FDA: 2 Participants, 4 Controls Died in Pfizer Vaccine Trials


Aug 6, 2015
i have and i wasnt convinced. if you think the elites worship satan, do you believe that satan is real?


Research the gnostic religion and what they believed and the passages removed from the Bible.

Books written by David Icke and Anthony Peake discuss this theory where they explain how satanic beliefs took over society.
Steve Quayle and Tim Alberino also discussed it. David Wilcock's youtube videos mention it too.

It is also connected to ancient civilisations and the burning of the Library of Alexandria.

I want to be careful with how I answer otherwise I could be perceived as a complete idiot, but the information is out there.


i dont get this whole satanist thign at all? why does seemingly 50% of everyone on this forum believe in a satanist elite. i mean its constantly made fun of and easily accisible to all. sounds like controlled opposition too me. can you show me any sort of proof or reasoning as to why you think the elites are worshipping satan? im geniunely curious.
Look into the Jesuits; Free Masons; illuminati. First, one must get the Hollywood image of a satanist out of their mind. It's not a goth freak, dressed for the part using "satanic" imagery for a literal expression. These people are actually symbolic and very much so. My attention and curiosity in the past year has been piqued by Gematria, which is a kind of study and focus on numbers, coding language with the numbers, and leaving ritualistic clues to the meaning of events. This practice came from Kabbalah. The meaning is also directly linked to the idea of these events being deliberately orchestrated and contrived. In the background of their agenda and events, it is all anchored by malevolent intent; by control; a molding of reality in their vision and image. Biblical language, themes, and symbols are also mixed in. The trouble with these people is they don't acknowledge their doings as wrong but as The Will. The irony is the satanism. Known also as Society of Jesus, one can begin to understand what makes that satanic. It's the hidden nature and the contradiction in terms.
i have and i wasnt convinced. if you think the elites worship satan, do you believe that satan is real?
Acknowledging satan as real is irrelevant to satanic acts or satanic people. It's the understanding, misunderstanding, interpretation, misinterpretation of ideologies that makes their effects good or bad. They worship their agenda through certain values. The values themselves are the metric of what their worship represents. "Satanism" or demonism as a base ideology otherwise simply represents dissent; rebellion. If we consider only this base definition then there is no good or bad until the action represents outcomes that can be evaluated. Whether you or I believe in an anthropological figure as real has nothing to do with how they implement their interpretation of an assumed characteristic of this particular being. The rituals you can discover in their acts further solidifies the notion of them being satanic as understood through their demented eyes.


Feb 18, 2016
Cornell University have decided people who "identify" as a person of color can opt out of the vaccine because of historical oppression, "white" people can’t opt out.
It wouldn’t surprise me then if it does have fertility side effects.

I thought there was no such thing as "race", woke logic at work again. I’m sure Asian folks will get lumped in with "white" people and can’t opt out either.

A top university Cornell is fighting racism with more racism while making leveraging money from past historic racism and now profiting in contemporary times from driving racism against Asian and white folks.

There were 42k people in the trial. US:
  • Death rate: 867.8 deaths per 100,000 population
I don't think six deaths are meaningful in a group of 42k. People die all the time, sometimes they just drop dead.

I agree but the reality is the entire study is a sham like others we have seen, deaths related to the vaccine will be difficult to prove either way, this is the reason I highlight the deaths to keep people questioning what we know is fraud relative to the context of mass vaccination based on the severity of covid 19, also justifying immunity licenses, its opens a pandoras box of authoritarianism.
They refuse to test for Tcells, they probably won’t accept a T cell test for their immunity passports, profit margins aren’t in Tcells.


Aug 17, 2016
Look into the Jesuits; Free Masons; illuminati. First, one must get the Hollywood image of a satanist out of their mind. It's not a goth freak, dressed for the part using "satanic" imagery for a literal expression. These people are actually symbolic and very much so. My attention and curiosity in the past year has been piqued by Gematria, which is a kind of study and focus on numbers, coding language with the numbers, and leaving ritualistic clues to the meaning of events. This practice came from Kabbalah. The meaning is also directly linked to the idea of these events being deliberately orchestrated and contrived. In the background of their agenda and events, it is all anchored by malevolent intent; by control; a molding of reality in their vision and image. Biblical language, themes, and symbols are also mixed in. The trouble with these people is they don't acknowledge their doings as wrong but as The Will. The irony is the satanism. Known also as Society of Jesus, one can begin to understand what makes that satanic. It's the hidden nature and the contradiction in terms.

Acknowledging satan as real is irrelevant to satanic acts or satanic people. It's the understanding, misunderstanding, interpretation, misinterpretation of ideologies that makes their effects good or bad. They worship their agenda through certain values. The values themselves are the metric of what their worship represents. "Satanism" or demonism as a base ideology otherwise simply represents dissent; rebellion. If we consider only this base definition then there is no good or bad until the action represents outcomes that can be evaluated. Whether you or I believe in an anthropological figure as real has nothing to do with how they implement their interpretation of an assumed characteristic of this particular being. The rituals you can discover in their acts further solidifies the notion of them being satanic as understood through their demented eyes.
Don't forget them Knights of Malta

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020
Cornell University have decided people who "identify" as a person of color can opt out of the vaccine because of historical oppression, "white" people can’t opt out.
It wouldn’t surprise me then if it does have fertility side effects.

I thought there was no such thing as "race", woke logic at work again. I’m sure Asian folks will get lumped in with "white" people and can’t opt out either.

A top university Cornell is fighting racism with more racism while making leveraging money from past historic racism and now profiting in contemporary times from driving racism against Asian and white folks.

I agree but the reality is the entire study is a sham like others we have seen, deaths related to the vaccine will be difficult to prove either way, this is the reason I highlight the deaths to keep people questioning what we know is fraud relative to the context of mass vaccination based on the severity of covid 19, also justifying immunity licenses, its opens a pandoras box of authoritarianism.
They refuse to test for Tcells, they probably won’t accept a T cell test for their immunity passports, profit margins aren’t in Tcells.

"paints face black"
sup crackas nice day to be a brotha am i right?

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
I agree but the reality is the entire study is a sham like others we have seen, deaths related to the vaccine will be difficult to prove either way, this is the reason I highlight the deaths to keep people questioning what we know is fraud relative to the context of mass vaccination based on the severity of covid 19, also justifying immunity licenses, its opens a pandoras box of authoritarianism.
They refuse to test for Tcells, they probably won’t accept a T cell test for their immunity passports, profit margins aren’t in Tcells.
So? I have never before defended vaccines, least of all this one. However, we should be honest about our arguments. It's not some big killer vaccine, and six deaths means nothing. It might be incredibly damaging, but not immediately deadly. Like SSRIs etc.


Oct 1, 2019
So? I have never before defended vaccines, least of all this one. However, we should be honest about our arguments. It's not some big killer vaccine, and six deaths means nothing. It might be incredibly damaging, but not immediately deadly. Like SSRIs etc.

Terrible amount of adverse events clearly related to the vaccine. Healthy people won‘t drop like flies immediately, but it could get ugly for the elderly with hidden comorbidities, who they want to vaccinate first. Here's Who the CDC Says Will Get the COVID-19 Vaccine First
So this is just a feeling, but I think many people who participate in such a study deem themselves to be somewhat healthy.

The 2 deaths in the vaccine group were in the age group 55-65, one of them had comorbidities and died of artheriosclerosis 3 days after the first shot. Another one had no known comorbidities and died of a heart attack 2 months after the second shot.

Of course for us it‘s impossible to say if it was the actual cause for the heart attack, but the person who died right after the shot should be a warning sign.
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Nov 21, 2015
the only way to judge a vaccine is all-cause mortality of vaccinated people compared to a similar group of non-vaccinated people. It will be a cold day in Hades when they do this study.


Feb 18, 2016

They promote a zero case/death covid strategy but vaccine side effects is collateral damage, it’s amazing how profit drives their reasoning, of course they are making money from covid diagnosis and treatments like ventilators, don’t forget justification for "pandemic bailouts" ,it’s a win win all round.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Feb 18, 2016
The big roll out is happening as we speak so let’s see how it goes.
I was of the belief it is basically a weak vaccine designed to limit side effects to gain trust of the public in the medical establishment, once everyone takes it they simply lower the PCR cycle threshold for covid and magically it goes away, this PCR testing method has been used in Taiwan since the beginning hence their success.

The thing to remember is the medical establishment suffer from grandiose pathological narcissism so its no surprise if this is a more aggressive experimental vaccine, they are delusional enough to continue slowly poisoning people in relation to other chronic diseases and now have indemnification to play with this vaccine, it’s like a dog when a ball is thrown, they can’t help themselves.
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So? I have never before defended vaccines, least of all this one. However, we should be honest about our arguments. It's not some big killer vaccine, and six deaths means nothing. It might be incredibly damaging, but not immediately deadly. Like SSRIs etc.
The genius of it might just be a delayed response. I've mentioned it before, the 2019 vaccine administered in huge clusters in northern italy where they were hit hard in early 2020, was most likely the culprit. Loretta Bolgan and her investigation found the vaccine to be contaminated severely. This was labelled vaccine gate but was not covered by the media, of course. She also established how this same mixture was used globally which would explain the unusual and similar reactions of the early part of the year. When I learned about this some months ago it hit me that it was probably a soft, trial run of what they have now perfected. So, I won't be surprised if you start seeing people dying in droves and all blamed on a stronger strain or something. Hell, they have even started that nonsense narrative now if you've taken note.


Jul 10, 2016
Now that I think about it... I probably had cough - it 19 in the fall since I had a nasty flu and heavy congestion despite not having been exposed to cold and it wasn't flu season yet.

It went way on his own within 2 weeks and I didn't even think about it till now, all this to advance corporate interests and global agenda, it's almost comical how low we've fallen.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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