
  1. haidut

    Young age, instead of old, is now a risk factor for stroke...even without predisposing conditions

    Just a week or so ago I did a post on the unfolding epidemic of cancer in the young. Just 20 years ago, most cancers were seen in people over 50 years of age and the strongest predictive factor for developing cancer was age itself. That link has now been reversed and the older generations are...
  2. haidut

    A global epidemic of cancer in the young

    I did a post about 2 years ago where I stated that "the young have now become the old" - i.e. that people under 40 now have the same diseases as people 20-30 years older. At the time, I was ridiculed for my fear-mongering, but now even CNN has stated the exact same thing. The "good" news is that...
  3. miquelangeles

    Earthing/Grounding for health and conductive shoes - in the year of 1876

    In the 1800s a doctor named Joseph Henry Shorthouse hypothesized that cholera and other epidemics were transmitted or caused by a morbid form of electricity in the atmosphere. He made the observation that certain epidemics affect the young and active in particular, whose bodies generate a lot...
  4. ivy

    Monkeypox "epidemic"

    Curious to hear what your governments are saying about this. Portuguese officials told the public that, although sexual transmission hadn't been established, some of the symptomatic people are men who've had sex with other men. El Pais, in Spain, reports similar findings to those of Portugal and...
  5. haidut

    Young people are lonelier than ever

    The actual title of the article, covering recent studies about loneliness rates in Western populations. It dispels the convenient excuse that the "pandemic" is what caused this true epidemic of loneliness by showing those rates were high years before any talk about virus/lockdown entered the...
  6. B

    How China Beat COVID-19

    I'll post this as a separate thread because I think it's very imporant and I've seen no-one talking about it apart from Canadian biologist David Crowe of Infectious Myth. It's the only logical explanation that I can think of for why China has had hardly any new coronavirus cases since March...
  7. Drareg

    Oxford Epidemiologists:COVID Suppression Strategy Is Not Viable

    This interview is worth your time. I notice the covid cult are not liking Unherd for doing these kind of interviews, there are labels growing they are a Russian/Chinese psyop etc ,I have no clue if it’s true or not. Can we trust the numbers? Also on Sweden which was supposed to fall of...
  8. haidut

    A Third Of Americans Show Signs Of Clinical Anxiety, Depression

    The news about deteriorating health of the population just keep piling on. The latest one below shows that at least a third of the US population shows signs of clinical anxiety and/or depression. The reason I put clinical in bold is that it means the pathology is severe enough to require...
  9. haidut

    Lack Of Light Exposure May Be The Main Cause Of The Myopia Boom

    As the study says, there has been a drastic increase in myopia cases over the last century. Early research pointed at excessive indoor book reading and studying as a cause of the epidemic. Unsurprisingly, these initial claims were quickly drowned by fake research denying that such a link exists...
  10. haidut

    Mental Illness Is Skyrocketing In The World’s "happiest" Countries

    I am sure many forum members have heard of the Nordic "wonders" - widely publicized studies purportedly showing that Nordic countries have really low incidence of mental illness, score high on various (and arbitrary) "happiness" indices, have high quality of life, low crime rates, etc, etc...
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