
  1. haidut

    Estrogen, Not HPV, Causes Cervical Cancer; Progesterone Can Stop / Reverse It

    Yet another one of the carefully crafted, fear mongering myths that modern medicine literally sells to us on a daily basis just got busted. As many of my readers know, there has been huge publicity over the last 10 years in regards to the human papillomavirus (HPV) and the multitude of cancers...
  2. haidut

    Suppressed Immunity, Not Viruses (HPV), May Be The Cause Of (skin) Cancer

    Recently, I posted some threads in regards to immunosuppression and cancer. Here are two that provide a good overview and tie together the immunosuppressive effects of PUFA, estrogen, and cortisol with the protective effects of vitamin A, E, D, progesterone, etc. PUFA Are Immunosuppressive...
  3. haidut

    Vitamin D And Taurine As Actual Treatment For Many Cancers

    This study is a bit on the wild side in terms of effectiveness claims but it made it through peer reviews so I decided that it is worth posting. It also provides recommendations on optimal doses of these supplements commonly discussed on the forum. Apparently, the optimal dose of vitamin D is...
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