsatisfactory. All my devices have flux. I have tried avoiding any blue light and gadgets 1-2 hours before bed. I tried walking right before going to bed, eating before bed, not eating for 3-4 hours, magnesium, glycine - nothing helps. I have a comfortable room temperature, a good bed, pillow, moderate darkness, silence, and so on. I don't think that's the issue, as I used to be able to fall asleep at a party sober with no problem.

Physical activity and exercise
I can no longer tolerate training, walking 20 thousand steps (from 0 to 10 thousand now). When exercising, I feel dizzy, very fast heartbeat and nausea (previously trained 3 times a week, pull-ups 5 sets to failure with 5 minutes rest between sets + every day 30 quality slow burpees with high jumps and of course walking 10 miles / 20 thousand steps).
The weight remained in the same range, but the quality of the body changed towards puffiness and lack of muscle tone. Now there are no six pack, muscle definition and so on.
I've tried reducing the training volume by 50 percent and lowering the intensity by removing failure sets, but it didn't work.
Now I don't exercise at all.

Clarifying details
I stopped drinking coffee, but I still use nicotine, before it did not affect sleep. I use vaping only for appetite control, because now even when I smoke, I constantly want to eat.
Without nicotine, I get headaches, weakness, irritability, a sucking pain in my stomach, and indomitable hunger and appetite. I usually get 10-20mg of salt nicotine through vaping. I do not use alcohol, weed or other drugs. Didn't take supplements on a regular basis.
I used to be a competitive boxer, training 5 times a week for 2 hours + every day pull-ups, push-ups, plank 20-30 minutes a day. It's been over a year since I stopped boxing training. I was tired of having to get into a weight class that didn't suit me physically (123.5 lbs). Constantly felt tired, dizzy, cold. Then there were small problems with sleep, such as falling asleep for a long time and I got up 3-4 times to go to the toilet. I had no erections and no sex drive for 6 months while I was boxing. Generally.
Because of my symptoms, I went to a psychiatrist and then to a psychotherapist. Took SSRIs for about 4 months. I stopped taking them because because of them I had no sports aggression and desire to train. After I stopped taking Prozac, my average weight dropped from 132 pounds to 128 (although I ate more and my boxing workouts didn't change).

I have problems with grains such as intestinal pain, increased hunger and appetite, fatigue, brain fog, joint pain and weight gain. Tried wheat, oats, rice, etc. Rice is the best for me, but it kills libido, makes me even more puffy and tired.
I also have a problem with dairy products. Stuffy nose, constipation, depression, I want to close myself in the room from everyone and not leave the house at all, weight gain and hunger with appetite. But I haven't tried raw milk yet. I'm afraid it will bring back these symptoms again, but it's worth a try. At the age of 15, I perfectly absorbed store-bought fermented milk products in large quantities, for example, 500 grams of cottage cheese, 100-200 grams of sour cream and 500 ml of kefir per day without the symptoms that I have now.
All my food intolerance problems started after I tried a raw fruit diet and veganism. This took about 1 year. From 15 to 16-16.5 years. Did it to cure my dermatitis because the doctors couldn't help me. Vegetarianism didn't work for me. My atopic dermatitis and dyshidrosis went away on their own at the 18 years.
After trying keto and carnivore with IF (16/8, 18/6, 20/4, 23/1) I went from 124-132 lean pounds to 143 fat and swollen pounds. Unfortunately, I have repeated this many times and now my biggest weight in my life is 163 lbs. I really don't want to gain this weight again, but my appetite and hunger are hellish. At 17 I could eat 3000-3500 calories a day and not gain weight and had no fluid retention, although my activity was not high (no more than 10k steps and 3 workouts per week in the gym). I don't think it's because I stopped growing, because I haven't grown since I was 15.
Now, in order to reduce, but not eliminate, fluid retention and other symptoms, I eat foods that I can tolerate better. Raw beef (usually minced meat 88% lean), fruits (grapes, plums, oranges, but most often local raw honey), salt, mineral water or tap water (we don't have fluoridation and I use little water 100-500 ml) , now added organic cocoa.
On average: at least 500 grams of beef, 300 grams of honey or the same amount of carbohydrates from fruits, 5 grams of salt, 10-20 grams of cocoa. I usually eat 3 times a day. All food for the day is divided into three meals.
I started drinking magnesium citrate 500 mg a day in the evenings. I feel relaxed and slightly drunk, but it does not help me fall asleep. Once in this state I lay all night with my eyes closed and did not fall asleep.

This year I entered the university at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports. I will need to do boxing again, as this is the only direction that suits me at this university. Classes at the uni starts on September 1st, and I haven't slept well in 4 months. What should I do?
The results of the leptin, free testosterone, aldosterone and reticulocytes tests will be ready in a few days, then I will attach them here.

Thank you all for your attention. Denis.


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Last edited:
Mar 10, 2021
I used google translate, there may be errors in the text. The blood serum analysis is attached below (magnesium is high because I forgot not to take magnesium supplements before testing).

I have been following the forum for about 1 year, but have not found a solution for myself.
19 years old male, 5'6 height, 126-132 lbs (depends on glycogen and water retention). Lost weight from 163 pounds to 126 after trying to restore health with the "all in" method, but got even more problems: joint pain, a little gyno, sweating, apathy, depression, etc. No fap and no porn because I have no libido 90 percent of the day. The erection is worse than before, but with 5-10 mg of Cialis in the morning on the day of sex (it's not regular and I'm talking about sex), everything is fine.

The main problem
Now I have been suffering from insomnia since April of this year. I don't sleep at all at night. It turns out to sleep during the day for 3-4 hours, but the sleep is unsatisfactory. All my devices have flux. I have tried avoiding any blue light and gadgets 1-2 hours before bed. I tried walking right before going to bed, eating before bed, not eating for 3-4 hours, magnesium, glycine - nothing helps. I have a comfortable room temperature, a good bed, pillow, moderate darkness, silence, and so on. I don't think that's the issue, as I used to be able to fall asleep at a party sober with no problem.

Physical activity and exercise
I can no longer tolerate training, walking 20 thousand steps (from 0 to 10 thousand now). When exercising, I feel dizzy, very fast heartbeat and nausea (previously trained 3 times a week, pull-ups 5 sets to failure with 5 minutes rest between sets + every day 30 quality slow burpees with high jumps and of course walking 10 miles / 20 thousand steps).
The weight remained in the same range, but the quality of the body changed towards puffiness and lack of muscle tone. Now there are no six pack, muscle definition and so on.
I've tried reducing the training volume by 50 percent and lowering the intensity by removing failure sets, but it didn't work.
Now I don't exercise at all.

Clarifying details
I stopped drinking coffee, but I still use nicotine, before it did not affect sleep. I use vaping only for appetite control, because now even when I smoke, I constantly want to eat.
Without nicotine, I get headaches, weakness, irritability, a sucking pain in my stomach, and indomitable hunger and appetite. I usually get 10-20mg of salt nicotine through vaping. I do not use alcohol, weed or other drugs. Didn't take supplements on a regular basis.
I used to be a competitive boxer, training 5 times a week for 2 hours + every day pull-ups, push-ups, plank 20-30 minutes a day. It's been over a year since I stopped boxing training. I was tired of having to get into a weight class that didn't suit me physically (123.5 lbs). Constantly felt tired, dizzy, cold. Then there were small problems with sleep, such as falling asleep for a long time and I got up 3-4 times to go to the toilet. I had no erections and no sex drive for 6 months while I was boxing. Generally.
Because of my symptoms, I went to a psychiatrist and then to a psychotherapist. Took SSRIs for about 4 months. I stopped taking them because because of them I had no sports aggression and desire to train. After I stopped taking Prozac, my average weight dropped from 132 pounds to 128 (although I ate more and my boxing workouts didn't change).

I have problems with grains such as intestinal pain, increased hunger and appetite, fatigue, brain fog, joint pain and weight gain. Tried wheat, oats, rice, etc. Rice is the best for me, but it kills libido, makes me even more puffy and tired.
I also have a problem with dairy products. Stuffy nose, constipation, depression, I want to close myself in the room from everyone and not leave the house at all, weight gain and hunger with appetite. But I haven't tried raw milk yet. I'm afraid it will bring back these symptoms again, but it's worth a try. At the age of 15, I perfectly absorbed store-bought fermented milk products in large quantities, for example, 500 grams of cottage cheese, 100-200 grams of sour cream and 500 ml of kefir per day without the symptoms that I have now.
All my food intolerance problems started after I tried a raw fruit diet and veganism. This took about 1 year. From 15 to 16-16.5 years. Did it to cure my dermatitis because the doctors couldn't help me. Vegetarianism didn't work for me. My atopic dermatitis and dyshidrosis went away on their own after 18 years.
After trying keto and carnivore with IF (16/8, 18/6, 20/4, 23/1) I went from 124-132 lean pounds to 143 fat and swollen pounds. Unfortunately, I have repeated this many times and now my biggest weight in my life is 163 lbs. I really don't want to gain this weight again, but my appetite and hunger are hellish. At 17 I could eat 3000-3500 calories a day and not gain weight and had no fluid retention, although my activity was not high (no more than 10k steps and 3 workouts per week in the gym). I don't think it's because I stopped growing, because I haven't grown since I was 15.
Now, in order to reduce, but not eliminate, fluid retention and other symptoms, I eat foods that I can tolerate better. Raw beef (usually minced meat 88% lean), fruits (grapes, plums, oranges, but most often local raw honey), salt, mineral water or tap water (we don't have fluoridation and I use little water 100-500 ml) , now added organic cocoa.
On average: at least 500 grams of beef, 300 grams of honey or the same amount of carbohydrates from fruits, 5 grams of salt, 10-20 grams of cocoa. I usually eat 3 times a day. All food for the day is divided into three meals.
I started drinking magnesium citrate 500 mg a day in the evenings. I feel relaxed and slightly drunk, but it does not help me fall asleep. Once in this state I lay all night with my eyes closed and did not fall asleep.

This year I entered the university at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports. I will need to do boxing again, as this is the only direction that suits me at this university. Classes at the uni starts on September 1st, and I haven't slept well in 4 months. What should I do?
The results of the leptin, free testosterone, aldosterone and reticulocytes tests will be ready in a few days, then I will attach them here.

Thank you all for your attention. Denis.
I am so sorry DenizkaRedizka you feel like this so young. There are many other highly intelligent people on the forum more qualified than I to make sense of your labs and give suggestions. Please know you have many friends that care here in the forum.
Feb 9, 2022
I am so sorry DenizkaRedizka you feel like this so young. There are many other highly intelligent people on the forum more qualified than I to make sense of your labs and give suggestions. Please know you have many friends that care here in the forum.
Wow, I'm so excited. I'm glad that someone can help me on this forum. Thank you!


Your vitamin D level is low. If you are avoiding dairy how are you getting calcium? You are young and still growing you need calcium. I recall reading Adele Davis who said insomnia will never be fixed until calcium is supplied. I found this to be true.
Feb 9, 2022
Your vitamin D level is low. If you are avoiding dairy how are you getting calcium? You are young and still growing you need calcium. I recall reading Adele Davis who said insomnia will never be fixed until calcium is supplied. I found this to be true.
As a child, I was diagnosed with an allergy to milk (IgE test) and I have many problems with it, there is only hope for raw milk. Can you tell me how can I increase vitamin D?


As a child, I was diagnosed with an allergy to IgE milk and I have many problems with it, there is only hope for raw milk. Can you tell me how can I increase vitamin D?
Getting lots of sunlight will raise your d levels. In the winter months you may have to supplement.

Can you tolerate goats milk? You will need to get around 1500mg of calcium a day, at least. At the moment you don't have much calcium in your diet which means your blood levels are being maintained by calcium from your bones. This is not safe long term. You may have to supplement calcium for now to balance the high phosphorus in your diet. Look up eggshell calcium on the forum – there should be instructions on how to make calcium from eggshell. It can irritate the gut so experiment to see if you tolerate it.
Feb 9, 2022
Getting lots of sunlight will raise your d levels. In the winter months you may have to supplement.

Can you tolerate goats milk? You will need to get around 1500mg of calcium a day, at least. At the moment you don't have much calcium in your diet which means your blood levels are being maintained by calcium from your bones. This is not safe long term. You may have to supplement calcium for now to balance the high phosphorus in your diet. Look up eggshell calcium on the forum – there should be instructions on how to make calcium from eggshell. It can irritate the gut so experiment to see if you tolerate it.
This summer I was in the sun for an average of at least 1-1.5 hours. There have been many sunny days this summer. Thanks for the eggshell tip. But why is my serum calcium so high (2.46 with a maximum of 2.55)?
I have not tried goat milk yet, it is expensive here, but worth a try.


This summer I was in the sun for an average of at least 1-1.5 hours. There have been many sunny days this summer. Thanks for the eggshell tip. But why is my serum calcium so high (2.46 with a maximum of 2.55)?
It's possible it's calcium from your bones. Once you increase your calcium intake it should lower the serum calcium.

Vitamin K2 might be helpful.

It doesn't look like it's dangerously high but the insomnia is a good indication that you need to address it now.
Feb 9, 2022
It's possible it's calcium from your bones. Once you increase your calcium intake it should lower the serum calcium.

Vitamin K2 might be helpful.

It doesn't look like it's dangerously high but the insomnia is a good indication that you need to address it now.
I don't want to be intrusive, but did I understand correctly that I need to find a source of calcium (1500 mg per day) and take vitamin k2 (I have k2 mk4)? Don't I need a vitamin D supplement?


Jun 10, 2020
This summer I was in the sun for an average of at least 1-1.5 hours. There have been many sunny days this summer. Thanks for the eggshell tip. But why is my serum calcium so high (2.46 with a maximum of 2.55)?
I have not tried goat milk yet, it is expensive here, but worth a try.
I agree with the idea to try goat milk.

I digest very few things, but goat milk is probably the most well-digested food I've tried.


I don't want to be intrusive, but did I understand correctly that I need to find a source of calcium (1500 mg per day) and take vitamin k2 (I have k2 mk4)? Don't I need a vitamin D supplement?
You said you are getting sunlight exposure - perhaps increase the amount of time outdoors. During the winter months if your levels are still low then perhaps consider taking vitamin D. If you can tolerate goats milk you could begin adding this to the diet. If you have k2 that will be good to take along with all the other measures.
Feb 9, 2022
You said you are getting sunlight exposure - perhaps increase the amount of time outdoors. During the winter months if your levels are still low then perhaps consider taking vitamin D. If you can tolerate goats milk you could begin adding this to the diet. If you have k2 that will be good to take along with all the other measures.
What dosage of vitamin k2 is safe?


What dosage of vitamin k2 is safe?
K2 is relatively safe but you don't want to take too much. Read the K2 threads. This one is helpful

Feb 9, 2022
K2 is relatively safe but you don't want to take too much. Read the K2 threads. This one is helpful

Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it.


Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it.
You are welcome. I hope it helps. Find attached Peats newsletter about insomnia. Review your overall diet

"The increase of adrenalin caused by salt restriction has many harmful effects, including insomnia. Dr Peat

RP: The blood sugar is always a problem at night. The effect of daylight is to maintain efficient oxidative metabolism, and just 15 minutes of darkness is enough to lower the efficiency of mitochondrial respiration. And so keeping very bright lights right up until bedtime will minimize the fall of blood sugar, but having a carbohydrate meal late in the afternoon or before bed, a glass of orange juice or milk with honey. Sometimes just the dose of sugar is enough to put you to sleep for an hour and a half or two hours. And it takes time for the liver to start storing glycogen, so it's good to have another glass ready for when you wake up or have another dose of orange juice or milk and sugar. And salty things, salty snacks at bedtime help to stabilize the blood sugar and energy production, so like a milk and maybe salty tortilla chips or puffed pork rinds something a salty snack as well as…


  • Insomnia-and-hyperactivity.pdf
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Feb 9, 2022
You are welcome. I hope it helps. Find attached Peats newsletter about insomnia. Review your overall diet

"The increase of adrenalin caused by salt restriction has many harmful effects, including insomnia. Dr Peat

RP: The blood sugar is always a problem at night. The effect of daylight is to maintain efficient oxidative metabolism, and just 15 minutes of darkness is enough to lower the efficiency of mitochondrial respiration. And so keeping very bright lights right up until bedtime will minimize the fall of blood sugar, but having a carbohydrate meal late in the afternoon or before bed, a glass of orange juice or milk with honey. Sometimes just the dose of sugar is enough to put you to sleep for an hour and a half or two hours. And it takes time for the liver to start storing glycogen, so it's good to have another glass ready for when you wake up or have another dose of orange juice or milk and sugar. And salty things, salty snacks at bedtime help to stabilize the blood sugar and energy production, so like a milk and maybe salty tortilla chips or puffed pork rinds something a salty snack as well as…
How to like this post? :joyful:


Sep 3, 2020
Estrogen could be high and often increases during rapid fat loss or stressful weight loss. Increasing calories specifically carbs from fruits and sugar may help. FIber from fruit, carrots, mushrooms and bamboo can be like a broom that sweeps excess estrogen away
Feb 9, 2022
Estrogen could be high and often increases during rapid fat loss or stressful weight loss. Increasing calories specifically carbs from fruits and sugar may help. FIber from fruit, carrots, mushrooms and bamboo can be like a broom that sweeps excess estrogen away
Maybe I misunderstood, but I have very low estradiol, the lab didn't even give me the exact number. Perhaps you meant that there is a lot of estrogen in the tissues, but little in the serum?


Sep 3, 2020
Maybe I misunderstood, but I have very low estradiol, the lab didn't even give me the exact number. Perhaps you meant that there is a lot of estrogen in the tissues, but little in the serum?
Yes in the tissues. They can be dangerously high even when serum is low. It can often happen if you reached a weight that is too low for your body and genetics or if you lost fat in a stressful manner
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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