
  1. Apple

    Karen Hurd debunks coconut oil

    Here you go. Garrett Smith prefers sunflower oil , #ggenereux claims that coconut oil is no good because it delivers vit A all around your system and now biochemist Karen Hurd calls it coconut fad . Who would think... Mitochondria converts saturated fat into unsaturated fat through the beta...
  2. C

    I've NEVER Seen "Coconut" Associated With Longevity or Centenarians

    I just realized that after reading about the diets of exceptionally healthy people in their 90s and older and I've never seen the word coconut once. I've seen they eat chocolate, bacon, eggs, olive oil, milk but never seen the word "coconut" in the context of a supercentenarian or really anyone...
  3. Geronimo

    Foods I Like That Like Me

    I think the fundamental goal of anyone's diet is to find nutritious foods you can afford and easily prepare that you digest well and enjoy. My new goal is to eat only things that meet all of these criteria. I know it seems so obvious, but we often forget the most obvious things because they...
  4. P

    A Short Film About Coconut Farmers

  5. Gadsie

    Why Isn't There More Enthousiasm About MCT Oil?

    There's a bunch of threads about people looking for verified fully hydrogenated coconut oil, because obviously we want to eliminate PUFA as much as possible (has anyone found one yet by the way?). Why aren't we all taking large amounts of MCT oil as a proper calorie source? This is 100%...
  6. beachbum

    Article: Coronary Heart Disease Unknown In Coconut Eating Population In Sri Lanka

    Hello everyone, I found this study about heart disease and coconut oil consumption. Below I will post the study, above is the link. STUDY SHOWS HEART DISEASE ABSENT IN COCONUT EATING POPULATION Dr. Bruce Fipe A study published in the medical journal...
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