
  1. L

    Fruit With Protein

    Peat says to pair proteins with fruit/sugar always. However most fruits have vitamin c and if paired with meats, increase iron absorption. Then we have to have the coffee/tea to reduce the absorption. Would it be just as effective to just not have fruit when eating red meats? thnx
  2. M

    Low Carb Induced Severe Insulin Resistance?

    I was low carb from March to June, initially started a ketogenic diet but progressed to a moderate carb diet. Throughout this awful, groggy journey I was experiencing reactive hypoglycemia (something that was never an issue before). Ever since I started introducing carbs as the main...
  3. loess

    Do you devein your shrimp?

    I am an oyster and mussel pro in the kitchen, but when it comes to shrimp I'm a newbie. Just never got into buying and preparing them (probably a subconscious holdover of my vegan days in my early 20's when I learned of bycatch in the trawl nets, especially with regard to sea turtles). Anyway, I...
  4. L

    Sweetened Condensed Milk

    I found some yesterday...ingredients say: organic milk, organic sugar Is this an ok snack over crushed ice? Did I die and go to heaven with this discovery? Pls. don't say it's bad. :oops:
  5. loess

    It's DATE Season! The Sky Is Ripe With Sugar Clouds!

    One of the positives that came out of my 8 years of struggling to adhere to fruitarianism/80-10-10 eating (which did quite a number on my thyroid function, hormones and ultimately my entire experience of reality) was discovering the wonders of truly fresh, ripe dates! Khadrawy, medjool, black...
  6. P

    Eating rice cakes/crackers

    Is it OK to eat rice, rice cakes or rice crackers occasionally on a Peat diet? Just because I crave to eat something solid and dry. :)
  7. J

    Collagen Hydrolysate Vs. Gelatin

    What's the difference?
  8. F

    Where to get proper salt in Italy/Austria/Germany?

    Well I just stopped eating the unrefined sea salt because I saw heavy metal analyis (and also realized the mafia used the Mediterenean sea for radioactive waste disposal), lead is rearly under 500 ppb, ususaly 1 ppm to 2ppm. In regular store I could not find refined salt withoud sodium...
  9. R

    Raw sugarcane juice... pretty healthy!

    Hey! I found this: ... :raw-sugar Maybe I should start growing my own little sagarcane field and get all those nutrients when chewing or drinking the sweet, refreshing juices from it :)
  10. B

    Fructose sweetener?

    What is the verdict on fructose (Not HFCS) used as an ingredient? I have seen some collagen hydrolyzate that has fructose in it.
  11. Peata

    Trouble Eating Eggs

    I had taken a walk and was hungry. Before the walk, I'd eaten hard candies. When I got in, I ate an ounce of cheese and 2.5 egg yolks (scrambled with some milk in coconut oil). Salted. I used just the yolks because someone mentioned the whites might be problematic (since I get sick on eggs...
  12. B

    Where can I get gelatin in Spain?

    Where can I get gelatin in Spain? So far I have only seen the small packets of sheets in the supermarkets.
  13. L

    Coca Cola

    Luckily I got over my bad habit of needing them. I don't think I will go back but I have a question anyway, in case the situation comes up where I might have one. Does it have to be made in Mexico? I understand about the regular sugar ones being better than the ones with aspartame, but I seem...
  14. Dan W

    Resistant starch in potatoes

    Someone without a forum account sent me this study to share. In short, boiled potatoes that were then cooled at 5°C (a reasonable fridge temperature) for 24 hours had significantly higher levels of resistant starch:
  15. D

    Niacinamide fish

    surfingman10. org/niacin .html Natural sources of niacinamide are eggs, meat (especially liver), FISH and poultry.
  16. Violet

    How to improve dairy tolerance?

    I've always been a big dairy fan, but obviously since going Peat (three months ago) I've really stepped it up. However, I have a lot of digestive issues and it's become pretty apparent that dairy does my bloating no favours... Right now I'm so bloated that it's hard to breathe :| I keep...
  17. K

    pulp tree coolbest oj

    What about pulp free oj from cool best? Any experience with this?
  18. M

    Frying food in coconut oil.

    So I just took two plain corn tortillas ( El Milagro FTW -- corn, lime, water are the ingredients) and dunked them in sizzling coconut oil, and dusted them with salt. Ohhhhhh...bliss. People, you have got to try this, they're unbelievable. Melted an ounce of queso fresco on top for pure...
  19. P

    Eating too much salt?

    Hi, I've been Peating in the last two months and I increased my salt intake drastically. Currently, I'm eating 1 tsp of coarse salt 3 times a day before meals. I just take the coarse salt into my mouth and swallow it with some water. I'm doing this because of edema due to estrogen dominance...
  20. tomisonbottom


    Hello, I was wondering, do you all just go by the RDA for your minerals/vitamins, etc requirements? I have a hard time believing that it could be accurate when everything else we've been taught is so wrong but I haven't read anything from Peat about it exactly either..........
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