What are the best options for print media newsletters or magazines in the style that Boomers are used to?


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Sep 15, 2023
Michigan, USA
I'm looking for resources that were and are willing to point out the dangers of things like climate lockdowns, the various injections marketed as vaccines over the past few years, more wars of aggression, an unchecked influx of illegal aliens, or replacement migration in majority-caucasian countries.

So far, the best conventional-looking option I've come up with is The Epoch Times, but I wonder what other suggestions you might have.


Feb 18, 2017
Go to unz.com and print out the two daily featured articles. (There is a convenient Print button at the top, which makes it come out properly formatted.) Staple the pages together and hand deliver or mail. The problem with actual physically published materials is that the great majority of such publishers are members of a particular ethnic minority who collectively are not shy about slanting their content so as to burnish the image of their coethnics. Much useful information is thereby lost or distorted. Ron Unz, though himself a member of that particular ethnic minority, has no tolerance for such misbehavior, and will in fact go to great lengths to expose it. (Mr Unz used to publish a physical magazine, but alas I think he is entirely virtual now.) Anyhow, within a month the boomer for whom you perform this service, if he reads the material, will be in the top 1% of those most knowledgeable about the world. (NB, that Mr Unz does not necessarily endorse the opinions of all his contributors, but instead allows a very broad range of voices to be heard.)
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