cytokine storm

  1. haidut

    Endotoxin behind the mortality of Black Death and 1918 Flu pandemics

    As many of my readers know, many/most people dying from COVID-19 develop either sepsis and/or respiratory failure. Endotoxin (LPS) is now a known cause behind both of these conditions, as a virus by itself has no known mechanism of causing a cytokine storm. As much as I revile the term...
  2. haidut

    Cytokine Storm In COVID-19 / Sepsis Due To "cancer Metabolism" (Warburg Effect)

    A great study illustrating the crucial effects of metabolism even in "non-metabolic" conditions like COVID-19. We already have evidence that increased PUFA peroxidation is one of the causes behind the (often lethal) cytokine storm in viral diseases, including COVID-19. However, the direct...
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