
  1. haidut

    Almost 40% Of Military Women (and Even More Military Males) Are Infertile

    I think this study should dispel some of the myths about what being "fit" really means, and that being truly healthy or "fit" often are quite divergent paths. Infertility is actually one of the most reliable indicators of poor systemic health and predictor of future chronic disease (in both...
  2. haidut

    Heart Failure Deaths On The Rise In Younger US Adults

    The bad news for younger Americans just keep on coming. In addition to lethal cancers, diabetes, stroke, CVD, infertility, etc now we can add yet another "old man" disease to the list of banes inflicting the "young". The "Young" Have Now Become The Old Heart failure is a condition traditionally...
  3. haidut

    Depression Rates Rising, Most Strikingly In Teens And Millenials

    Yet another bad news for the "young". Given the correlation between mental health and a variety of physiological ailments like CVD, cancer, dementia, etc this latest news matches quite well the overall abysmall picture of the world's declining health. The "Young" Have Now Become The Old I am...
  4. haidut

    The "Young" Have Now Become The Old

    This new study is yet another grim reminder of how much the health of the "young" has really declined over the last several decades. I put the "young" in quotation marks because it is becoming increasingly clear that those people are only young chronologically. Biologically, these people are...
  5. haidut

    Major Depression Rates Rapidly Rising, Especially In Young People

    I posted a few studies in the past showing that rates for cancer, diabetes, and stroke have increased several-fold over the last decade, and mostly in young people. The official version peddled by the FDA of course is that we just keep getting healthier by the minute and life expectancy is...
  6. haidut

    More Than One Third Of Americans Have Diabetes Or Pre-diabetes

    So much for the "indisputably improving" health of the nation as every HHS secretary since the Vietnam War has officially claimed. Up until recently the claim was that while the nation was getting quite visibly obese by the day that was not translating into adverse health outcomes. Well, so much...
  7. haidut

    Stroke Rates Have Almost Doubled In Young Adults

    I posted recently about two studies showing rapidly increasing incidence of colon cancer, and diabetes in young adults. At least for the colon cancer cases, the respective study itself stated that neither genes, nor obesity can explain the increase. Breaking News: Colorectal Cancer Rates In...
  8. haidut

    Rates Of Diabetes I And II Are Rapidly Rising In Young Children And Teens

    I posted recently the rather sad finding that colon cancer rates have doubled in young people. Colon cancer is one of the cancers considered solidly an "old person" cancer and one with strong genetic component (like most cancers according to the FDA). Breaking News: Colorectal Cancer Rates In...
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