
  1. AlphaCog

    Effects of honey, glucose, and fructose on the enamel demineralization depth

    Abstract Background/purpose Caries prevention is an important strategy in many countries. Honey has antibacterial activity against cariogenic bacteria and therefore may have less caries activity than other sugars. This study was conducted to compare the cariogenic effect of honey with those of...
  2. haidut

    A single 15min exposure to red light boosts mitochondria and lowers blood glucose

    A human study, which makes it that much more important. While the findings are not very surprising, what is important to take from the study is that 1) elevated blood glucose is likely a good biomarker of poor mitochondrial function, 2) exposure to just 15min of red light daily can lower blood...
  3. haidut

    Diabetic kidney damage driven by high fat & low glucose oxidation, glycine can treat it

    This is yet another study that calls into serious doubt the main dogma of diabetic pathology provided by allopathic medicine. Namely, mainstream medicine claims that the well-known kidney damage occurring in majority of advanced cases of diabetes II is caused by the elevated blood glucose in...
  4. haidut

    Multiple sclerosis (MS) may be due to low metabolism / glucose oxidation

    Nothing surprising in the findings of the study, and in fact a great corroboration of the results from the high-dose biotin human study with the aggressive form of MS published several years ago. The officially proposed mechanism of biotin in that study was improved glucose oxidation...
  5. haidut

    Blocking prostaglandins restores (glucose) metabolism, reverses brain aging

    It is rare to find a study like the one below that combines so many crucial topics into a unified message. Namely, the role of energy in aging and disease, the role of oxidative glucose metabolism in aging and health, the pathological role of PUFA as a negative (glucose) metabolic regulator and...
  6. haidut

    Reduced availability/oxidation of glucose sufficient to cause heart failure (HF)

    Yet another "mysterious" idiopathic condition turns out to be nothing but metabolic dysregulation in disguise. Also, unlike many other studies implicating metabolism in disease, this one actually manages to demonstrate that reduction of oxidative glucose metabolism is sufficient to cause severe...
  7. haidut

    Vitamin B1 (thiamine) may treat Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

    A human case study, corroborated by the literature review done by the authors, suggesting that yet another degenerative and invariably lethal condition may be nothing more than energetic deficiency in disguise. The literature review the authors performed revealed that ALS patients, as well as...
  8. cs3000

    Sucrose/fructose intake raises lactate in humans, glucose intake doesn't

    Feeding decently high amounts of sugar water vs "glucose" (as 60% dextrose/40% maltodextrin) to people. post-exercise. 1.5g/kg per hour Plasma glucose is similar for both. insulin is a lot higher from the 60% dextrose...
  9. haidut

    Vitamin B1 as a potential treatment for Alzheimer's Disease (AD)

    After decades of denial that AD is a metabolic condition, Big Pharma and Big Govt, are silently doing an 180-degree turn by secretly funding university clinical trials for metabolic interventions in that disease. The study below will evaluate the effects of benfotiamine - a lipophilic analog of...
  10. haidut

    Niacinamide increases ATP/NAD, lower glucose/cortisol in humans

    A great new study demonstrating for the first time in a human experiment what hundreds of animal studies had suggested in the past. Namely, that niacinamide can serve as a reliable precursor to NAD+ and by raising the NAD/NADH ratio results in improved glucose metabolism and higher ATP levels...
  11. Androsclerosis

    Anabolism all the time = more dreams. Why?

    Sincer started eating 500g+ carbs a day, a meal every 2 hours I started sleeping way deeper but at the same time I always have vivid dreams. I don't wake up tired but I would like to know why it happens. I remember when I was not peating, dreams were very rare. I think that my mind was on low...
  12. A

    Glucose as a Major Antioxidant: When, What for and Why It Fails? Abstract A human organism depends on stable glucose blood levels in order to maintain its metabolic needs. Glucose is considered to be the most important energy source, and glycolysis is postulated as a backbone pathway. However, when the...
  13. haidut

    Epilepsy/seizures caused by energetic deficit leading to calcium overload

    Yet another study demonstrating that not only is a chronic, "incurable" disease of unknown origin treatable but that its main cause is energetic/metabolic and linked to impaired glucose metabolism. Specifically, the study demonstrated that impaired pyruvate transport into the mitochondria is...
  14. haidut

    Muscles starve/waste in the absence of vitamin D

    As turns out, yet again, vitamin D is far from being the simple "bone vitamin" as most TV/online commercials would have us believe. It is actually a (seco)steroid and has already been implicated in a host of metabolic and immune process affecting virtually every disease. Recently, I posted a few...
  15. haidut

    Human study - vitamin B1 safe & effective for preventing & treating Alzheimer Disease (AD)

    A remarkable study, that for some reason is not being covered by mainstream media. Considering 99% of the clinical trials for AD since 2000 have completely failed, this study should be front-page news for most mainstream outlets. I suspect mainstream media, being literally owned by the same...
  16. Hans

    The biggest missing links to optimal brain function – part 1

    What inspired me to write this article is overall reductionism when it comes to mental function. Far too many people want to focus on specific neurotransmitters and blame certain ones for certain conditions (e.g. low dopamine in anhedonia), but health as a whole started to deteriorate first, and...
  17. haidut

    Glucose + vitamin B3 combo synergistic for treating mitochondrial disease

    A very interesting study, which demonstrates the unique synergy between glucose and vitamin B3 in treating deficiencies of function in Complex I & II of the electron transport chain (ETC). Deficiencies on those metabolic steps are the most common causes for the wide varieties of debilitating...
  18. haidut

    DHT better (and safer) than testosterone for improving blood pressure, insulin levels

    A great human study on the beneficial effects of androgens for a variety of metabolic biomarkers associated with insulin resistance and diabetes II. The only gripe I have with this study is that they claim it was conducted with "healthy" men when in reality all men had low plasma total...
  19. haidut

    Blocking PUFA/prostaglandins restores metabolism and reverses brain aging

    The bad news for PUFA has been accumulating for decades, yet public health authorities continue to claim that type of fat is "essential". Whatever indirect admissions of the pathological role of PUFA in both chronic and acute/infectious diseases is given to the public, is usually confined to the...
  20. LLight

    The significance of glucose, insulin and potassium for immunology and oncology: a new model of immunity
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