
  1. J

    Why would progesterone make fibroids worse?

    I'm on a facebook progesterone page and there is a member there who says progesterone made her bleed more and fibroids worse over time. Why would this be the case?? I thought progesterone is suppose to help not worsen. She said using estrogen settled everything. Is there something we are...
  2. M

    Need advice for uterine / cervical fibroid treatment plan

    Hi, I've been trying to get some advice on this issue a few times now and no luck yet, so let me try this again. Today I saw an NHS gynae specialist for what is suspected to be a fibroid growing from inside my uterus / cervix and protruding out from cervical canal. I thought it was a polyp but...
  3. haidut

    Vitamin D may prevent (and even reverse) uterine fibroids

    Yet another big win for vitamin D, much to the chagrin of the medical establishment, which has been throwing "mud" (read: fake, ghostwritten studies) against vitamin D ever since it showed so much promise in human studies for both preventing and treating COVID-19. Now, the study below...
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