neurological disease

  1. FallingApart?

    Covid Vaccine may be neurologically/cognitively breaking me. How do I fix it?

    A Bit of Backstory Info [You can skip this if you want]: Spent early years in a catholic private school, if I'm not mistaken, they tended to make joke(s) that the public school was one year behind them and if I'm not mistaken, in the 4th grade (maybe it was 3rd - idrk) I think I tested 8th...
  2. Mauritio

    CO2 therapy can cure neurological diseases

    This is what this old school report found. They tested CO2 therpay for a variety of neurological issues from anxiety and depression to psychopathy and even alcoholism . They also talk about a boy with symptoms that sound like tourette's who was completely changed and could live a normal life...
  3. haidut

    Stress Triggers But Magnesium Prevents Neurological Diseases

    This should not really be a surprise for followers of Peat and Selye, but it is always nice to see modern medicine make the connection between something considered benign, like stress and the associated NMDA "receptor", and serious diseases. Interestingly, if stress works primarily through NMDA...
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