social experience

  1. MetabolicTrash

    Homelessness: A Blessing In Disguise? Not So Bad In A Sense?

    I have always wondered if being homeless is really supposedly the "zero world" -- the rock bottom -- the sign that you've "lost the game of life." There are obviously cons of it like anything but has anyone really poked the proverbial bear of experience? Sure, it sounds bad which makes finding...
  2. MetabolicTrash

    The "Sin" Of Proudness & Position: The Way You Bargain Can Show Your Ego

    Have you not noticed this who always make sure to know "their place" in social orders/groups? It's not even an involuntary thing -- I'm talking one knowing "where they stand" because it is relevant to them to consider such a thing. Examples include people who deliberately make it known what...
  3. MetabolicTrash

    The Problem With Value: A Key Perspective To Work, Life & Experience

    I've always found it unsettling when people have expressed the idea that "value" is something one chooses -- but also something one can just have. When a big YouTube channel makes content it is said that content is deserving of monetization because it "provides value" to people -- a concept...
  4. haidut

    Genes Do Not Matter (again) - Individuality Is An Inevitable And Unpredictable Result Of Development

    I posted quite a few studies showing that genes do not matter much when it comes to determining the "fate" of the organism, be that health, personality or intelligence. This new study went a step further and examined the development of genetically identical organisms under the same environmental...
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