
  1. cs3000

    Prevention of Influenza episodes with Colostrum compared with vaccination in Healthy and High-Risk Cardiovascular subjects

    Colostrum is great for protective immunity, 4.6 days of disease in 3 months when taking colostrum daily vs 11.3 days in vaccine group vs 13.2 days in untreated group also 2x the amount of people didnt get infections vs the other groups. "colostrum is at least 3 times more effective than...
  2. Lokzo

    Colostrum Decreases Serotonin Production In Rat Brain

    Effects of colostrum serum on the serotonergic system in the dorsal raphe nuclei of exercised rats The fatigue that accompanies exercise is thought to originate from metabolic changes in muscle, such as muscle exhaustion and modifications of the CNS resulting in a decrease in motor neuron...
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