You should be Earthing/Grounding


Jul 30, 2017
I've been experimenting with grounding for the last 2 months. Barefoot on the grass at least 1 hr every day, as well as plenty of sunshine 2 hrs on average.
However, if I try to sleep grounded through the wall outlet (either with heavy litz copper wire on wrist or ankle, or metal mesh under legs) after about 20-30 minutes I start getting mild palpitations and disturbed breathing reflexes, a general feeling of depleted energy, which quickly goes away if I unground myself.
The ground wire may not be completely free of currents, but I don't believe that's the reason of the side effects I experience.
I believe it disturbs the bioelectric potentials and currents produced by biological processes.
Grounding yourself through the wall outlet is not the same as walking barefoot on the grass. The grounding wire is normally connected to a copper rod deep into the ground.
Grounding through your soles may be different than grounding through a skin patch or wrist band, and the exchange of electrons may happen at a different pace.
I don't believe it's natural to sleep grounded.
Most animals sleep in nests made of dry leaves, wood etc which are poor conductors.
Also most mammals have fur or wool which are also poor conductors.
If you check the wound healing study it says "Treatment consisted of a daily 30-minute grounding session with an electrode patch while patient was seated comfortably", it wasn't overnight.
Even if the ground wire was "dirty", it might still have a beneficial effect - plenty of studies about electrical stimulation to accelerate wound healing.
However, I have found that grounding for ~5 minutes is beneficial.
We are exposed to electric fields everywhere, and they induce intracorporal currents.
Every wire in your wall has an electric field that extends way beyond the wall into the room, and your body acts like an antenna. The electric field is there even if no appliance is running. Turning off electricity from the breaker panel at night, at least for the bedroom, is a good idea.
I've experimented with high power close-distance incandescent light and it took me a while to realize that a lot of the effects and side-effects were from the powerful electric fields. With a 20-minute session I would feel energized and euphoric, but when I did 60 minute sessions I was getting heart rhythm disturbance.
It is more important to neutralize any electric and magnetic fields in the area where you spend most time, and especially in your sleeping area, rather than sleeping grounded. If you ground yourself in an area with electric fields your body will act like an antenna.
The type of fabric that you wear and that you sleep on is extremely important.
It has a very profound effect on the bioelectric fields in the body.
If anyone experimented with high-end audio you will know that the dielectric of a cable (the jacket or the insulator material) will sound different whether it's PVC, PTFE, cotton, silk, paper etc. In the same way the fabric that touches the body influences the bioelectric fields. This is common knowledge among acupuncturists.
That’s really interesting stuff you shared. It reminds me how yogis would sit on dried grass mats and not directly on earth when meditating.

So how does the electromagnetic exchange happen exactly when we ground? Are we getting negative electrons like it’s promoted? Or are we getting electrons leached from the body?

I would assume this is different for plants and water correct? Is there a reason they have different effects from always being grounded?


Mar 18, 2021
That’s really interesting stuff you shared. It reminds me how yogis would sit on dried grass mats and not directly on earth when meditating.

So how does the electromagnetic exchange happen exactly when we ground? Are we getting negative electrons like it’s promoted? Or are we getting electrons leached from the body?

I would assume this is different for plants and water correct? Is there a reason they have different effects from always being grounded?

We are getting both. The immediate benefit of grounding your body is the discharge of any accumulated static electricity into the ground.
But the Earth is also a source of electrons, which seems to have positive health effects. The atmosphere is also electrically charged and it can be harnessed to generate energy. In the early 1900s the Germans built viable prototypes using balloons. The air carries a voltage of around 100 volts for every meter above the ground. There are a few videos on Youtube replicating the experiments using drones.
There are natural electric fields in the sea as well, and they vary by depth.
Some people seem to benefit from sleeping grounded all night. It's possible that certain geographical locations are more beneficial than others depending on the geological structure. There's a whole science called geopathology but I haven't looked much into it. You can do a quick google search.
I did find it beneficial to ground for 5 minutes before bed (through the wall outlet). The same can be achieved by taking a bath.
I live in an apartment building and there may be stray voltage in the ground from the subway and such. I'll have to try again somewhere in the countryside. But I remain skeptical about sleeping grounded regardless.
It may be too much of a good thing. Just like you go to the beach, swim in the ocean, discharge, but you don't sleep in the water.
The fact that bioelectric activity takes place throughout the human body, and is essential to life, makes me even more cautious about disturbing it continuously.
Living cells produce electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields and enable the transmission of information in nerves and the action of muscles.
It is an oversimplification to say just electrons/charged/discharged etc.
There is information in electric fields.
When you play music to your speakers through cables, that's very complex information transmitted through an electric field. It's not just electrons.
In addition to pheromones, the bees use electric fields to communicate with each other.
Avoiding non-natural electric and magnetic fields in your environment is more important than grounding in my opinion.
Plants seem to thrive when grounded. There have been experiments on potted plants grounded vs ungrounded:


Mar 18, 2021
@Judd Crane yes, great series.

A video with timestamp links demonstrating electric fields in a home, and electric field generated by an ungrounded Macbook.



Feb 18, 2018
I've been experimenting with grounding for the last 2 months. Barefoot on the grass at least 1 hr every day, as well as plenty of sunshine 2 hrs on average.
However, if I try to sleep grounded through the wall outlet (either with heavy litz copper wire on wrist or ankle, or metal mesh under legs) after about 20-30 minutes I start getting mild palpitations and disturbed breathing reflexes, a general feeling of depleted energy, which quickly goes away if I unground myself.
The ground wire may not be completely free of currents, but I don't believe that's the reason of the side effects I experience.
I believe it disturbs the bioelectric potentials and currents produced by biological processes.
Grounding yourself through the wall outlet is not the same as walking barefoot on the grass. The grounding wire is normally connected to a copper rod deep into the ground.
Grounding through your soles may be different than grounding through a skin patch or wrist band, and the exchange of electrons may happen at a different pace.
I don't believe it's natural to sleep grounded.
Most animals sleep in nests made of dry leaves, wood etc which are poor conductors.
Also most mammals have fur or wool which are also poor conductors.
If you check the wound healing study it says "Treatment consisted of a daily 30-minute grounding session with an electrode patch while patient was seated comfortably", it wasn't overnight.
Even if the ground wire was "dirty", it might still have a beneficial effect - plenty of studies about electrical stimulation to accelerate wound healing.
However, I have found that grounding for ~5 minutes is beneficial.
We are exposed to electric fields everywhere, and they induce intracorporal currents.
Every wire in your wall has an electric field that extends way beyond the wall into the room, and your body acts like an antenna. The electric field is there even if no appliance is running. Turning off electricity from the breaker panel at night, at least for the bedroom, is a good idea.
I've experimented with high power close-distance incandescent light and it took me a while to realize that a lot of the effects and side-effects were from the powerful electric fields. With a 20-minute session I would feel energized and euphoric, but when I did 60 minute sessions I was getting heart rhythm disturbance.
It is more important to neutralize any electric and magnetic fields in the area where you spend most time, and especially in your sleeping area, rather than sleeping grounded. If you ground yourself in an area with electric fields your body will act like an antenna.
The type of fabric that you wear and that you sleep on is extremely important.
It has a very profound effect on the bioelectric fields in the body.
If anyone experimented with high-end audio you will know that the dielectric of a cable (the jacket or the insulator material) will sound different whether it's PVC, PTFE, cotton, silk, paper etc. In the same way the fabric that touches the body influences the bioelectric fields. This is common knowledge among acupuncturists.

What fabrics are best for wearing to have positive health benefits?

Also is it possible to block outlets so that they don’t emit an EMF out into the living space? How intense is the EMF from an outlet in a standard US house vs the EMF from a cellphone, CPU, Wifi Router, etc…?

Judd Crane

Feb 7, 2017
What fabrics are best for wearing to have positive health benefits?

Also is it possible to block outlets so that they don’t emit an EMF out into the living space? How intense is the EMF from an outlet in a standard US house vs the EMF from a cellphone, CPU, Wifi Router, etc…?
Synthetic fabrics like polyester contains fertility affecting chemicals (you can search the forum for this).

They also conduct static electricity, as opposed to natural fabrics like cotton. Wool also conducts static electricity though.

An outlet doesn't spread radio frequencies like a router, it emits an electrical field which is more localized. Only a concern within about one foots distance.


Jul 4, 2023
I'm an advocate for grounding. It helped me through some rough days. My health problems were pretty severe so I was sensitive to any subtle improvements. On days where I couldn't sleep and was experiencing hypertension and excessive stress, I would walk outside in the dead of night and stand barefoot in a field. It would immediately give me a sense of ease and relaxation and upon returning to bed I would be able to fall asleep.
I've also experimented with laying on the ground up the nearby mountain with no shirt on. After a while I would feel so relaxed, it felt like I was melting into the ground.
I've also had an extremely dangerous experience with grounding. I was working on a project on my parent's farm. Making an encampment to enjoy the outdoors and for bushcraft activities. I learned about grounding before I learned to take EMF seriously so I chose a spot to build on underneath some powerlines. At the time the powerlines were a sort of background fixture that I sort of filtered out of my mind as unimportant since it was far enough in the sky that I wouldn't really see it. About a month of working up there I noticed I developed some really negative symptoms but I would dismiss them as symptoms of overworking myself. Joint pain, fatigue, depressive mood and general deterioration. Grounding would not work up there. Not only did it not work but it made me feel much worse. An unusual symptom I had which may have been a big clue, was that my voice took on this electrostatic type sound, like a robot or val kilmer, darth vader. Soon after that the powerlines entered my conscious mind and a lightbulb went off. I was horrified, then depressed. I finally entertained fully the idea of EMFs and learned I had been grounding and spending way too many hours a day under some of the worst emf conditions possible. I was directly under them and at an elevation that made them relatively close. I was acting as a conduit for these fields to reach earth. I've not been up there since.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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