PM Trudeau announces vaccine mandate for federal employees


Aug 4, 2020
Ive seen this, I went on a Polievre binge a few weeks ago. This isnt the only time Mr. Trudeau has danced around answering questions
I think Mr Polievre brings to the Conservative Party something it desperately needs. The main reason they did not get elected IMO is that they did not do their job, the opposition is supposed to oppose the government on policy not go along to get along.
As seen in the topic of this thread, we are seeing more of the same from the opposition. Perhaps in their review of the election results they may stumble across this apparently new concept.


Aug 4, 2020
I agree, people are sick of western leaders and elites everywhere, the corruption is the real pandemic, in Australia a politician was receiving 60 million from pfizer, to be fair another politician called her out, there is still some good people within the institutions, they were on board for the initial vaccines but continual vaccines is not going to be bought by the public.
Their hubris is nauseating.
I have heard that Prime Minister Trudeau has stockpiled four hundred million doses of the gene therapies. We have what thirty million people - that is almost enough to jab all of us almost eleven times. Plus the ACCESS agreement that bypasses all the regular safety requirements for all new gene therapies related to Corona Virus.
This would indicate that we are looking at an endless schedule of injections with no safety data being reported to the general public via regular media.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
I have heard that Prime Minister Trudeau has stockpiled four hundred million doses of the gene therapies. We have what thirty million people - that is almost enough to jab all of us almost eleven times. Plus the ACCESS agreement that bypasses all the regular safety requirements for all new gene therapies related to Corona Virus.
This would indicate that we are looking at an endless schedule of injections with no safety data being reported to the general public via regular media.
Why on Earth would Canada need 400 million shots.


Nov 29, 2017
To sell to other countries aka let them expire and buy more. Feeding the beast


Feb 18, 2016
I have heard that Prime Minister Trudeau has stockpiled four hundred million doses of the gene therapies. We have what thirty million people - that is almost enough to jab all of us almost eleven times. Plus the ACCESS agreement that bypasses all the regular safety requirements for all new gene therapies related to Corona Virus.
This would indicate that we are looking at an endless schedule of injections with no safety data being reported to the general public via regular media.
If we had democracies this type of decision should be put to the people, they knew most western constitutions could be suspended under the guise of medical needs, everything they have been doing since 9/11 2001 has been about suspending constitutions, they are criminals.


Aug 4, 2020
If we had democracies this type of decision should be put to the people, they knew most western constitutions could be suspended under the guise of medical needs, everything they have been doing since 9/11 2001 has been about suspending constitutions, they are criminals.
Indeed @Drareg, I am of the opinion that it is almost a prerequisite to be a criminal before getting elected. I say almost as there appear to be a few good apples in the barrel yet, but they are the exception not the rule.
In the good apples defence though what affect can one or two good people have on the system that foundation is built on a sewer.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
Rewatching this. She touches her hair when she says "[vax] prevent the spread of COVID-19". Shes uncomfortable saying this.
She touches her hair again after saying they significantly reduce severity of cases, and she purses lips and fitgets again when she says the vaxes save lives. Maybe its nothing but these behaviours were absent in the rest of her speech. [Additionally] her eyes get really wide when talking about businesses re-opening and staying open. Body language ghost calls this "portrayal", the "believe me!" look, typically done when lying. That last part about businesses is under governmental control. She wants us to believe that vaccines are the only path toward an open economy when she knows that is bull****.

Trudeau never fidgets, he gives no tells, he is a good actor making him a great politician. He is practiced at bullshitery.
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