Old article on the war between soy and tropical oils


Mar 10, 2016
So, this AP article is from 1989 and is titled "Battle over Tropical Oils in US Far from Over."
I think it's interesting to take a look at the forces behind the unsaturating of the U.S., especially closer to the beginning of the issue. The article also outlines how the use of domestic soy oil is hurting other countries. Finally, it's crazy to see how the issue has developed since then!


Sep 3, 2017
This is about the same time they started pushing soy as a cure for menopausal symptoms, based on some idea of its use in the Japanese diet.

I lived in Japan at the time, and they don't eat as much soy as do vegans in the US, mainly they use soy sauce, which is fermented.

There was some fiction pushed about the Japanese having no word for menopause, and that was taken as some sort of proof they don't go through it.

From Google translate, menopause is 閉経 Heikei and is the 'cessation of menstruation'.
ほてりHoteri is hot flashes.

They also noted that they don't have a high breast cancer rate.

That may be true, however, what they forgot to note was that hormonal birth control was banned in Japan during that time and before then.
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