Corbett Report On Bill Jeffrey Epstein Gates



Feb 18, 2016
According to some sources, Epstein wasn't trafficking kids just for sex. He apparently was also involved in the production of Adrenochrome, which could've made him quite some money.
Especially when the news got out that Epstein had several surrogate mothers on his property, it makes me think that these babies were going to be used to produce Adrenochrome.:vomit:

The adrenochrome addition to the Epstein story is an attempt by the ruling class via intelligence organizations to try undermine the facts we can establish , if kids were being killed for this I’m sure Virginia Roberts who was with Epstein more than most would have mentioned it, she was more involved than Maria Farmer.

The likes of Alan dershowitz and Steve Bannon are behind tainting the story with this nonsense so the general public will see it as a conspiracy theory. Bannon was interacting with Epstein as we know.

Why does the Epstein child trafficking ring need adrenochrome to make the facts more sensational? Is it not shocking enough what he was doing?
It’s a common fallacy called "poisoning the well" ,it’s right up Dershowitz’s alley with him being a lawyer ,his rhetoric past and current specializes in this and he was using mike cernovich to pump this crap.

Is Clinton not criminal enough instead of needing a story about how she tortured kids then drank their blood on top of it?

Further more being in the Peaty world we would know that using blood pumped full of adrenaline is going to have drastic effects on their body, the opposite of what the conspiracy implies which is adrenchrome gives back youth, they wouldn’t be living as long as they are if they were pumped with excessive adrenaline all the time.
Kids don’t even have enough of the protective hormones to have significant positive effects either.

People don’t further explore the logic of the necessity for murdering a child for adrenaline when you could just use an adrenaline autoinjector (epipen), you could just add a regular blood transfusion, it’s like waiting for someone to have an expresso and then murdering them in some sort of bizarre ritual to get the coffee from their blood, maybe Starbucks are doing this with a few customers every day and recycling it........

And yes humans have a bizarre history of behavior from satan worshipping ,human sacrifice etc, bringing this crap to the Epstein story without any evidence poisons the well of sincere eye witness reports we have, the elite types don’t want this to spread to all corners of society and are doing their best to taint it.


Jul 13, 2014
I’m not sure about Corbett’s overall angle but these 2 mini documentaries are quite good at highlighting how pathologically delusional Bill Gates is. There will be more coming apparently.
He really is a tyrant , his persona from his youth highlights this clearer than his PR projected and protected image nowadays, he still can’t hide it now.
Resist this animal anyway you can, from an average Joe’s point of view gates running the health world is worrying enough but from a peaty perspective it’s horrifying.

In saying that he has about 10-15 years before Alzheimer’s kicks in or some other disease, his mother died of cancer, father had Alzheimer’s ,both his parents were relatively wealthy so epigenetically bill hasn’t changed much.
He’s also following mainstream medicine and probably on meds so he’s digging his own grave, incidentally more women get Alzheimer’s and it’s likely from progesterone dropping and unopposed estrogen starting the stress cycle ,so his fathers hormone profile in the peaty sense could be speculated upon and accordingly we could speculate on bills hormone profile currently, he’s at the age where Alzheimer’s subtly begins,he’s also behaving a touch like a psychopath.

His wife is predominately high cortisol IMO and is definitely on meds, her illness will be along those lines. Her latest pledge video shows her persona quite well, the primal posturing coming through ,her chin up indicating excessive hubris/narcissism and riddled with anxiety.

Bill Gates was friends with Jeffrey Epstein the child sex trafficker and wants to vaccinate your kids and save the world , yeah Bill sure you do, mainstream journalists ,politicians and his foundation employees can’t see this logic? Don’t let up on this point when people try defend him, they are bowing to the guy to keep getting paid, it’s the gutter crawlers and the blackmailed , seriously.

If you haven't seen this doc already, worth a watch.

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