Dating and Working in a Vaccinated World


Jun 10, 2020
As a single person in my 20s in the United States (California), this vaccine, and the environmental shedding from it, make dating a challenge. Most people in my city have gotten the vaccine, so before I ask a girl on a date, I always ask “have you gotten vaccinated?”

My work also places me among vaxxed people. I’m a teacher and about 50% of my school’s students have gotten vaccinated, so at any given time, I’m in a room surrounded by vaxxed people. Ideally I would spend the next few years sequestered at home, only seeing the outside world for groceries and things, but this just isn’t feasible for me. Plus, I like my job — I don’t want to quit and then have to find a new job later. But at the same time, I cannot take ivermectin prophylactically—it’s just not sustainable or safe enough long term.

This thread serves as a place for people to share their struggles and empathize with each other, while trying to work and date safely in a vaccinated world. What struggles do you face in these regards?


Jun 19, 2016
I think the vaccine can most likely shed and transmit through kissing and sex too... im not sure yet though. Imagine the vaccines few years from now... they are probably already planning 100% transmittable vaccines..


Oct 6, 2020
If it realy sheds and is as deadly as advertised here, then unvaxxinated people are literally unable to prevent any of it.
The only exception would be to literally isolate oneself from the world or build a "unvaxxed" tribe/society

Wether the issues with shedding are true or not ... i guess its a business idea for a dating website?


Jan 27, 2021
As a single person in my 20s in the United States (California), this vaccine, and the environmental shedding from it, make dating a challenge. Most people in my city have gotten the vaccine, so before I ask a girl on a date, I always ask “have you gotten vaccinated?”

My work also places me among vaxxed people. I’m a teacher and about 50% of my school’s students have gotten vaccinated, so at any given time, I’m in a room surrounded by vaxxed people. Ideally I would spend the next few years sequestered at home, only seeing the outside world for groceries and things, but this just isn’t feasible for me. Plus, I like my job — I don’t want to quit and then have to find a new job later. But at the same time, I cannot take ivermectin prophylactically—it’s just not sustainable or safe enough long term.

This thread serves as a place for people to share their struggles and empathize with each other, while trying to work and date safely in a vaccinated world. What struggles do you face in these regards?
"Ideally I would spend the next few years sequestered at home, only seeing the outside world for groceries and things,"

This is actually insane dude. Take a step back and breathe.


Oct 5, 2014
As a single person in my 20s in the United States (California), this vaccine, and the environmental shedding from it, make dating a challenge. Most people in my city have gotten the vaccine, so before I ask a girl on a date, I always ask “have you gotten vaccinated?”

My work also places me among vaxxed people. I’m a teacher and about 50% of my school’s students have gotten vaccinated, so at any given time, I’m in a room surrounded by vaxxed people. Ideally I would spend the next few years sequestered at home, only seeing the outside world for groceries and things, but this just isn’t feasible for me. Plus, I like my job — I don’t want to quit and then have to find a new job later. But at the same time, I cannot take ivermectin prophylactically—it’s just not sustainable or safe enough long term.

This thread serves as a place for people to share their struggles and empathize with each other, while trying to work and date safely in a vaccinated world. What struggles do you face in these regards?
Why is ivermectin not safe long term? I understand is a pain in the neck to buy it, take it, etc. but AFAIK it is a super safe drug withou almost no serious side effects. Or am I missing something? @Pina


Oct 5, 2014
As a single person in my 20s in the United States (California), this vaccine, and the environmental shedding from it, make dating a challenge. Most people in my city have gotten the vaccine, so before I ask a girl on a date, I always ask “have you gotten vaccinated?”

My work also places me among vaxxed people. I’m a teacher and about 50% of my school’s students have gotten vaccinated, so at any given time, I’m in a room surrounded by vaxxed people. Ideally I would spend the next few years sequestered at home, only seeing the outside world for groceries and things, but this just isn’t feasible for me. Plus, I like my job — I don’t want to quit and then have to find a new job later. But at the same time, I cannot take ivermectin prophylactically—it’s just not sustainable or safe enough long term.

This thread serves as a place for people to share their struggles and empathize with each other, while trying to work and date safely in a vaccinated world. What struggles do you face in these regards?
There is not really much we can do about this. Isolation/loneliness is deadly. It kills more than anything else. We just have to live with it. Maybe incorporating to our daily regimes stuff like thymoquinone, eugenol, methylene blue, etc... but forget about escaping this. I mean, if you work in a school, it could very well be that at one point they ask you to vaccinate or get fired.


Jan 27, 2021
There is not really much we can do about this. Isolation/loneliness is deadly. It kills more than anything else. We just have to live with it. Maybe incorporating to our daily regimes stuff like thymoquinone, eugenol, methylene blue, etc... but forget about escaping this. I mean, if you work in a school, it could very well be that at one point they ask you to vaccinate or get fired.
Dude. This. Seriously. Loneliness kills.



Feb 13, 2021
As a single person in my 20s in the United States (California), this vaccine, and the environmental shedding from it, make dating a challenge. Most people in my city have gotten the vaccine, so before I ask a girl on a date, I always ask “have you gotten vaccinated?”

My work also places me among vaxxed people. I’m a teacher and about 50% of my school’s students have gotten vaccinated, so at any given time, I’m in a room surrounded by vaxxed people. Ideally I would spend the next few years sequestered at home, only seeing the outside world for groceries and things, but this just isn’t feasible for me. Plus, I like my job — I don’t want to quit and then have to find a new job later. But at the same time, I cannot take ivermectin prophylactically—it’s just not sustainable or safe enough long term.

This thread serves as a place for people to share their struggles and empathize with each other, while trying to work and date safely in a vaccinated world. What struggles do you face in these regards?
Totally relate to this stuff man!

It seems like girls will usually tell you if they've been vaccinated, tho...they are PROUD of it! I would not consider dating such a person due to their lack of critical thinking, and have been friend-zoning as needed.

The problem for me has been clubbing, partying and such. Have kissed enough people that the odds aren't good :(

Anways, I spend my days surrounded by the injected, too, since I don't have wifi at home & work from the coffee shop every day. So far I feel great and have honestly taken a laissez-faire attitude towards it. We are all getting poisoned from so many routes anyways - perhaps focusing on strengthening the metabolic rate is the most realistic thing to be done.

Finally, that's so sad that your students have been vaccinated to that extent. Have you noticed behavioural changes in them? Poor kids...


Jun 10, 2020
I think the vaccine can most likely shed and transmit through kissing and sex too... im not sure yet though. Imagine the vaccines few years from now... they are probably already planning 100% transmittable vaccines..
The field of available friends and partners becomes so narrow, because what about our partners’ friends? And if our partners previously had sex with a vaccinated person, then they’re off the market too. It’s just such a mess haha. Gotta laugh about it

If it realy sheds and is as deadly as advertised here, then unvaxxinated people are literally unable to prevent any of it.
The only exception would be to literally isolate oneself from the world or build a "unvaxxed" tribe/society

Wether the issues with shedding are true or not ... i guess its a business idea for a dating website?
The tribe things sounds appealing, we could have orange trees, goats and cows for milking, grow cherimoyas. But it would take years to get that up and running. By that time, after we deal with buying the land and stuff, we’ve already interacted with so many vaxxed people that it defeats the purpose. I would totally take part in that dating app though.

"Ideally I would spend the next few years sequestered at home, only seeing the outside world for groceries and things,"

This is actually insane dude. Take a step back and breathe.
Haha, thanks. Reading it back, I see your point. This whole shedding thing has occupied my mind lately, to the point where it’s hard to focus on anything else.

Haha I'm imagining something like "Farmers Only" but more like "Thinkers Only"
I bet there would be some cool girls on there. Sign me up.

Why is ivermectin not safe long term? I understand is a pain in the neck to buy it, take it, etc. but AFAIK it is a super safe drug withou almost no serious side effects. Or am I missing something? @Pina
I’m basing that off of what Peat has said about it. I asked him about it in an email and he said it’s caused brain damage in a small percentage of users, so it would not be suitable for long term prevention.

There is not really much we can do about this. Isolation/loneliness is deadly. It kills more than anything else. We just have to live with it. Maybe incorporating to our daily regimes stuff like thymoquinone, eugenol, methylene blue, etc... but forget about escaping this. I mean, if you work in a school, it could very well be that at one point they ask you to vaccinate or get fired.

You’re totally right. I guess part of it goes back to my tendency to fixate on a problem and not let it go until it’s solved. I struggle dealing with the uncertainty of all this. So many questions that won’t get answered for years. If my school asks me to vaccinate or get fired, I think I will choose to get fired. The problem there is my mom will think I’m insane. She can’t fathom the idea of me quitting me job to avoid vaccination.

Totally relate to this stuff man!

It seems like girls will usually tell you if they've been vaccinated, tho...they are PROUD of it! I would not consider dating such a person due to their lack of critical thinking, and have been friend-zoning as needed.

The problem for me has been clubbing, partying and such. Have kissed enough people that the odds aren't good :(

Anways, I spend my days surrounded by the injected, too, since I don't have wifi at home & work from the coffee shop every day. So far I feel great and have honestly taken a laissez-faire attitude towards it.

Finally, that's so sad that your students have been vaccinated to that extent. Have you noticed behavioural changes in them? Poor kids...

Your line “have kissed enough people that the odds aren’t good” had me cracking up! If you do get shedding from that, at least you had fun while doing it haha. Gotta live your life.

It makes me feel better to hear that other people, like you, are facing a similar degree of vaxxed exposure. Whatever happens, we won’t face the consequences alone. And who knows, maybe our lives will continue unaffected and we will live until old age happy, healthy, just like we should.

I haven’t noticed any behavioral changes in them because it’s currently summer break, but I’m interested to see that when we go back. Unfortunately, most of my students come from low income backgrounds, so they’re already unhealthy, in a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual sense. They struggle to problem solve, they are mostly overweight and visibly inflamed, and their home lives are full of yelling and frustration. I can only imagine how they will fare as their bodies get older. They’re great kids who deserve much more than they have.


Jun 13, 2019
avoiding people cause they're vaccinated is not a good decision imo. Life isn't worth living if we're just going to avoid 80% of the population. im not too big on religion, but wasn't it Jesus who touched and loved the leper even though they were infectious and no one else would? We're all sick in many ways, have accumlated a variety of different environmental polluntants, have had many required vaccines since birth. Imagine if someone rejected us because we were given the MMR? Humans have dealt with far worse and deadlier things then spike protein from a vaccine. even if it is a depopulation agent, Id still rather be around and engaged with people then to live a life alone or isolated
Last edited:


Why is ivermectin not safe long term? I understand is a pain in the neck to buy it, take it, etc. but AFAIK it is a super safe drug withou almost no serious side effects. Or am I missing something? @Pina
Ivermectin is an antifungal agent and I don’t think it is necessary use continuously...I suspect. I am not an expert on this topic. I found this text

“The drug regulatory agency cautioned that ivermectin’s long-term, uncontrolled use could lead to side effects including muscle/joint pain, skin rash, fever, dizziness, constipation, diarrhea, drowsiness, and Stevens-Johnson Syndrome”.

My reasoning is that it's a powerful effective drug and does not need continuous dosing to be efficacious.


Oct 19, 2019
So far I feel great and have honestly taken a laissez-faire attitude towards it. We are all getting poisoned from so many routes anyways - perhaps focusing on strengthening the metabolic rate is the most realistic thing to be done.
I think this would likely be Peat‘s view too. Keep the metabolism in a good state and there’s nothing to worry about. Better to put the energy that worrying about it would sap into strengthening the metabolism itself and staying positive.

@Vileplume I work in education too and can imagine September will be rough with spikes in viruses and vaxxed students and staff everywhere. My aim is to just enjoy the summer and make sure I’m in the best shape metabolically for when that time comes. Control the controllables!


Jul 29, 2018
I won’t date anyone who has been vaccinated. Not even because I’m worried about spike protein shedding or experiencing side effects. My problem is, anyone who has chosen to get this vaccine likely does not share my views on the world, and therefore we will be incompatible. If you are willing to get this vaccine, then by definition you are someone who trusts the government and trusts the institutions. And I don’t. It’s as simple as that. I don’t want to be with someone who trusts the government or the institutions like Big Pharma or the CDC.

In other words, I want to date someone who is awake. Not a sheep who goes with the flow.


Oct 6, 2020
I won’t date anyone who has been vaccinated. Not even because I’m worried about spike protein shedding or experiencing side effects. My problem is, anyone who has chosen to get this vaccine likely does not share my views on the world, and therefore we will be incompatible. If you are willing to get this vaccine, then by definition you are someone who trusts the government and trusts the institutions. And I don’t. It’s as simple as that. I don’t want to be with someone who trusts the government or the institutions like Big Pharma or the CDC.

In other words, I want to date someone who is awake. Not a sheep who goes with the flow.

I had thoughts like this too. Its one thing if the partner wants to trust this or that but ... the biggest issue would be when children are a topic. Just last month i had this conversation with a aquaintance who told me hes against all kind of vaccination and his wife went behind his back and got the children vaxxinated...


Oct 5, 2014
The field of available friends and partners becomes so narrow, because what about our partners’ friends? And if our partners previously had sex with a vaccinated person, then they’re off the market too. It’s just such a mess haha. Gotta laugh about it

The tribe things sounds appealing, we could have orange trees, goats and cows for milking, grow cherimoyas. But it would take years to get that up and running. By that time, after we deal with buying the land and stuff, we’ve already interacted with so many vaxxed people that it defeats the purpose. I would totally take part in that dating app though.

Haha, thanks. Reading it back, I see your point. This whole shedding thing has occupied my mind lately, to the point where it’s hard to focus on anything else.

I bet there would be some cool girls on there. Sign me up.

I’m basing that off of what Peat has said about it. I asked him about it in an email and he said it’s caused brain damage in a small percentage of users, so it would not be suitable for long term prevention.

You’re totally right. I guess part of it goes back to my tendency to fixate on a problem and not let it go until it’s solved. I struggle dealing with the uncertainty of all this. So many questions that won’t get answered for years. If my school asks me to vaccinate or get fired, I think I will choose to get fired. The problem there is my mom will think I’m insane. She can’t fathom the idea of me quitting me job to avoid vaccination.

Your line “have kissed enough people that the odds aren’t good” had me cracking up! If you do get shedding from that, at least you had fun while doing it haha. Gotta live your life.

It makes me feel better to hear that other people, like you, are facing a similar degree of vaxxed exposure. Whatever happens, we won’t face the consequences alone. And who knows, maybe our lives will continue unaffected and we will live until old age happy, healthy, just like we should.

I haven’t noticed any behavioral changes in them because it’s currently summer break, but I’m interested to see that when we go back. Unfortunately, most of my students come from low income backgrounds, so they’re already unhealthy, in a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual sense. They struggle to problem solve, they are mostly overweight and visibly inflamed, and their home lives are full of yelling and frustration. I can only imagine how they will fare as their bodies get older. They’re great kids who deserve much more than they have.
Uh, brain damage from ivermectin? That is serious. Can you please send me the info if you posted somewhere else? Or if it was in an email, did he provide links or references to papers? or info on doses? thanks!
Sep 5, 2016
@Vileplume: After being home bound for a couple of years, I met a young lady who would be good g/f material for me but has been vaccinated, likely under pressure from her employer. So I can relate to your situation.

But it's worth asking the group: Has Ray Peat said anything about risks of sex with the vaccinated? We've seen lots of commentary about shedding from others, but I'd like Ray's perspective.


Jul 8, 2014
avoiding people cause they're vaccinated is not a good decision imo. Life isn't worth living if we're just going to avoid 80% of the population. im not too big on religion, but wasn't it Jesus who touched and loved the leper even though they were infectious and no one else would? We're all sick in many ways, have accumlated a variety of different environmental polluntants, have had many required vaccines since birth. Imagine if someone rejected us because we were given the MMR? Humans have dealt with far worse and deadlier things then spike protein from a vaccine. even if it is a depopulation agent, Id still rather be around and engaged with people then to live a life alone or isolated

I agree 100%. Last month while my grandmother was dying, I was kissing her and stroking her face and hair and I’d hate to think of the regret I’d have now had I not done so because she was vaccinated. Probably not the most popular opinion on the forum, but I think we are far more powerful and resilient that we give ourselves credit for.


Jun 10, 2020
Uh, brain damage from ivermectin? That is serious. Can you please send me the info if you posted somewhere else? Or if it was in an email, did he provide links or references to papers? or info on doses? thanks!
Yes, here’s the email conversation (photo attached):

Me: If the spike proteins are so easily transmissible and so dangerous, might ivermectin and HCQ be reasonable prophylactic measures for someone exposed to vaccinated people daily?

RP: Ivermectin has been associated with brain damage in a small percentage of users, so I don’t think it’s suitable for prolonged preventive use. Vitamin D, aspirin, antihistamines, aspirin, progesterone, etc. are safer.

He did not attach a study or anything, but I found this relevant article: Serious Neurological Adverse Events after Ivermectin—Do They Occur beyond the Indication of Onchocerciasis?

I have not yet read the whole thing but would love to hear peoples’ thoughts.


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Oct 5, 2014
Yes, here’s the email conversation (photo attached):

Me: If the spike proteins are so easily transmissible and so dangerous, might ivermectin and HCQ be reasonable prophylactic measures for someone exposed to vaccinated people daily?

RP: Ivermectin has been associated with brain damage in a small percentage of users, so I don’t think it’s suitable for prolonged preventive use. Vitamin D, aspirin, antihistamines, aspirin, progesterone, etc. are safer.

He did not attach a study or anything, but I found this relevant article: Serious Neurological Adverse Events after Ivermectin—Do They Occur beyond the Indication of Onchocerciasis?

I have not yet read the whole thing but would love to hear peoples’ thoughts.
Thanks a bunch man. @Nemo have you seen this?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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