placebo effect

  1. haidut

    The Placebo Effect Is Real And Depends On Human Kindness And Dopamine

    Many forum users have read Peat's writings that the rapport of a patient with their doctor predicts the outcome of their treatment much better than any "objectively" proven drug effectiveness. More importantly, establishing a sense of mutual respect, unconditional acceptance on behalf of the...
  2. haidut

    Theanine As A Novel Painkiller

    The placebo effect has been confirmed in many studies, and there have even been calls to change its name since the current one is at best a misnomer - i.e. we seem to have a much more fundamental and physical connection with our environment than the presence or lack of chemicals/drugs can...
  3. J

    Placebo Effect Vs. Get Better Anyway Effect

    Placebo effects are weak: regression to the mean is the main reason ineffective treatments appear to work
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