Gov Lab in Maryland Plans to Create More Deadly Hybrid Monkeypox


Aug 13, 2020
Things are so clownish now, that if at first you don't succeed try again, the masses won't do much of anything.

A Government laboratory in Maryland plans to make the circulating monkeypox strain more lethal in highly controversial research in mice.

The team wants to equip the dominant clade - which mostly causes a rash and flu-like symptoms - with genes from another strain that causes severe disease.

It comes just a week after revealed a similar experiment involving a hybrid Covid strain was conducted at Boston University.
The latest monkeypox study is being funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a research arm of National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The team in Maryland would argue their work does not involve 'enhancing' a pathogen because they are swapping natural mutations rather than creating new ones, meaning the hybrid cannot be more deadly than the existing clades.

But the news will no doubt surprise many Americans that such research continues to go on in the US despite fears similar practices may have started the pandemic.

The Maryland experiment was exempt from oversight when it was given the green light in 2018 because monkeypox did not meet the threshold for a 'potential pandemic pathogen'.

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And of course the dailymail would know. This bull**** is getting boring.


Jul 25, 2013
Virology is a pseudoscience. The only thing you should be afraid of is the "treatments" and "protective measures".


Jan 25, 2014
As long as they are wasting money on "hybridizing DNA" from organisms that don't exist, how about trying to insert some of Loch Ness Monster's DNA into Godzilla? At least that sounds cooler.


Jan 25, 2014
I just love when members of Team Virus start contradicting each other, especially on foundational points of Virology. In the Daily Mail article above, we have this quote-

The team wants to equip the dominant clade - which mostly causes a rash and flu-like symptoms - with genes from another strain that causes severe disease.

It comes just a week after revealed a similar experiment involving a hybrid Covid strain was conducted at Boston University.
The latest monkeypox study is being funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a research arm of National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The team in Maryland would argue their work does not involve 'enhancing' a pathogen because they are swapping natural mutations rather than creating new ones, meaning the hybrid cannot be more deadly than the existing clades.

So, in that quote we have two labs that are swapping around "genes" from various "strains" of the alleged Monkeypox "virus."

But, according to Virus BeLIEver Jeremy Hammond, this isn't possible-

Kaufman’s claims here about whole genome sequencing are also wrong. Apart from falsely claiming that no purification process is undertaken during the process of virus isolation, the claim that whole genome sequencing cannot be done if there is more than one source of genetic material in a sample is also false. It’s called “metagenomic” genetic sequencing. (You could mix up the pieces to dozens of different puzzles and still reassemble each puzzle because each piece only fits one other piece. You can’t start with a puzzle of an elephant and a bear and mix up the pieces so that you end up with a puzzle of a wooly mammoth.)

So, when defending the unscientific methods used to identify a "virus genome," you see, there is only one possible solution, because genes only fit together in one particular way, and no others. But, when it comes time to research and develop "bioweapons," well, scientists can indeed swap around "genes" to create new "hybrids."

Someone seems to be lying here. I am, needless to say, shocked (hat tip, Dave McGowan).

So either the genes can only fit together in one possible way, which makes all the hybridization labs nothing more than a waste of time, energy and money (and it's not uncommon for the US Federal and State Governments to waste all of those resources), or, genes can fit together in multiple ways. Which would mean that Kaufman's point about genome sequencing are 100% dead on, and since this strikes at the very foundation of modern virus theory, would ALSO mean that the hybridization labs were doing useless experiments in regard to the Daily Mail article claims.

Again, paraphrasing Dave McGowan, this is a risk with a lie as big as virology. In defending one part of the lie, you can inadvertently expose another part of the lie.



Jul 25, 2013
I just love when members of Team Virus start contradicting each other, especially on foundational points of Virology. In the Daily Mail article above, we have this quote-

So, in that quote we have two labs that are swapping around "genes" from various "strains" of the alleged Monkeypox "virus."

But, according to Virus BeLIEver Jeremy Hammond, this isn't possible-

So, when defending the unscientific methods used to identify a "virus genome," you see, there is only one possible solution, because genes only fit together in one particular way, and no others. But, when it comes time to research and develop "bioweapons," well, scientists can indeed swap around "genes" to create new "hybrids."

Someone seems to be lying here. I am, needless to say, shocked (hat tip, Dave McGowan).

So either the genes can only fit together in one possible way, which makes all the hybridization labs nothing more than a waste of time, energy and money (and it's not uncommon for the US Federal and State Governments to waste all of those resources), or, genes can fit together in multiple ways. Which would mean that Kaufman's point about genome sequencing are 100% dead on, and since this strikes at the very foundation of modern virus theory, would ALSO mean that the hybridization labs were doing useless experiments in regard to the Daily Mail article claims.

Again, paraphrasing Dave McGowan, this is a risk with a lie as big as virology. In defending one part of the lie, you can inadvertently expose another part of the lie.


It also begs the question ... what is the virus, and what is the extraneous material? If they've NEVER properly separated a virus from ALL extraneous genetic material, how do they know what they're sequencing? You have to fully-isolate something from all other genetic material (a tall order, perhaps impossible) at least once in order to know what the genetic sequence actually is. For all we know, the extraneous, non-virus part of the sequence is what we're testing for, and this extraneous material is found in/on other things, when the "virus"is not even present, thus creating a false positive for the virus when using PCR.
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