
  1. B

    Bill Maher on Higher Education and Olympic Games

  2. haidut

    We Learn Faster When Our Choices Aren't Forced / Influenced

    One of the most popular quotes by Peat states that "The attempt to steer a person can make it hard for them to move, because it inactivates their own guidance system". While he said it in the context of authoritarian systems designed to force/elicit specific actions from people, I have long...
  3. haidut

    Half Of Millennials And 75% Of Gen Zers May Be Mentally Ill

    The bad news for the chronologically young just keep accumulating. About a week ago I posted another study demonstrating that, if current trends continue, Millenials will die earlier than their Gen X counterparts due to poor(er) health. That study was aggregate and included all sorts of reasons...
  4. haidut

    Lack Of Light Exposure May Be The Main Cause Of The Myopia Boom

    As the study says, there has been a drastic increase in myopia cases over the last century. Early research pointed at excessive indoor book reading and studying as a cause of the epidemic. Unsurprisingly, these initial claims were quickly drowned by fake research denying that such a link exists...
  5. haidut

    Leisure And Desire Required For Intelligence, Knowledge And Progress

    As many of you know, back in the 1970s Peat established something called Blake College in Mexico. Its goal was to provide an environment for true learning, free form the the constraints and dogmatism of modern academia driven by commercial and political interests. In one of his articles, Peat...
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