GoFundMe tries to steal 10M from Canadian Truckers. NEVER USE THEM


Apr 6, 2020

GoFundMe withholds millions in small donations aimed for Canadian Trucker. Their reason, 'some illegal activity occurred', clearly this was never a criterion before. And instead of reimbursing the money they decided THEY would hold it and CHOOSE charitable charities to donate the money to -- unless you filled in a reimbursment form in 2w -- charaties likely completely antithetical to truckers. This is SOOOO insane. Thats theft. And a slap in the face with them deciding they would reallocate the money effectively. They reversed on the form and will reimburse automatically - the non-thefty thing to do! but still!!!!


Apr 6, 2020
Never ever ever use GoFundMe or recommend them. Their name should be trash -- ash in your mouth


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
GiveSendGo CEO Sends Gateway Pundit Exclusive Statement: Fundraising Platform Sees MASSIVE Surge in Traffic and One Million in Donations to Canadian Truckers in 12 Hours! – Relentless DDOS Bot Attacks

GiveSendGo is the number one Christian donating site in the world. Its popularity has soared over the past year after several conservative causes were blocked by the far left GoFundMe platform.

Many of you may have noticed the GiveSendGo website has been crashing from all of the new traffic the past 12 hours.

On Friday night The Gateway Pundit reached out to Jacob Wells, the CoFounder, and CEO of GiveSendGo. Jacob sent us over this statement on the Adopt a Trucker campaign and the current challenges the platform is facing:
GiveSendGo stands for hope and freedom. We recognize the freedoms we have are God-given, not authorized by governments, but rather ought to be protected by our governments. We do not condone violence of any form! We have been in contact with the campaign organizers and have received full assurance that any funds raised will not be used to fund any violent actions. As in any polarized situation we recognize there will be a few individuals and groups that might intentionally try to incite violence. We realize this will be used to stain this movement by opposing groups. We will not broadstroke those individual situations as a depiction of what this movement represents as if they were affiliated.
GiveSendGo will always stand for freedom for those on either side of our current ideological divide. Our hope is first in God and also in the notion that we can be united as free people across the globe, standing in the freedom that was bought for us first at the cross, but also maintained by the blood of courageous men and women who have sacrificed their lives so that we might live in that freedom.
Galations 5:1 It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.
If you just want a brief few statements here are a few. GiveSendGo has been under heavy attack from opposition that stands in the way of our mission to see freedom on our platform. We have seen tens of millions of bots and DDOS attacks attempting to take out our servers. We are also seeing overwhelming support for this campaign and it’s mission to bring freedom across North America and the world. We will continue to stand strong in the midst of this adversity and offer our platform as a beacon of hope for people of all backgrounds, religions, races, and differing ideological motivations. Shine Brightly!

We are also seeing funds in 5 times faster than gfm did. Took them 3 weeks to raise 10 mill. We have raised 1 million in about 12 hours even in spite of the attacks trying to take us out!
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