lead toxicity

  1. Mauritio

    Glycine + Taurine protect against lead toxicity

    HED= 1,5-3g Abstract: Lead (Pb) is a highly toxic heavy metal widely dispersed in the environment because of human industrial activities. Many studies revealed that Pb could adversely affect several organs, including the male reproductive system. Pb-induced reproductive toxicity could lead to...
  2. cs3000

    1000x more lead in (1991) modern humans than pre-industrial humans. Lead & Cadmium as Cardiovascular Risk Factors: The Burden of Proof Has Been Met

    https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JAHA.120.018692 The bone of a 20th century human has 1000‐fold more lead than that of a preindustrial human. Current sources of lead exposure to humans now result from soil, food, water, tobacco smoke and electronic cigarettes, lead‐based paints in and...
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